7.05Science Fiction Story Rubric

Excellent / Good / Needs Improvement / Poor / Comment / Score
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.W.3 / The narrative is clearly focused and maintained throughout. The writer effectively establishes a setting, narrator, and/or characters.
(10 points) / The narrative is adequately focused and generally maintained throughout. The writer Adequately establishes a setting, narrator, and/or characters.
(8 points) / The narrative is somewhat maintained and may have a minor drift in focus. The writer inconsistently establishes a setting, narrator, and/ or characters.
(6 points) / The narrative may be maintained but may provide little or no focus. The writer is very brief, has a major drift, and / or the focus is confusing or ambiguous.
(4 points)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.W.4 / The narrative has an effective plot helping create unity and completeness. The writer has a logical sequence of events from beginning to end.
(10 points) / The narrative has an evident plot helping create a sense of unity and completeness, though there may be minor flaws and some ideas may be loosely connected. The writer has an adequate sequence of events from beginning to end.
(8 points) / The narrative has an inconsistent plot, and flaws are evident. The writer has an uneven sequence of events from beginning to end, and there is a weak connection among ideas.
(6 points) / The narrative has little or no discernable plot. The writer has frequent, irrelevant ideas interfering with content.
(4 points)
Science Fiction Characteristics
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.W.3 / The writer engages the reader by successfullyusing a variety of literary devices, such as metaphor, simile, personification, flashback, alliteration, symbolism, or imagery.
(10 points) / The writer engages the reader by using a variety of literary devices, such as metaphor, simile, personification, flashback, alliteration, symbolism, or imagery.
(8 points) / The writeruses a variety of literary devices, such as metaphor, simile, personification, flashback, alliteration, symbolism, or imagery.
(6 points) / The writertries unsuccessfully to use literary devices in the writing.
(4 points)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.W.4 / Specific nouns, strong verbs, and well-chosen modifiers create vivid pictures and express clear feelings. The writing uses eloquent words and phrases,
showing details and rich sensory language
and mood to convey a realistic picture of
the experiences, events, setting, and/or
(10 points) / Specific nouns and strong verbs are used. Modifiers are needed to create a clearer picture. The writing uses precise words and phrases, showing details and mood to convey a realistic picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/ or characters
(8 points) / Strong nouns, verbs, and modifiers are needed to create a clear picture. The writing uses words and phrases, telling details and sensory language
to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or
(6 points) / General and overused words do not create a clear picture. The writing uses words and phrases
and telling details to convey
experiences, events, settings,
and/or characters. (4 points) / Style
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.L.2 / Grammar and punctuation are correct, and the writing is free of spelling errors.
(10 points) / The narrative has a few minor errors in punctuation, spelling, or grammar.
(8 points) / The narrative has several errors in punctuation, spelling, or grammar.
(6 points) / Many errors make the narrative confusing and hard to read.
(4 points)
Total / _____/50 Points