Beach Park

7th Grade Building Vocabulary



Question #1:

Is this statement true or false?

There must be a vowel in every syllable.

  1. true
  2. false

Question #2:

Is this statement true or false?

In the dictionary, the stressed syllable receives a stronger pronunciation.

  1. true
  2. false

Question #3:

How many syllables are in this word?

batch (bach) n. Number or persons or things taken together: group

  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 2

Question #4:

How many syllables are in this word?

trophy (trō fē) n. Cup, bowl, statuette on a pedestal, or other object for display, usually awarded for some achievement.

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 4

Question #5:

How many syllables are in this word?

commotion (kƏ mō’ shƏn) n. Noisy or turbulent disturbance, excitement, or disorder: agitation

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4

Question #6:

How many syllables are in this word?

considerate (kƏn sid’ Ər it) adj. Characterized by a regard for others and their feelings.

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 1
  4. 2

Question #7:

How many syllables are in this word?

elope (I lōp’) v. To run away secretly with one’s lover, especially to get married

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 1
  4. 4

Question #8:

Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer.

Where is the stress mark placed in this word?


  1. a’
  2. no stress
  3. float’

Question #9:

Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer.

Where is the stress mark placed in this word?


  1. a’
  2. no stress
  3. ged’

Question #10:

Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer.

Where is the stress mark placed in this word?


  1. li’
  2. a’
  3. as’

Beach Park

7th Grade Building Vocabulary



Question #11:

Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer.

How many syllables does this word have?


  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4

Question #12:

Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer.

Which syllable in this word is NOT stressed?


  1. first syllable
  2. second syllable

Question #13:

How many syllables are in this word?

begrudge (bi gruj’) v. To envy

  1. 2
  2. 1
  3. 4
  4. 3

Question #14:

How many syllables are in this word?

jilt (jilt) v. To cast off or desert

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Question #15:

How many syllables are in this word?

compete (kƏm pēt’) v. To contend with another or others as if for a prize; vie

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 1

Question #16:

Where is the stress mark placed in this word?

notable (nō’ tƏ bƏl) adj. Worthy of notice; noteworthy, remarkable

  1. no’
  2. ta’
  3. ble’

Question #17:

Which syllable has the primary stress in this word?

representation (rep’ ri zen tā shƏn) n. Account, statement, or description

  1. third syllable
  2. first syllable
  3. second syllable
  4. fourth syllable

Question #18:

Which syllable is stressed in this word?

reception (ri sep’ shƏn) n. Act of receiving or fact of being received

  1. second syllable
  2. third syllable
  3. first syllable

Question #19:

Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer

Which syllable in this word has the primary stress?


  1. second syllable
  2. first syllable
  3. fourth syllable
  4. third syllable

Question #20:

How many syllables are in this word?

barrier (bar’ ƏƏr) n. Something that blocks the way; a defensive barrier; a mountain barrier

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 1

Beach Park

7th Grade Building Vocabulary



Question #21:

Which syllable is stressed in this word?

baffle (baf’ Əl) v. To bewilder or puzzle greatly; perplex

  1. second syllable
  2. first syllable

Question #22:

How many syllables are in this word?

deputy (dep’ yƏ tē) n. Person appointed or authorized to represent or act for another or others

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 2

Question #23:

Which syllable is stressed in this word?

radiant (rā dēƏnt) adj. Shining brightly; beaming

  1. second syllable
  2. first syllable
  3. third syllable

Question #24:

Which syllable is stressed in this word?

violence (vī’ Ə lƏns) n. Great physical force used to injure or hurt

  1. third syllable
  2. first syllable
  3. second syllable

Question #25:

Where is the primary stress in this word?

elevate (el’ Ə vāt) v. To raise; lift up

  1. first syllable
  2. third syllable
  3. second syllable

Beach Park

7th Grade Building Vocabulary


Answer Key

1.A -true

2.A -true

3. A -1

4. B -2

5. B -3

6. A -4

7. B -2

8. C -float'

9. C -no stress

10. B -a'

11. B -3

12. B-second syllable

13. A -2

14. A -1

15. A -2

16. A-no'

17. D-fourth syllable

18. A -second syllable

19. D -third syllable

20. C-3

21.B -first syllable

22. B-3

23. B -first syllable

24. B -first syllable

25. A -first syllable