7th Annual Canadian Cancer Immunotherapy Consortium

7ieme Symposium Canadien Annuel d’Immunotherapie du Cancer

Quebec City

21-23 May/Mai 2014

Wednesday, May 21

17:00-20:00 / Registration
Poster Session 1: Set-up posters (AB 1-20) / Urban Space
18:00-20:00 / Buffet Dinner / Rm 308AB
20:00-21:00 / Opening Remarks
Dr. Pamela Ohashi, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Opening Keynote Lecture
Chair: Dr. Brad Nelson, BC Cancer Agency
Dr. Jerome Galon, INSERM, Cordeliers Research Center
From the immune contexture to the Immunoscore in the era of immunotherapies” / Rm 309AB
21:00-21:30 / Speed Poster Session 1 (SP 1-8 oral presentations)
Chair: Dr. Brad Nelson, BC Cancer Agency / Rm 309AB
21:30-23:00 / Opening Night Reception
Poster Session 1Viewing (AB 1-20)
Meet with delegates
Browse Sponsor Exhibits
Bar service/ cash bar
Hors d'oeuvres served / Urban Space

Thursday, May 22

7:30-8:30 / Breakfast
Registration / Urban Space/
Rm 308AB
8:30-10:00 / Session 1: Immune Therapies
Chair: Dr. Jonathan Bramson, McMaster University / Rm 309AB
Dr. James Gulley, National Cancer Institute
“Unleashing the power of the immune system through combination therapy”
Dr. Mario Sznol, Yale University
“PD-1 – PDL-1 pathway antagonists in cancer treatment”
Dr. Marcus Butler, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Adoptive immunotherapy combinations”
10:00-10:30 / Coffee Break
Beverages and light snack / Urban Space
10:30-11:00 / Speed Poster Session 2 (SP 9-15 oral presentations)
Chair: Dr. Jonathan Bramson, McMaster University / Rm 309AB
11:00-12:00 / Session 2: Vaccines Meet Genomics
Chair: Dr. Brad Nelson, BC Cancer Agency / Rm 309AB
Dr. UgurSahin, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University
“Modulating innate and adaptive immunity for personalized cancer immunotherapy”
Dr. Paul Robbins, NIH/ NCI Surgery Branch
“The use of exomic sequencing to identify mutated tumor antigens”
12:00-13:30 / Lunch
Buffet provided
Poster Session 1: Take down posters (AB 1-20) / Urban Space/
Rm 308AB
13:30-15:30 / Free time
Poster Session 2: Set-up posters (AB 21-39)
15:30-16:00 / Coffee Break
Beverages and light snack / Urban Space
16:00-17:00 / Session 3: Moving Immune Therapy Forward
Chair: Dr. Pamela Ohashi, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre / Rm 309AB
Dr. Lieping Chen, Yale University
Tumor site immune modulation therapy”
Dr. Yves Fradet, CHU de Québec – Hôtel-Dieu de Québec/Université Laval
Towards an integration of immunotherapeutic approaches for bladder cancer”
17:00-18:30 / Poster Session 2 Viewing (AB 21-39)
Bar service/ cash bar / Urban Space
18:30-20:30 / Dinner / Rm 308AB

Friday, May 23

7:30-8:30 / Breakfast
Registration / Urban Space/
Rm 308AB
8:30-10:00 / Session 4: Back to Basics: Modulating T cell activity
Chair: Dr. Rejean Lapointe, Universite de Montreal (CRCHUM; Institut du cancer de Montreal) / Rm 309AB
Dr. Russell Jones, McGill University
“Fuel feeds function: Regulation of T lymphocyte effector function by cellular metabolism”
Dr. Tania Watts, University of Toronto
“Control of B lymphoma through regulation of TRAF protein degradation”
Dr. Amnon Altman, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology
Control of Treg function by protein kinase C-eta : A novel target for cancer immunotherapy
10:00-10:30 / Coffee Break
Beverages and light snack / Urban Space
10:30-11:00 / Speed Poster Session 3 (SP 16-22 oral presentations)
Chair: Dr. Rejean Lapointe, Universite de Montreal (CRCHUM; Institut du cancer de Montreal) / Rm 309AB
11:00-12:00 / Closing Keynote Lecture
Chair: Dr. Pamela Ohashi, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Alexander Rudensky, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center/ HHMI
“Regulatory T cells and cancer” / Rm 309AB
12:00-12:30 / Closing remarks
Dr. Pamela Ohashi, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Poster Session 2: Take down posters (AB 21-39)
Meeting Adjournment / Rm 309AB
Check out at the Delta Quebec no later than 13:00
See you at CCIC 2015!