St. Croix Catholic School

6th Grade Religion – Old Testamant

Teacher: Sr. John Thomas Armour, O.P.

; (651)-439-5581 ext. 324

Room: 315

Course Overview: During the course of the year we will study the Old Testament and see how it unfolds God’s plan of love to bring us back to Himself through His Son. We will cover major covenants, events, and people of the Old Testament, as well as find Christ revealed in its pages. In the Created for Greatness curriculum for this year, we will look at the lives of the Old Testament figures through the lens of humility. We will learn the different facets of humility and how this virtue is essential for leadership.


Be prepared before class and attentive during class.

Follow procedures in classroom and directions on assignments.

Be willing to integrate the truths of faith into daily living.

Activities and Assessments(grades will be calculated on a point system)

Participation:This is an inclusive category reflective of attitude, taking part in class discussions, willingness to ask and answer questions, being on time, coming prepared, and showing respect for others.

Organization:Students will be graded periodically on the organization and neatness of their foldersand notebooks.

Homework/Classwork:This includes weekly Scripture quotes, chapter review questions, chapterpackets, and reflections (Scripture, Decision Point, Created for Greatness, etc.).

Projects:Each semester, students will be given opportunities to integrate the truths of the faith and present them through projects such as skits, storybooks, art, and “1 Peter 3:15” (evangelization) challenges.

Quizzes:Students will be quizzed periodicallyon textbook chapters, class notes (including pictures), and class discussions.

Assignments and due dates are given orally, written on the white board, and will be posted on my school website page. All grades can be found on PowerSchool as soon as they are graded. As per the Handbook’s middle school homework/vacation policy, homework will not be given in advance of an absence. When returning from an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed and to complete it. Please check the absent student work folder on the day you return to find out your assignments. Following the middle school guidelines, if an assignment is one day late it will receive a 25% deduction; two days late a 50% deduction; three or more days late will result in a zero.


Image of God - Textbook


Pen(s), Pencil(s)



  • Picture Book
  • Chapter Packets
  • “1 Peter 3:15” Challenges
  • Other Handouts

Notebook Divisions

  • Notes/Answers
  • Scripture
  • Created for Greatness
  • Decision Point