The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission Meeting on Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. in the Airport Conference Room. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati and Commissioners William D. Burke, Thomas W. Hurley, Kenneth L. Laytin, Dennis R. Smith and Paul G. Worcester. Also present was Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler, DuBois & King, Inc. and Airport Manager Thomas Maher.
Disclosure: These minutes are not verbatim – they are the secretary’s interpretation of what took place at the meeting. - Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A§22.
Approve Minutes of the October 6, 2016 Meeting: Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Laytin seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
7:00 PM Meeting with Jeff Adler, DuBois King regarding
- Runway extension project – Mr. Adler advised that the contractors are working on the punchlist items andanticipates that these items will be complete for the next meeting. The Federal Aviation Admin. (FAA) required survey is being completed for the new runway. And the plantings along Federal Furnace Road have been completed.
- Conservation restriction- Continuing item.
- Delta Taxiway andNatural Heritage grassland bird study – Epsilon will be working on the wetland delineation next week and then Mr. Adler willfile a Notice of Intent with the Carver Conservation Commission to facilitate a plan for the grassland study. A permit from Natural Heritage will be necessary.
- Tank farm project – Mr. Adler advised the Commission that the scope for this project is being developed.
7:15 PM Final Forge LLC, David Rogers, NW-13 Proposed Lease Approval – Mr. Rogers introduced himself to the Commission and advised that he was requesting a 40 year lease agreement for hangar NW-13 which he planned to purchase to operate his business, Final Forge, LLC, and store his small RV7 airplane. Mr. Rogers noted that he formerly worked for GenTex developing airforce helmets. He chose Plymouth for its central location and to be on an airport. He indicated that his primary goal was to work on the helmets which would consist of mostly prototyping and engineering. He advised that he would have approx. 8 to 10 employees and conduct occasional business meetings but there would be no retail component. Additionally, headvised that a Massachusetts business license was being processed. Overall, he didn’t anticipate any significant impact to the airport. After a short question and answer session Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approvethe lease agreement subject to the purchase of hangar NW-13 and the Massachusetts business license. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
7:20 PM Airport Plaza Trust, Consent of Landlord to Leasehold Mortgage and Security
Agreement – Manager Maher briefed the Commission thatAttorney Galvin had reviewed and approved the agreement and was recommending the Commission approve it also. He advised that it was a standard agreement prepared by Attorney Betters. CommissionerCrociatimade a motion to approve the document. Commissioner Laytin seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
7:25 PMPlymouth Hangar Group, LLC (NexAir/Avwatch) proposed notice of lease, estoppel and potential revision of lease approval – Manager Maher briefed that Plymouth Hangar Group was obtaining a loan through the Small Business Admin. (SBA) and TD Bank that caused somechallenges that resulted in higher than normal attorney fees for the Airport. The Commission suggested that Plymouth Hangar Group be notified that the Airport has done everything they can and that if the approved lease is not accepted by TD Bank and their actions continue to generate legal fees for the Airport then the Commission expects Plymouth Hangar Group to pay them. Commissioner Burke made that a motion. Commissioner Laytin seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
1.Review report concerning New Hangar Construction, Mike Orla – Manager Maher advised that the drainage structure was to be delivered next week. Manager Maher attended a meeting on the Planning Process and several people indicated frustration with the process requirements and the length of time (10 months).
2.Review reports concerning new construction, Ben Bailey – Manager Maher indicated that he and Mr. Adler have had discussions with both Ben Bailey and Dick Carrara regarding the storm water underground treatment requirement which mayimpact their decision to proceed.
3.Review Noise/Safety Complaints – The State Police conducted their annual helicopter training which generated a few noise complaints. The State Police did make numerous efforts to rotate their pattern and were quick to shift their location when notified of a complaint but it is a weeklong event. Commissioner Laytin suggested looking into the use of the Town’s automated phone notification system for various Airport situations such as training, the airshow, the Wings of Freedom visit, etc.
4.Environmental Monitoring Mass DOT grant and grant assurances approval – Manager Maher advised that Mass DOT Aeronautics had issued the Airport a Grant and Grant Assurances for the Environmental Monitoring. The Grant Assurances were approved by the Board of Selectmen at their November 1, 2016 meeting. Commissioner Smithmade a motion to approve both and authorize the Chairman to sign.Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
5.Engineer Selection review – Chairman Fosdick advised that this is a substantial process. The FAA Advisory Circular says that the Commission has to determine qualified engineers. Chairman Fosdick recommends the Commission review the FAA Circular and begin reviewing the engineer qualifications that were sent to them. Tabled.
1.Continued discussion of Airport Layout Plan (ALP runway 15/33 non-precision status) – No Update. Tabled.
2.New Admin building status – No Update. Tabled.
The proposed FY’18 budget has been submitted to the Town and given to the Commission for review.
Commissioner Laytin would like the Commission to proceed with the stop way versusdisplaced threshold discussion. Chairman Fosdick advised that Mr. Adler and Manager Maher were investigating the possibilities.
Commissioner Laytin recommended that the Airport purchase new chairs for the Commission. The current chairs are in disrepair and mismatched.
Commissioner Hurley advised that some of the electrical stanches on the NE ramp hasloose wires and some are knocked over creating a potential hazard. Manager Maher will have Operations remedy the situation.
Commissioner Burke made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
Kenneth E. Fosdick