6th Grade Physical Education and Health
Welcome to 6th grade PE and Health!! We are happy to have your child in our class!!
PE and Health will be a combined year long course. Your child will attend Health 2 days (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday) and PE 3 days (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) or (Tuesday/Thursday/Friday).
PE/Health Grading Policy:
60% of total grade: PE based on participation, dressing out and skills assessments
40% of total grade: Health, 2 days/week
PE Activities:
We are going to participate in a wide variety of activities during the year. Some of the scheduled activities include: Volleyball, football, kickball, floor hockey, soccer, basketball, cooperative games, track, tennis and others…
Health Class:
Throughout the year in Health we will do a variety of activities including projects, guest speakers, videos, and of course homework, quizzes and tests. We hope this class will provide the tools to lead you to a healthy lifestyle.
Supplies Needed:
PE- Each student will need to purchase a PE uniform through the BMS Boys or Girls Physical Education Departments. This uniform consists of an Eagle PE shirt (with last name on back) and a pair of royal blue shorts (with a 6 inch inseam)…Uniforms may be purchased for $24during the first week of school. In addition your child will need tennis shoes (shoes that have laces, are tied and are unmarking) and socks each day.
Health- Each student will need a folder, composition notebook and a pen or pencil.
Health Rules and Procedures:
1. Come to class everyday on time.
2. Bring supplies/homework to class every day.
3. Follow directions.
4. Stay on task.
PE Rules and Procedures:
- Students must be in the dressing room by the tardy bell.
- Students must go directly to the locker room. Do not horse play or socialize in the hallway.
- Students have 5 minutes after the bell to be dressed. Dress out for class EVERYDAY!
- There will be NO HORSE PLAY, OR FIGHTING in the locker room or other PE facilities. Fighting will result in an immediate referral to the principal’s office.
- No jewelry can be worn during class- Safety Issue
- The use of profanity will not be tolerated
- When two whistles are blown consecutively during class, everyone must stop the activity and talking immediately. Please listen for further instruction from the coach.
- Courtesy and respect will be shown for classmates and adults at all times.
- All district and school rules, regulations and policies will be followed.
- Personal items must be locked in the provided lockers. Theft is an immediate office referral and will result in BIC.
- Verbal Warning
- Loss of Activity Time
- Teacher conference with Student
- Phone call to parents
- Referral to the Principal’s office
Excuse from PEParticipation
For a student to be excused from participation he/she must bring a note from their parent/guardian stating why activity should be limited or avoided. Their excuse will be honored for a maximum of 3 days if requested. Anything over 3 days will require a doctor’s excuse (the number of days, maximum of three, must be stated on note). THE STUDENT MUST STILL DRESS OUT EVEN THOUGH AN EXCUSED NOTE IS PROVIDED. An alternate assignment will be provided.
The note must include:
Student’s Name
Date or dates to be excused
Phone Number
Parent, guardian or physician’s signature
Students will be assigned a locker and a combination lock for their clothes. The combination lock must be returned at the end of the course. If the lock is lost, the student must pay a $6.00 fine. It is a student’s responsibility to secure their belongings in their lockers!
GISD has moved into the Bring Your Own Device program and we want to make sure all student property is protected while in PE. Devices will not be used during PE class. We would prefer students not bring devices into the locker room. If a student must bring in their device, then it must be turned off, not visible, and it is the student’s responsibility to secure it in their locker. The coaching staff and school are not responsible for items left unlocked.
We are looking forward to a wonderful year! Please feel free to contact us for any reason.
Elizabeth icole Zavala
Girls PE Teacher943-5090 x 6993Girls Health & PE Teacher
Payton ich Sivertsen
Boys PE Teacher943-5090 x 6994Boys Health & PE Teacher
Does your child have any condition(s) that may limit physical activity?
If yes, please describe limitation(s) ______
Please sign and return to your Physical Education Coaches
Parent/Guardian (PLEASE PRINT)Student Signature
Home Phone #Work # (Father)Work # (Mother)
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate