6th Grade Math Syllabus 2016-2017

Ms. Pamela Dahl

Room: Room #330, Hurricane Hall

Phone: 547-8700 x 27935



Standard: Go Math Mathematics 1 (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)

Advanced & Honors: Go Math Advanced Mathematics 1, Course 1 (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)

Course Description:

Students will study a variety of math concepts this year. Both standard and advanced classes are exposed to the same concepts over the course of the year which include ratios, rates, common factors and multiples, fractions, different ways to represent relationships, extending the number system, the coordinate plane, algebraic expressions, solving equations and inequalities, analyzing data, problem solving, area, volume and surface area.

Students will have a district semester exam in addition to module quizzes and unit tests. Classwork and weekly independent assignments are key factors in helping students master the state standards and perform well on assessments.

Course Objective: Students will be proficient in the Florida Standards for 6th grade math by the end of the school year. They will also develop a better understanding of the math concepts needed to be successful in subsequent math courses. Advanced students will begin mastering 7th grade standards as well.

Class Requirements: To be successful in this class, students are expected to…

·  Come to class prepared with their binder and supplies

·  Participate in class activities

·  Take notes

·  Work with a partner/small group when assigned

·  Have a good attitude.

Evaluation: 70% Assessments

25% Classwork

5% Weekly Independent Assignments

Grading Scale: A 100 – 90

B 89 – 80

C 79 – 70

D 69 – 60

F 59 – 0

Class Procedures: 1. Daily routines will include warm-up problems, lesson review, notes that include a statement of the day’s goal and a reflection task, individual, partner and group work.

2. Math work should be completed in pencil or erasable pen. Full name, date and period need to be on all collected work.

3. A spiral notebook is required for notes. All assignments should be stapled into the notebook and kept for future reference.

Late and Make-up Work: Makeup work resulting from an absence must be turned in within the corresponding number of days missed. Late work will be accepted (within one week of due date) but may be penalized if it is unexcused. Please contact me for individual concerns/circumstances.

Extra Help: Students needing remediation or time to complete missed work due to absences will be assigned to my class during the Stingray Success period.

I look forward to working with you and your child this year. This course is designed to help students master the standards and become more confident in their math abilities. If at any time you have questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at .

Thank you,

Pamela Dahl

6th Grade Math Teacher

Hurricane Team

Gamble Rogers Middle School