CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION / Enquiries are to be directed to:Coordinator Special Services
Telephone: (08)8343 2201
Fax: (08)83432905
Delivered to 77 Grenfell Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000; or
Emailed to
Note: If submitting via email, please phone(08) 8343 2029 to confirm receipt. Also, it may be necessary to split the application into several emails to keep it to an acceptable size.
Conditions for Submission of an Application, including:
Annexure A:Application Details.
Annexure B:Assessment of Applications.
Statement of Requirements
Panel Agreement – Professional Services
Application Form
DPTI: Provision of Vegetation Services (Panel Agreement)Page 1
The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) has established a panel of professional service providers (“Panel Contractors”) for the following categories:
(a)Vegetation Surveys / Assessments
(b)Vegetation Safety Surveys
(c)Drive-by Vegetation Surveys
(d)Fauna Survey / Assessments
(e)Tree Assessment / Reports
Companies wishing to be appointed to a panel are invited to submit an application in accordance with the attached ConditionsSubmission of an Application. To be appointed, Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they have the appropriate skills, management systems and experience in the relevant categories. The submission must contain all of the information requested in Annexure A to the Conditions for Submission of an Application.
The panels are generally “open” panels; ie,a company may submit an application at any time. However, the number of companies appointed to a panel will be largely determined by DPTI’s anticipated workload for each category.
Submissionswill be assessed against the criteria listed in Annexure B to theConditions for Submission of an Application. If a company is successful, they will then be invited to sign a contractual agreement consisting of the Statement of Requirements, the DPTIPanel Agreement and their submission.
The need for the services will be dependent on the Principal’s workload requirements. Companies who have been accepted on to a panel may be invited to either:
- undertake work at the rates included in their submission; or
- submit a quotation (usually for larger packages of work).
DPTI is under no obligation to request any Panel Contractor to provide services or to submit a quotation and Panel Contractors are not guaranteed any work during the term of the agreement. Applicants should be aware that if the rates submitted are higher than industry averages for no additional benefit to DPTI, it is unlikely that they will be requested to provide services to a significant extent.
DPTIwill take a number of factors into consideration when determining which Panel Contractors will be invited to provide services or submit a quotation, such as the estimated value of the work and eachPanel Contractor’s resource availability, workload, skills / experience and ability to provide value for money.
DPTI: Provision of Vegetation Services (Panel Agreement)Page 1
CS Annexure
These Invitation Documents comprise of the documents listed in the contents page. The Principal may amend the Invitation Documents at any time.
Any DPTI publications referred to in these documents are available from the internet at:
These Conditions of Submission prescribe the rules for the conduct of the application process. By submitting anapplication, an Applicant agrees to comply with, and be bound by, the rules contained within these Conditions of Submission.
Except for any express statement contained in theseInvitation Documents, theApplicant warrants that in lodging its application it did not rely on any express or implied statement, warranty or representation, whether oral, written, or otherwise made by or on behalf of the Principal, its officers, employees, agents or advisers. An Applicant cannot rely upon any document designated as “For Information Only”.
This invitation is not an offer and these Conditions of Submission will not form part of any Contract.
Prior to submitting anapplication, an Applicantis deemed to have:
a)examined all written documentation made available by the Principal to the Applicants for the purpose submitting an Application; and
b)examined all information relevant to the risks, contingencies and other circumstances having an effect on the applicationand obtainable by the making of reasonable enquiries.
Enquiries are to be directed to the Contact Officer(s) nominated on the cover sheet of this Invitation document.Applicants cannot rely on communication with any other person(s) with regard to the application process.
It is the responsibility of the Applicant to request any clarifications or additional information arising from analysis of theseInvitationDocuments. The DPTI Contact Officer may stipulate that any request for clarification or additional information arising from analysis of this document be forwarded in writing.
Applicants, their employees and agents shall:
a)at all times act with integrity;
b)declare any actual or potential conflict of interest;
c)not seek to employ or engage the services of any person who has a duty to the Principal as an adviser, consultant or employee in relation to this process;
d)not collude or enter into any agreement with any other Applicant concerning the preparation of its application, pay any amount to an unsuccessful Applicant or seek to obtain knowledge of the price of any other application;
e)not attempt to influence the outcome of this process by offering gifts, employment or other benefits to SA Government employees or persons engaged by the Principal and others who are in a position to influence the award of the contract;
f)not attempt to seek confidential information in respect of this applicationprocess from the SA Government employees and others who have access to confidential information; and
g)not make any news releases or responses to media enquiries and questions pertaining to this application process without the Principal’s written approval.
The Applicant’s submission must comply with the following:
a)the submission shall be lodged in accordance with the requirements stated on the cover sheet of this Invitation document;
b)all documents and schedules listed in CTAnnexureA shall be included in the submission; and
c)hard copy documents shall be sealed in an envelope or package, marked confidential and clearly identified as a submission for this Panel Contract.
The Applicant’s submission shall become the property of the Principal.
Applicants bear all costs that they incur in the application process, which includes any subsequent contract negotiation phase prior to the award of a contract.
A conforming application must address every matter and comply with every requirement specified in these Invitation Documents. An incomplete application or anapplication which does not comply with every requirement specified in these Invitation Documents will be deemed to be a non-conforming application. At the absolute discretion of the Principal, a non-conforming application may be rejected.
Applications will be assessed in accordance with DPTI evaluation procedures and the criteria listed in CTAnnexureB "Assessment of Applications".
At any time prior to award of a contract, the Principal reserves the right to:
a)seek clarification of any aspect of a application;
b)seek the advice and / or assistance of external consultants regarding the assessment of applications; and
c)make enquiries of any person, company or organisation to ascertain information regarding any Applicant and its application.
If requested by the Principal, selected Applicant(s) must provide additional written information regarding their application or attend an interview.
No representation made by or on behalf of the Principal in relation to these Invitation Documents (or its subject matter) will be binding on the Principal unless that representation is expressly incorporated into the contract ultimately entered into between the Principal and a successful Applicant.
The Principal will treat applications (including information submitted at the request of the Principal after the date of close of applications) as confidential and will not disclose application contents, except:
a)as required by law;
b)to the Principal’s agents and advisors for the sole purpose of application evaluation;
c)to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (or other government authority having relevant jurisdiction) if the Principal reasonably suspects that there is cartel conduct in relation to this application process; and
d)where an Applicant is successful, in accordance with Premier and Cabinet Circular 27 (PCO27) on the South Australian Government’s Contracts website
The Applicant agrees to comply with PCO27, a copy of which is available from
The Applicant agrees that unless indicated otherwise, all information provided by the Principal to the Applicant after the date of close of applications is confidentialand the Applicant shall undertake to maintain such information as confidential.
The Applicant warrants that it will maintain the validity of its application for a period of 90days from date of submission of application.
The Applicant agrees and acknowledges that the Principal is under no obligation to accept the lowest or any application received. In its absolute discretion, the Principal may reject any application at any time or abandon this application process.
Nothing in these Invitation Documents or any subsequent application assessment or negotiation process is to be construed as creating a binding contract (express or implied) between the Principal and any Applicant. No legal relationship will exist between the Principal and any Applicant unless and until the Principal has delivered (either by post, courier, hand delivery or facsimile) a written notice of acceptance of application to the successful Applicant at the address stated on the application form.
DPTI: Provision of Vegetation Services (Panel Agreement)Page 1
CS Annexure
Application Form
Schedule Checklist
The following Schedules:
- Schedule of Rates.
- Certificate of Currency of Public Liability Insurance.
- Certificate of Currency of Professional Indemnity Insurance.
- Organisational structure, including clearly defined positions with names, functions and reporting relationships.
- Work History - Evidence of the successful completion of a number of recent projects in the last 12 months relevant to the category in which the Applicant is offering to provide services including:
- Project name;
- Project description;
- Contract type and/or specialist work undertaken;
- Team delivering project;
- Clients;
- Contract sums;
- Project dates; and
- Evidence of the Applicant having completed previous tasks to customer’s specified time, cost and quality requirement. The Applicant shall provide contact details for appropriate referees.
- Qualifications and Experience - Details of staff numbers and the experience and expertise of staff including Managers, Supervisors and Employees that specifically addresses the following information for the category of service for which staff have been nominated:
- Number of years of experience staff have within the industry in the relevant category of service;
- Location of staff member;
- Details of relevant projects undertaken;
- Qualifications relevant to the category of service being offered, licences and other relevant training;
- Relevant skills and specialist abilities; and
- Knowledge and history of working with government specifications, briefs and/or standards and guidelines.
- Curriculum vitas for all staff nominated to provide the Services.
Applications must:
a)include all documentation outlined above;
b)be marked for the attention of:
Manager Contracting Services
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure.
c)be submitted electronically- (do not submit paper copies):
If the application is on a CD or USB, it may be either posted or delivered in accordance with the details displayed on the cover page.
If the application is attached to an email(s), it must be forwarded to - refer to cover page for constraints.
Files must be clearly identified. Each file name must indicate the applicable Schedule number and contain the required information.
Applications will be evaluated in accordance with the following criteria and weightings:
Applicant’s organisational structure / 10%Work History / 30%
Qualifications and Experience / 60%
The proposed applicants may have an audit undertaken on their management systems, ie Quality Management and OHS&W. Applicants that do not have satisfactory management systems will be excluded from consideration. Accessibility of the nominated personnel will also be taken into consideration in the assessment.
DPTI: Provision of Vegetation Services (Panel Agreement)Page 1
Schedule of Agreement Documents
The Services shall be provided in accordance with the following documents, which comprise the Agreement:
(1)Instrument of Agreement
(2)Statement of Requirements
(3)DPTI Panel Agreement - Provision of Professional Services
(4)Contractor’s Submission
DPTI: Provision of Vegetation Services (Panel Agreement)Page 1
Statement of Requirements
- Scope and Nature of Panel
- Scope of Services
- Contractor’s Obligations
- Specific Project Package Information
- In-house Services
- Performance Evaluation
- Site Visits
- Media Releases
- Public Relations and Right of Entry
- Schedule of Rates
- Payment
Appendix A:Contract Review Form
This Agreement is a Panel Agreement for the provision of vegetation services which may be at various locations within South Australia.
“ARTC” means Australian Rail Track Corporation.
“DPTI Master Specification” means the DPTI Master Specification for Transport Infrastructure (refer:
“DPTI Environmental Documents” means the DPTI Environmental Documents (refer:
“PTSOM” means the Public Transport Services – Operation and Maintenance section of DPTI.
For the purpose of this Agreement any reference to the Superintendent means a reference to the Principal’s Representative.
The Contractor shall be able to provide any or all of the following services as requested:
- Vegetation Surveys / Assessments
- Vegetation Safety Surveys
- Drive-by Vegetation Surveys
- Fauna Survey / Assessments
- Tree Assessment / Reports
The Principal’sRepresentative will provide direction to the Contractor regarding the amount and scope of work to be undertaken for each proposed package of work.
The Contractor shall:
(a)Comply with Vegetation Documents available at
(b)Comply with the relevant DPTI Master Specification Parts;
(c)Comply with all DPTI Public Transport Services – Operation and Maintenance and Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) corridor access requirements, if applicable.
(d)Comply with all DPTI Public Transport Services – Operation and Maintenance and Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) specification requirements and Service Authority standards and regulations, if applicable.
(e)Notify the Principal’s Representative immediately of any significant change to its financial or technical capacity (ie changes in staff nominated for the Panel), ownership or holding, and any convictions or prohibition notices under OHS&W or environmental legislation;
(f)If requested supply vegetation survey data in an electronic spatial data format.
The Contractor shall also notify the Principal immediately of any significant change to its financial or technical capacity (i.e. changes in staff nominated for the Panel), ownership or holding, and any convictions or prohibition notices under WHS Regulations or environmental legislation.
Specific project packages will be sent toone or more Contractors, assessed as providing the most suitable expertise, to prepare a tender and will comprise of, but is not limited to, the following:
(a)The Principal’s Representative delegated Officer administering the project package;
(b)The location and scope of services;
(c)Drawings and/or Sketches;
(d)Reference to the applicable current DPTI Master Specification Parts located at and applicable Vegetation Documents at
(e)Required commencement and/or completion dates.
(f)Any restrictions to hours of work;
(g)Pricing structure and method of payment; and
(h)Other relevant details.
For each project package the Contractor may be requested to provide:
(a)A project methodology plan;
(b)Team resources to be allocated, including key personnel, backup staff and resources and capacity to undertake the package of work in the specifiedtime;
(c)Program of work;
(d)Safety Plan and/or Hazard Management Plan (refer Appendix 2) located at
The Principal’s Representative will issue a notification to the successful Contractor. If the successful Contractor is unavailable, the Principal’s Representative reserves the right to obtain the service from an alternative Contractor.
To ensure appropriate communication and control, the Contractor’s Representative shall be located within the State for the majority of the provision of service, unless otherwise agreed with the Principal’s Representative. Where the Contractor proposes to use staff based in an office other than South Australia, the Contractor’s Representative and the Principal’s Representative shall agree as to the extent to which the staff are required to be located in South Australia.
Where applicable, the Contractor may nominate a separate rate for staff to provide services in-house at thelocationnominated by the Principal’s Representative, on the basis that the Principal will provide office accommodation and equipment. The Contractor’s staff shall remain employees of the Contractor and shall not be deemed to be employees of the Principal.
The Principal’s Representative will provide performance evaluation feedback to the Contractor on the following criteria at the completion of a contract by completing a “Contract Review Form” (refer Appendix 3):
(a)Quality of documentation, including clear objectives and scope, complete, concise, accurate and realistic description of requirements, issues and risks addressed.
(b)Contract management performance including timeliness and adequacy of response to requests, practicality and reasonableness of specification interpretations, cooperation and communication.
The Contractor may provide comment on this evaluation and provide performance evaluation feedback to the Principal’s Representative on the following criteria:
(a)Project Deliverables/Requirements, including technical capacity, methodology and communication, compliance with relevant standards, guidelines and procedures, standard of deliverables.
(b)Timeliness, including milestone dates achieved and service completed on time, timeliness in communicating issues and concerns, timely and adequate response to additional client requirements.
The results will be taken into consideration when allocating future work packages.
The Principal’s Representative may evaluate and review Contractor performance and quality of work at any stage during the course of the Panel Agreement.