TYCA-West 2012

Conference Schedule

Friday, October 19

7:30 am - 8:30 am RegistrationContinental Breakfast OAK ROOM

8:30 am - 11:30 am General Session OAK ROOM

SLCC Welcome: Stephen Ruffus, Associate Dean, SLCC English Department

TYCA-West Welcome: Louise Bown, Local Arrangements Chair

National TYCA Business: Andy Anderson, TYCA

Conference Notes & Keynote Introduction: Stephanie Dowdle Maenhardt,

Program Chair

Keynote Address: Ryan R. Goble "The Power of Paradox: Active Learning for

the 21st Century Professor!"

11:40 am - 1:00 pm Plenary Session 1

“Redesigning First Year Composition” Angela Clark-Oates, Arizona State University; Jason Pickavance, Salt Lake Community College; Duane Roen, Arizona State University; Brittany Stephenson, Salt Lake Community College

STC 221-223

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch OAK ROOM

2:10 pm - 3:30 pm Breakout Session 1

“Garrison Keillor and the Six-Audience Portfolio: Using Embarrassing Moments to Teach and Explore Genre and Audience in First-Year Composition” Jeffrey G. Howard, Utah State University

“Grammar To, With and By Students” Diantha Smith, Utah State University

STC 213

“A Conversation about Leadership in a Two-Year College English Department” Jeff Andelora, Mesa Community College & Stephen Ruffus, Salt Lake Community College

STC 219

“Connect and Retain Writing Students by Altering Mindsets and Engaging Learning” Alex Arreguin, Mesa Community College & Leanna Hall, Mesa Community College

STC 225

3:40 pm - 5:00 pm Breakout Session 2

“Making Clarity ‘King’: Enthroning Clear Writing as the Objective of Discourse”

Jacob Thomas, Utah State University

“Two-Year College Faculty Engagement with Professional Organizations and the Future of English Departments” Christie Toth, University of Michigan & Diné College

STC 213

“Samples and Loops: What Modern Music Can Teach Us about Multimodal Composition Practices and Intellectual Property” Thomas Patrick Henry, Utah Valley University

“Striving for Incompleteness: In Favor of a Hybridized Complete/Incomplete Grading System” Michael Kimball, Salt Lake Community College

STC 219

“The Hybridization of Composition Teachers at the Two-Year College” Chris Nielson, Glendale Community College & Amanda Murphy, Glendale Community College

STC 221

“The Not-So Distant Education – Blended Comp Courses that Rock!” Alisa Cooper, Glendale Community College

STC 225

Saturday, October 20

7:30 am - 8:30 am RegistrationContinental Breakfast OAK ROOM

8:40 am - 10:00 am Plenary Session 2

“National TYCA: Policy Advocacy Session Proposal for 2012 Regional TYCA Conferences” Andy Anderson, TYCA Associate Chair & Clint Gardner, TYCA-West National Representative

OAK Room

10:10 am - 11:30 am Breakout Session 3

Using the Framework of Success in Postsecondary Writing to Foster Learning” Angela Clark-Oates, Arizona State University; M. Whitney Olsen, Arizona State University; Duane Roen, Arizona State University

OAK Room

“A Thousand Words Worthy: Teaching Students to Write about Graphic Texts” Brandon Alva, Salt Lake Community College

“Designing a Hybrid English 101 Course: What will it Look Like?” Burke Sorenson, University of Phoenix

STC 213

“Kill the Messenger, Keep the Message: A New Way of Conceptualizing the Beginning Fiction Workshop” Robert Lively, Mesa Community College & Mark Maynard, Truckee Meadows Community College

STC 219

“Web Accessibility & Captioning Basics” Melissa Helquist, Salt Lake Community College

AD 226 (the AD Building is located east of the fountain outside the STC)

11:40 am – 1:00 pm Breakout Session 4

“Inviting Students to the Table: Using a Food Theme to Teach Composition” Charlotte Howe, Salt Lake Community College

“Meeting Future Challenges Through Innovative Pedagogy: A Proposal for Integrating Cases into First-Year Writing Courses” Angela Petit, Idaho State University & Sonja Launspach, Idaho State University

STC 219

The Future of Basic Writing” Peter Adams, Community College of Baltimore County

STC 223

“Infusing Publication into the Curriculum” Lisa Bickmore, Salt Lake Community College & Kati Lewis, Salt Lake Community College

AD 226 (the AD Building is located east of the fountain outside the STC)

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch & Business Meeting OAK ROOM

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm TYCA-West Executive Board Meeting Location TBA

Keynote Speaker: Ryan R. Goble

Ryanbegan his teaching career as a high school English teacher in Ann Arbor, MI. He has since taught, consulted and presented for a wide variety of students, schools and organizations all over the United States. Ryan holds a Master's Degree in Education and a Bachelor's Degree in English from the University of Michigan. In 2005 Ryan began his doctorate (part-time) at Teachers College Columbia University. During his four years in New York City he mentored teachers in all disciplines, coordinated curriculumand collaborated with the entire staff to develop professional learning communities at Banana Kelly High School in the South Bronx.

Ryan's work has been featured in publications like Teacher Magazine, The Boston Globe and The Detroit News. He frequently blogs at the “Making Curriculum Pop” Ning and has written for publications including the Journal of Staff Development, Journal of Media Literacy and the New York Times Learning Network. Presently, he’s co-writing curriculum on climate change and sustainability for NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. His first book (co-written with his mother) called Media Circles is due from Maupin Press in Summer 2012.

Ryan has an extensive background in the entertainment industry. He worked in marketing for Virgin Records, was a DJ at NPR in Detroit and worked at E! Entertainment Television in Los Angeles. Ryan’s high school students have worked with actors Robin Williams, Julianne Moore, screenwriter William Goldman (The Princess Bride & All The President’s Men) and director Spike Jonze. Ryan is the founder of a company that started by creating rock-and-roll study guides but now focuses on consulting. He also shares many exciting resources with educators through his online social network with over 6,000 educators all over the globe at "Making Curriculum Pop" mcpopmb.ning.com.

Since 1999 Ryan has been training teachers in active learning, “better practices,” and new media in classes and workshops all over the country. In 2009 Ryan and his wife moved home to Chicago where he presently adjuncts in the education departments of Aurora and Roosevelt Universities and consults for local community colleges and school districts. In 2010 Ryan completed a six-year term on the National Council of Teachers of English's (NCTE) Media Commission and became co-president of that organization in 2011. He plans to complete his dissertation on “Secondary Teachers and the Uses Media" by Winter 2013.

Exhibitors and Sponsors OAK ROOM


Macmillan (Bedford/St. Martin’s)

McGraw Hill


Salt Lake Community College

SLCC Department of English

Thank you for your support!


TYCA-West Board

Clint Gardner, TYCA National Rep

Alisa Cooper, Web Master

Jeff Andelora, TYCA-West Treasurer

Ron Christiansen, UT State Rep

Liza Kiesell, AZ So. State Rep

Dan Pund, AZ No. State Rep

Brad Waltman, NV State Rep

Stephanie Dowdle Maenhardt, Program Chair

Louise Bown, Local Arrangements Chair

Map of SLCC’s Taylorsville/Redwood Campus

All conference proceedings will take place in either the STC (Student Center) or the AD (Administration Building).



TYCA-West 2013 will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada!

The theme for next year’s conference is “THE EVOLVING CLASSROOM: Surviving the New Generation Gap.”
Today's students have been tweeting, chatting, texting, and social networking since childhood. The expectation is that they will naturally interact with technology. Many, if not most, college educators are digital immigrants trying to keep up with the ways in which the pedagogical teaching paradigm has been dramatically transformed within a short period of time. How do we shift from the blackboard to the tweet while not negating our ability to remain effective teachers? What are methods that we use in the modern classroom that could help our colleagues join us in the 21st Century? What are the drawbacks of not shifting into the new era? Do you know anyone who still uses overheads? How do students react to the shift, or lack thereof? We hope to address these questions as well as other effective teaching methods in our TYCA-West 2013 Conference in Las Vegas. Please join us for a fun, methods and materials-sharing conference! We look forward to seeing you here!
Note: Please excuse our absence from TYCA this year. With NCTE and CCCC both coming to our fair city in the next six months, we are all very busy and excited. Hopefully we will run into some of you at one or the other of these great conferences, and maybe we will get some wonderful new ideas to make the TYCA 2013 conference in Las Vegas the best ever!

More details about submitting proposals for the 2013 conference in Vegas are coming soon. Check the TYCA-West website ( for details.
