Team 6A - Science

Mr. Cameron

Room C-112


Twitter: @coachcam03 and @DMSTeam6A

6th Grade Science Mission Statement:

To develop students’ scientific knowledge and skills as they relate to Earth, space, and organismal systems so that they can apply the skills to their everyday lives and in their decision making process.

Grading Policy

  • Each student’s quarter grade will be calculated using a points system.
  • Extra credit will be available at various times throughout the year. Therefore, extra credit assignments/projects will not be given.
  • Most grades will be posted within 5 days. Events outside of the school day and out of my control could influence this timeline. Please be patient with this process.
  • Multi-day labs and large projects will require additional time to grade.

Materials needed for class

  • Pencils
  • Pens
  • Highlighter
  • 1” binder specifically for science with 3 dividers
  • A calculator is strongly recommended, but not required.
  • A hard cover notebook with 100+pages
  • 1 set of earbuds or headphones

Team 6A - SciencePeriod 2

Mr. Cameron & Mrs. Walters

Room C-112


Twitter: @coachcam03 and @DMSTeam6A

6th Grade Science Mission Statement:

To develop students’ scientific knowledge and skills as they relate to Earth, space, and organismal systems so that they can apply the skills to their everyday lives and in their decision making process.

Grading Policy

  • Each student’s quarter grade will be calculated using a points system.
  • Extra credit will be available at various times throughout the year. Therefore, extra credit assignments/projects will not be given.
  • Most grades will be posted within 5 days. Events outside of the school day and out of my control could influence this timeline. Please be patient with this process.
  • Multi-day labs and large projects will require additional time to grade.

Materials needed for class

  • Pencils
  • Pens
  • Highlighter
  • 1” binder specifically for science with 3 dividers
  • A calculator is strongly recommended, but not required.
  • A hard cover notebook with 100+pages
  • 1 set of earbuds or headphones

Class Expectations = the 4 B’s

# / Expectation / Explanation
1 / Be on time. / Please be:
In your correct seat when the bell rings;
Sitting quietly and;
Writing down your homework in the agenda.
2 / Be prepared. / Make sure to bring to class:
A pen/pencil;
A binder specifically for science;
Your agenda and;
Anything else I may have asked you to bring to class on that day.
3 / Be respectful. / Be mindful of your surroundings.
Respect each other’s space and property.
Show respect by:
  • Following directions;
  • Listening to others and;
  • Communicating properly (both verbally and non-verbally) during class.

4 / Be ready to learn and participate. / Be positive.
Be enthusiastic.
During team activities and lessons, participate positively in class by:
  • Waiting your turn;
  • Raising your hand;
  • Using the nonverbal cues, and so forth.


  • Homework assignments will vary in number week to week. When assignments are designated as homework, they will be worth between 10 and 20 points. It is our team policy not to accept late homework; therefore, it is important that you write down your homework in your agenda and that you stay organized.


  • Tests will be worth between 61 and 100 points.
  • Quizzes will be worth between 21 and 60 points.
  • All tests and quizzes below 80% can be re-done within threeschool days of them being handed back to the students. It is the students’ responsibility to tell me that they would like to re-take the test/quiz at least one day in advance of taking it. If this were to happen, the student would earn no higher than an 80% on the re-take regardless of performance. This rule is in place to be fair to those students who scored equal to or higher than an 80% and did not get a chance to re-take the quiz or test.
  • Talking during a test/quiz results in a loss of 20% of the point value of that specific test/quiz for the first infraction.
  • Continued disruption during a test/quiz could result in you being sent to the office; Mr. Cameron sending an email home detailing your disrespect to him and yourclassmates; and you completing a re-take that can only earn you up to 60%.

Absent from Class

  • Students are responsible to check their personal files in their respective class crates along the windowsillfor make up work/assignments/returned quizzes and tests/etc.
  • Missed labs must be made up on the assigned make up day. If a student is present in school and misses a lab make up without a valid reason, they will receive a 20-point penalty and have only one more chance for the lab or class activity to be done.
  • Extra help is available. I will make myself available to help as long as I am given at least a days notice. In the event I cannot stay after school, I will make time during the students’ lunch periods to help them.
  • Students are encouraged to express their opinion. It is their classroom and their opinion does count. Please exercise this right at the proper time and place.
  • Students not following the safety rules during labs will be sent to their seats and will receive a zero for that lab. If any disruption continues that could potentially harm other students or myself, then the student will be sent to the office for the remainder of the class period.

Class Resources

  • We will also utilize a host of sources throughout the year including textbooks in class, current events articles, etc. It is essential that the students have a binder to maintain a level of organization throughout the year.

Student Name (Printed)


Student Name (Signed)


Parent Signature


Student Name (Printed) ______Period ______

Lab/Team Work Expectations

On most occasions, you will be placed into a team of 3 to complete a lab or assigned group work. Within each team, there are roles and responsibilities. The following are the responsibilities of each team member. If there are more than 3 team members, then 2 students will share the responsibilities of one of the job titles, but there can only be 1 Lead Investigator. Ultimately, each team member reports back to Mr. Cameron.

  • Lead Investigator –

1)Monitors the progress of the team through the lab or class activity.

2)Acts as the timekeeper.

3)Contributes to the team’s ideas, activity, or lab.

4)Presents the team’s ideas (if necessary) to the class.

  • Researcher –

1)Records your team’s ideas, data, information, etc.

2)Contributes to the team’s ideas, activity, or lab.

3)Gathers the supplies the team needs for the lab or activity.

  • Contributor –

1)If there is an absence on your team, then fill the role of the Lead Investigator or Researcher.

2)Contributes to the team’s ideas, activity, or lab.

3)When your team has a question, asks Mr. Cameron for help.

4)Returns the supplies the team used during the activity to the appropriate place in the classroom.

5)Makes sure the workspace and/or table isclean for the next class period.

Lab Safety/Class Contract

I, the undersigned have read and fully understand all of the safety rules and expectations discussed in class. I intend to adhere each to the best of my ability. If I do not follow the safety rules, I realize that I may receive a zero and be excluded from any future science labs. I will be disciplined and attentive during all class and lab activities, for the welfare of my fellow students and for myself.

Student Signature


Parent Signature

______Date ______

Images retrieved from:

Team 6A Notes

Google Classroom

Many of the teachers on Team 6A will utilize Google Classroom to disseminate information relating to assignments/projects/tests/quizzes. Therefore, it is vital that the students regularly use this resource tool to help them progress through their respective classes. Also as the team leader, I will use Twitter and Remind 101 to communicate important team events/dates/reminders to you. See below on how to subscribe to our team news sources:

Remind 101 Directions

Twitter Directions

If you have a Twitter account, please follow our team at @DMSTeam6A. As team leader, I will use it to post items of importance, pictures from various class activities, etc.