Mr. Trerice

Room #32

6th grade World Geography 2015-2016


This semester we will be studying World Geography. Our focus will be on the land, people, and cultures of the world.

Topics of Study:

1.  Foundations of World Geography

2.  The World in Spatial Terms

3.  Population and Migration

4.  Culture

5.  Human-Environment Interactions

The Big Question for the year: How can a global perspective help me understand my world?

This year we will be spending much of our time and effort attempting to answer this key question. The goal of this class is to help you better understand the world so you can eventually become a productive member of society.

How to keep informed:

·  Remind: This is a tool I use to contact you several times a week reminding you via text or email (you can choose) of any homework or assessments you need to remember.

·  ClassDojo: this fun tool will be used on a regular basis to keep track of positive behavior in the classroom.

·  iBlog: I will be updating this weekly with our area of study and handouts we will be using for any students who might be absent. Check here for news of upcoming tests, quizzes, or project due dates. You can locate my blog here:

·  Email: Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns you might have with grades, assignments, or other concerns. I check email multiple times per day and will respond in a timely fashion. My email is

·  The materials needed for class

Every day you will need:

o  1.) Pencil

o  2.) Folder (FOR THIS CLASS ONLY)

o  3.) One subject notebook (FOR THIS CLASS ONLY)

o  4.) Your own colored pencils or markers (you may keep these at home or in your locker if you wish- MANY assignments throughout the year will require color)

Homework and Assignments Policy

·  Homework will be assigned often and will always have a due date (often the next day)

·  Every Project will have a due date(will be announced)

·  Late work will be accepted after the due date, but will cost you some points.

o  One day late is 10% off the assignment

o  Two days late is 20% off the assignment

o  Three days and beyond is 50% off

o  After one week it is a ZERO

Extra Credit:

MAJOR EXTRA CREDIT (summative): Each card marking I will give ONE major extra credit opportunity to the entire class. This will usually be an assignment that requires research OUTSIDE of the classroom. In order to receive the extra credit for this assignment you must have no more than 1 missing assignment in the gradebook.

MINOR EXTRA CREDIT (formative): students may bring in ONE of the following EACH card marking for extra credit. Items to bring: box of tissue, glue sticks (at least 4), a box of pencils, a box of markers or colored pencils, or a pack of 3X5 note cards to have for use in the classroom throughout the year.

Grading: Formative vs. Summative

Formative assignments will usually be homework or classwork and will take up most of our class time. These assignments are learning tools to help you understand what we are studying. These types of assignments will be worth 20% of your overall grade.

Summative assignments will usually be quizzes or projects and will be about once a week. Summative assignments are used to check to see if you learned what we already studied. These assignments will be worth 80% of your overall grade.

Why do you need to know this: If you don’t do well on quizzes and projects you won’t do well in this class!


School non-negotiables:

1.  Be on TIME

2.  Arrive to class PREPARED with planner and ID

3.  Bring a POSITIVE attitude to school

4.  COMPLY immediately when a reasonable request is made

5.  Always use proper ETIQUETTE

6th Grade Team non-negotiables

1.  Always have something to read.

2.  Bring the materials needed for each class (this class you need a folder and a notebook).

3.  Be seated and on task by the time the bell rings (There will be bellwork EVERY day as you enter).

4.  Raise your hand and wait to be called on to speak.

5.  At the end of class: Remain in your seats until the teacher dismisses you!

Classroom non-negotiables

·  Be prepared for class by having the required materials to be successful!

·  Always show respect for everyone in the class. Treat people the way you want to be treated

·  Raise your hand and wait to be called on

·  Stay in your seat during teaching time (don’t get up while Mr. Trerice or anyone else is talking to the whole class)

·  Always listen and follow directions the first time