7thGrade World Geography Syllabus/Gifted and Advanced

Teacher: Ashli Schwartz

Term: 2016-2017 School Year

Course Description: This course is designed to assist students in the achievement of the Georgia Performance Standards. It provides students with the geographic knowledge, skills, and practice needed to become informed and involved citizens in an interdependent world.Students will benefit from and advanced and differentiated curriculum designed to challenge and enrich their basic knowledge of the Performance Standards.

Course Topics: The geography, economics, government, technology, environmental problems, history, and culture of Africa and Asia.

Notebooks:There is no textbook for this class. Information will be presented in the form of oral and visual presentations, through handouts, and other various reading materials. It is imperative that students keep a well organized, current notebook. The notebook will be essential to studying for quizzes and tests and doing outside of class assignments.

Homework:In addition to written homework assignments and projects, students need to review notes or information from the day’s class each night. Written homework not turned in on time will have ten points deducted for each late school day. No assignment will be accepted after five late school days. This is true for any take home tests or projects. If a student is absent, it is expected that his or her work is due the day they return.

Grading Plan:

Tests = 30% (includes projects)

Daily Grades = 45%

Homework= 5%


9 Weeks Benchmark = 10%

Make-Up Work

*Students will follow school board policy for make-up work. Please see student handbook.

*STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE for getting make-up work from the teacher. If a student is absent, they must turn their absent work in within the time allotted by school board. For each day the assignment is late past its due date, ten points will be deducted per day and will not be accepted after five late days.

Behavior Plan:Students will adhere to the 7th grade behavior policies as outlined by their homeroom teachers.


I have read and understand the grading plan, homework policies, behavior plan, and all other portions of the 7th Grade World Geography Syllabus.

Parent Signature: ______Date:______

Student Name:______

8th Grade Georgia History Syllabus/Gifted and Advanced

Teacher: Ashli Schwartz

Term: 2016-2017

Textbook: Georgia and the American Experience (Cost to replace if lost: $35.00)

Course Description: This course is designed to assist students in the achievement of the Georgia Performance Standards. It provides students with the geographic knowledge, skills, and practice needed to become informed and involved Georgia citizen. Students will benefit from and advanced and differentiated curriculum designed to challenge and enrich their basic knowledge of the Performance Standards.

Course Topics: The geography, economics, government, technology, environmental problems, history, and culture of Georgia in the context of American history.

Notebooks:There is no textbook for this class. Information will be presented in the form of oral and visual presentations, through handouts, and other various reading materials. It is imperative that students keep a well-organized, current notebook. The notebook will be essential to studying for quizzes and tests and doing outside of class assignments.

Homework:In addition to written homework assignments and projects, students need to review notes or information from the day’s class each night. Written homework not turned in on time will have ten points deducted for each late school day. No assignment will be accepted after five late school days. This is true for any take home tests or projects. If a student is absent, it is expected that his or her work is due the day they return.

Grading Plan:

Tests = 30% (includes projects)

Daily Grades =45%


Homework= 5%

9 Weeks Benchmark = 10%

Make-Up Work

*Students will follow school board policy for make-up work.

*STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE for getting make-up work from the teacher.If a student is absent, they must turn their absent work in within the time allotted by school board. Points will start being deducted after the allotted time at ten points daily. No assignment will be accepted after five late school days.

Behavior Plan:Students will adhere to the 8th grade behavior policies as outlined by their homeroom teachers.


I have read and understand the grading plan, homework policies, behavior plan, and all other portions of the 8th Grade Georgia History Syllabus.

Parent Signature: ______Date:______

Student Name:______