7th Grade Writing Prompts – FIVE of SEVEN sentences Each Due Jan 6th
1. On December 1st in 1955, Rosa Parks was brave and refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. What is the bravest thing you have ever done?
2. December 4th is “National Cookie Day.” Create a new type of cookie. What are the ingredients? What is its name? How would you promote the sale of your cookie? Be sure to include a drawing of your new cookie (color).
3. December 5th, 1901, Walter Elias (Walt) Disney was born in Chicago. What is your favorite Walt Disney movie and why?If you haven’t seen any Disney movies, which movie would you like to see and why?
4. On December 6, 1865, the 13th Amendment was passed. This amendment abolished, or ended, slavery. Why do you think it was important for our country to end slavery?
5. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. This was the beginning of the United State’s involvement in World War II.Use recourses and write a paragraph describing facts about this event.
6. December 11th, 1620, the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock. What do you think it would have been like getting off the boat across the ocean to your new home? Would you have been excited to begin your new life in this unknown land? Or would you have wanted to get back on the boat and go back home?
7. On December 14, 1911, the South Pole was discovered. If you were able to travel to the South Pole, who would you want to take along with you and why? You can choose from anyone – someone you know, someone famous, someone alive, someone who is no longer living, anyone.
8. On December 17th in 1903, the Wright Brothers made their first flight.They had to do a great deal of teamwork in order to be successful. Think of a time that you were involved in teamwork. Explain the situation and why you feel teamwork was needed to be successful.
9. On December 18, 1886, baseball great Ty Cobb, was born. Baseball is considered to be “America’s Pastime.” How do you think this statement came to be and why do think the game of baseball was selected?
10. December 19th is “National Oatmeal Muffin Day.” Muffins are a great choice as a part of a healthy breakfast. Persuade a classmate or sibling to eat a healthy breakfast every day.
11. On this day in 1882, the first Christmas lights were sold. Why do you think people enjoy decorating with Christmas lights? How do you think this tradition began? Does your family decorate with lights for Christmas or any other holiday?
12. December 26th is “National Whiners Day.” You or your classmates may sometimes whine about the food served at your school cafeteria. Do you like the food your school serves? Explain. If you don’t like the food, what would you change and why?
13. December 27th is “Visit the Zoo Day.” When people visit zoos, they get the opportunity to see a variety of animals. Describe your favorite.
14. December 31st is New Year’s Eve. It is the last day of the year. Think back to everything that happened over the course of this last year. Choose from the following to write about:Most exciting event, Saddest event, Happiest event, Most surprising event, orEvent that you wish you could change.