Debate: Gr. 9 Science - Electricity!

Debate Dates: Wed April 29th and Fri May 1st

(If you are absent you will receive zero)

Topic 1: Nuclear energy is justified and should be expanded.
Pro vs Con
Topic 2: Current laws and programs in Canada are doing enough to stop the export of e-waste.
Pro vs. Con
Topic 3: Despite resistance from First Nations communities and environmentalists, the James Bay Project is
beneficial for Canada.
Provs. Con
Topic 4: To best approach to help communities without electrical power is to invest in:
a)Electrical Grids (Large Scale) vs. b) Off Grid Electrical Kits for Individual Homes (Small Scale)


PARTICIPANTS: Come prepared with research notes, stand when speaking and speak so that all can hear. Be courteous to the competition and fully answer each and every question from the audience if it is directed to your side.


  1. Opening Statement by the PRO side (general) 3 minute
  1. Opening Statement by the CON side (general)3 minute

Very short break for analysis of opening statements

  1. Statement by the PRO side, giving their strong points 4minutes

(should be specific statements)

  1. Statement by the CON side, giving their strong points 4 minutes

(should be specific statements)

Very short break for analysis of the specific statements

  1. Rebuttal by the PRO side 2 minute
  1. Rebuttal by the CON side 2 minute

7. Questions directed to the Speakers 8 minutes

One person at a time, chosen by the moderator

Tell which side your question is for

Factual questions only

No fighting with the speaker

  1. Concluding statement by the PRO side 3 minutes

9. Concluding statement by the CON side 3 minutes


Topic 1 pro / Madeline / Jason / Kaelan
Topic 1 con / Helena / Charlie / Patrick
Topic 2 pro / Hannah B. / Eric / Mason
Topic 2 con / Katya / Michael / Melissa
Topic 3 pro / Julia / Eden / Veronica / Jesse
Topic 3 con / Yolanda / Kieran / Matthew / Sophie
Topic 4 pro / Itai / Ben / Hannah Z. / Noa
Topic 4 con / Avi / Victoria / Adam / Kaitlin

Gr. 9 Science! Debate: Electricity: Name:

  1. Information /10
  2. Use of Facts/Statistics /10
  3. Respect for Other Team /10
  4. Understanding of Topic /10
  5. Effective Communication and Volume /10

Total: / Application /40 / Communication /10

Gr. 9 Science! Debate: Electricity: Name:

  1. Information /10
  2. Use of Facts/Statistics /10
  3. Respect for Other Team /10
  4. Understanding of Topic /10
  5. Effective Communication and Volume /10

Total: / Application /40 / Communication /10

Gr. 9 Science! Debate: Electricity: Name:

  1. Information /10
  2. Use of Facts/Statistics /10
  3. Respect for Other Team /10
  4. Understanding of Topic /10
  5. Effective Communication and Volume /10

Total: / Application /40 / Communication /10

Debate Rubric

CATEGORY / 4(80-100%) / 3(70-79%) / 2(60-69%) / 1(50-59%)
(K/U) / All information presented in the debate was clear, accurate and thorough. / Most information presented in the debate was clear, accurate and thorough. / Most information presented in the debate was clear and accurate, but was not usually thorough. / Information had several inaccuracies OR was usually not clear.
Use of Facts/Statistics
(T, A) / Every major point was well supported with several relevant facts, statistics and/or examples.
Includes references. / Every major point was adequately supported with relevant facts, statistics and/or examples. Includes references. / Every major point was supported with facts, statistics and/or examples, but the relevance of some was questionable. / Every point was not supported.
Respect for Other Team
(C) / All statements, body language, and responses were respectful and were in appropriate language. / Statements and responses were respectful and used appropriate language, but once or twice body language was not. / Most statements and responses were respectful and in appropriate language, but there was one sarcastic remark. / Statements, responses and/or body language were consistently not respectful.
Understanding of Topic
(K/U) / The student clearly understood the topic in-depth and presented their information forcefully and convincingly. / The student clearly understood the topic in-depth and presented their information with ease. / The student seemed to understand the main points of the topic and presented those with ease. / The student did not show an adequate understanding of the topic.
(C,T) / All counter-arguments were accurate, relevant and strong. / Most counter-arguments were accurate, relevant, and strong. / Most counter-arguments were accurate and relevant, but several were weak. / Counter-arguments were not accurate and/or relevant
(C) / Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the presentation. / Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 90% of the time. / Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 80% of the time. / Volume often too soft to be heard by all audience members.