True or False. Write the word true or false next to each statement below.
1. ______The book of Ruth teaches us that the situation during the time of the judges was hopeless.
2. ______The book of Ruth is not very closely connected to the book of Judges.
3. ______Ruth was a heathen who was brought within God’s covenant and made a faithful and true member of God’s covenant nation.
4. ______The book of Judges shows that Israel needs a king, but the book of Ruth shows how God was preparing to give Israel a king who would truly reign for Him.
5. ______The book of Ruth has nothing to do with kingship.
6. ______The evil developments at the time of the judges was due to the fact there was then “no king in Israel.”
7. ______The book of Ruth is a vital connecting link between the old and the new order since it shows how God began to prepare for the development of the theocratic kingdom.
8. ______The book of Ruth takes us from a state of lawlessness, corruption and decay of authority, to the birth of that man who was to be God’s chosen king—David.
9. ______Ruth was highly favored since she was the great-grandmother of king David, even though she was not in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
10. ______Ruth can be called a “stranger” because she was a Moabitess and therefore she was by birth a stranger to God’s covenants of promise made with Israel.
11. ______The history of Ruth is a beautiful illustration of what the grace of God does for every spiritual stranger who trusts in Jesus Christ.
12. ______The good news “heard in the country of Moab that the LORD had visited His people in giving them bread” should not be compared to the message of the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. (Ruth 1:6)
13. ______The history of Orpah shows that salvation is strictly a personal and an individual matter.
14. ______Orpah illustrates the lamentable case of many who have a certain interest in divine things, and who respond in a certain measure to their attractive power – but they are not prepared to renounce the world and its attractions and journey towards a better country, that is, a heavenly.
15. ______Orpah “returned to her people and to her gods” but Ruth desired to be with the people of Naomi and that the God of Naomi would also be her God. (Ruth 1:15-16)
16. ______It is against the nature of the human heart to part with all its gods, all in which it puts its trust, and to say of the Lord Jesus Christ, “Thy God shall be my God”.
17. ______Most people today who call themselves Christians have received the risen Christ as their righteousness before God, and worship Him as their Lord.
18. ______Boaz was a suitable relative-redeemer for Ruth because he was a “mighty man”, and a man “of wealth”. (Ruth 2:1)
19. ______Ruth expected Boaz to take knowledge of her and to be interested in her because she was a “stranger” and therefore she was not filled with wonder and humility when he spoke to her.
20. ______The word redeem means to “purchase”, “buy back” or “to pay the price” for something.
21. ______All men by nature have lost their possessions through sin and are born in bondage (slaves) to sin; and therefore the matter of redemption should be one of great importance for them.
22. ______By our own efforts we may be able to accumulate the price required to buy ourselves out of the condition into which we have been brought through sin.
23. ______The price of the believer’s redemption was with “silver and gold”. (1 Peter 1:18-19).
24. ______Man’s true hope lies in the great fact that God has not left him without a Close-Relative. (Ruth 4:14)
25. ______The relative-redeemer did not have to be closely related in order to redeem someone.
26. ______In order for Jesus to be closely related to the fallen race of Adam, He had to be born of a woman and take on Him the human nature of man.
27. ______Boaz was the most closely related relative to the family of Elimelech and therefore it was his responsibility to redeem Ruth.
28. ______The closer relative is a figure of the “old man,” or the “natural man” who, when tested by the law of God, was manifested as a failure in respect to its every requirement.
29. ______Redemption was wholly beyond the means of our old man, the nearer related relative. But there was One who could pay the price and who was willing by His blood to pay the price in full!
30. ______The history of Ruth is similar to the experience of every sinner who from among the Gentiles, through the Gospel of God’s grace, turns to Him, believing in Jesus Christ!