7th Grade Supply List


Welcome to 7th grade! We are looking forward to a wonderful school year with you as part of our team. Here is some information to help you get ready for September.

On the first day of school, we will review your class schedule and locate your hallway locker. You will also have time to get acquainted with your classmates and meet your 7th grade teachers. Please remember that we are here to help you through your first day and all the days that follow.

There are certain supplies that will help you stay organized and learn all that you can throughout 7th grade. We suggest the following supplies to start off the school year:

One pencil case filled with the following:

  • pens and pencils
  • highlighters
  • colored pencils
  • post-its
  • pencil sharpener
  • erasers
  • USB flash drive labeled with your name

Social Studies:

2-inch binder with a sufficient supply of white lined paper

Marble composition notebook


Expandable file folder

Marble Composition notebook

Mini stapler


1-inch binder with a sufficient supply of white line paper

Writing Workshop:

Two folders with prongs (paper fasteners)

Sufficient supply of white lined paper

A second USB flash drive labeled with your name just for this class

Language Arts:

1-inch binder with sufficient supply of white lined paper

Math Explorations:

One 1 ½ inch 3 ring binder (can be left in the classroom during the year)

3 section dividers

Flash drive (can be used from another class)

World Language:

1-inch binder with 5 dividers for World Language only

A pouch with zipper for supplies

Filler paper

A flash USB drive (using the same one you have of your other classes is fine-create a world language folder on the flash drive)

A folder for World Language only.

Pens, pencils, highlighter, 2 dry erase markers

A set of coloring supplies (crayons, colored pencils and markers)

Large Binder Ring for vocabulary cards

1 package of 3X5 index cards

Physical Education:

All incoming 6th, 7th and 8th graders will be changing for Physical Education. The school provides lockers, however, the student must have a combination lock to secure all valuables during class. Also, all clothes worn to school must be changed to participate in class. Students may wear shorts, t-shirts, sweatpants, or sweatshirts and proper footwear (sneakers preferably). Students are also recommended to bring in some form of antiperspirant or deodorant (sprays are not allowed).


You will need two combination locks: one for your hallway locker and one for your gym locker.

Key locks are discouraged since keys are easy to get lost.


Students provide:

Reeds (alto sax, tenor sax, baritone sax, clarinet, bass clarinet, oboe) as well as mouthpieces for all instruments mentioned

Valve oil (trumpet, french horn, baritone, tuba)

Slide cream (trombone)

Drumsticks and stick bag for drummers, mallets with a stick bag for mallet players

Method book (all brass and woodwind players will use Essential Elements Book 2 Grade 7&8)

3 ring binder (to place music and assorted hand out materials provided by Mr. Gillick)


Students are also responsible for their instruments and mouthpieces for trumpet.

Industrial Technology Education: (Due the second day of class)

1 standard 12-inch ruler

3 #2 pencils or mechanical pencils

1 eraser

Pocket folder with 2 pockets


½ inch binder

Please purchase only these necessities to get you started. Each teacher will notify you of any other supplies that are needed for special projects or activities as they come up throughout the school year.

We hope that you enjoy the rest of your summer, and we look forward to working with you this year!


Your 7th Grade Teachers