6Surveys and Certifications (Class and Statutory)
Statutory1)What are the type of surveys / Class / Statutory
- initial
- Class renewal
- Annual
- intermediate
- Docking
- Additional(Damage repair)
2. Annual Surveys
2. Intermediate Surveys
3. Special Surveys
4. Bottom surveys
5. Damage and repair surveys
6. periodical survey
2)What is statutory survey / It is a compulsory survey required by the law of the state whose flag the ship is entitled to fly
3)How the certificates are issued /
- After the surveyor is satisfied with the conditions he will notify the administration
- administration will issue the certificate or administration will give the authorization to the class surveyor to issue the certificate on behalf of the administration
4) A vessel sails from Colombo to Galle. What are the certificates she must carry / She must carry the certificates required by the administration as per the merchant shipping act 51 of 1971
- Passenger ship safety certificate
- International load line certificate
- Cargo ship safety equipment certificate
- Cargo ship safety construction certificate
- Cargo ship safety radio certificate
5) What is harmonized survey / HSSC is intended to alleviate the difficulties and extra expense for ship owners and operators who, under the survey provisions of the SOLAS, MARPOL and LOADLINE Conventions, had to put their ships out of service at different times for different surveys.
is a mandatory system, but may be implemented on individual ships on different dates.
was originally adopted by IMO in 1988 at an International Conference on the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification. The Conference adopted Protocols to the SOLAS and Load Lines Conventions to introduce the HSSC. MARPOL 73/78 was amended in 1990 to introduce the HSSC, with a proviso that the amendments would enter into force at the same time as the entry into force date of the 1988 SOLAS Protocol and the 1988 Load Lines Protocol.
A one-year standard interval between surveys, based on initial, annual, intermediate, periodical and renewal surveys, as appropriate.
• A scheme for providing the necessary flexibility for the execution of each survey with the provision that:
the renewal survey may be completed within 3 months before the expiry date of the existing certificate with no loss of its period of validity
there is a “time window” of 6 months, from 3 months before to 3 months after the anniversary date of the certificate for annual, intermediate and periodical surveys.
A maximum period of validity of 5 years for all certificates for cargo ships.
A maximum period of validity of 12 months for the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate.
A system for the extension of certificates limited to 3 months to enable a ship to complete its voyage, or one month for ships engaged on short voyages
The period of validity of the new certificate starting from the expiry of the existing certificate before its extension, when an extension has been granted.
A flexible system for the inspection of the outside of the ship’s bottom on the following conditions:
- a minimum of two inspections during any 5-year period
- the interval between any two such inspections may not exceed 36 months.
A flexible system concerning the frequency and the period of validity of certificates provided that the minimum pattern of surveys is maintained.
* IMO Resolution A.746(18), adopted in 1993, contains Survey Guidelines Under The Harmonised System of Survey and Certification.
* The principal changes to the survey and certification requirements of SOLAS 74/88 resulting from implementation of the HSSC are as follows:
1. Unscheduled inspections are no longer included and annual surveys are mandatory for cargo ships.
2. Intervals between periodical surveys of equipment covered by the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate are alternatively at intervals of two and three years instead of two years.
3. Intermediate surveys are required for all ships under the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.
4. Inspections of the outside of the ship’s bottom are required for all cargo ships.
5. Intermediate surveys for the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate are held within 3 months of either the second or third anniversary date.
6. All cargo ship certificates may be issued for any period of validity up to 5 years.
7. There is a provision for a Cargo Ship Safety Certificate.
8. The extension provisions have been reduced from 5 months to 3 months to enable a ship to complete its voyage and the extension for one month for a period of grace is limited to ships engaged on short voyages.
* With regard to the International Load Line Certificate 66/88, the principal changes to the requirements for survey and certification are the introduction of similar extension provisions as in the previous paragraph and linking of the period of validity of the new certificate to the expiry date of the previous certificate.
* With MARPOL 73/78/90 (IOPPC and INLSC) and the IBC Code 83/90 (COF), the IGC Code 83/90 and the BCH Code 85/90 (COFs), the main changes are the linking of the period of validity of the new certificate to the expiry date of the previous certificate, the holding of the intermediate survey within 3 months of either the second or third
anniversary date and the introduction of the same extension provisions as for other certificates66.
65 Paragraph 15.4 of IMO Resolution A.746(18) defines “short voyage” in this context as a voyage where neither the distance from the port in which
the voyage begins and the final port of destination nor the return voyage exceeds 1,000 miles.
66 Under the pre-harmonisation regulations, a COF could not be extended.
- What is the enhance survey system
it is the system of surveys required for bulk carriers and tankers as per the SOLAS Ch XI/2 in order to enhance the conditions
Enhanced surveys do not replace other surveys; the term refers to the enhancement of the periodical surveys
SOLAS chapter XI-1 introduced four special measures to enhance maritime safety, one of which is a programme of enhanced surveys for bulk carriers and oil tankers.
Regulation XI/2 (Enhanced surveys) provides that bulk carriers as defined in regulation IX/1.667 and oil tankers as defined in regulation II-1/2.1268 will be subject to an enhanced programme of inspections in accordance with the guidelines (see below) adopted by the IMO Assembly by resolution A.744(18), as may be amended.
MARPOL 73/78 regulation I/13G provides that crude oil tankers of 20,000dwt and above and product carriers of 30,000dwt and above will be subject to the enhanced programme of inspections, the scope and frequency of which will at least comply with IMO guidelines.
The IMO Guidelines are divided into two annexes:
Tankers Annex B / Annex A Bulk carriers
In respect of tankers, the Guidelines should apply to all oil tankers of 500gt and above (Annex B, 1.1.1). The Guidelines should apply to surveys of hull structure and piping systems in way of cargo tanks, pump-rooms, cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces within the cargo area and all ballast tanks / In respect of bulk carriers, the Guidelines should apply to surveys of hull structure and piping systems in way of cargo holds, cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces within the cargo length area and all ballast tanks.
The Guidelines contain the extent of examination, thickness measurements and tank testing.
The survey should be extended when substantial corrosion and/or structural defects are found and include additional close-up survey when necessary
7. What are the surveys to be carried out on general cargo ships / Less than 5 years
5-10 years old
10-15 years
More than 15 years
8. What are the benefits of HSSC / 1988 amendments to SOLAS aiming standardize the period of validity and the intervals between surveys for nine main convention certificates was implemented following are the advantages
flexibility of survey schedules
reduced survey time and paperwork
reduced cost for ship owner
no unnecessary delay in the operating pattern for the ship every certificate will be subjected to an annual ,intermediate or periodical survey each year window period is granted for 3 months plus or minus
validity period (except passenger ship safety certificate and STP) for all certificates is 5 years
9. How do you prepare the vessel for surveys in general / Down loading the quarterly reports from the class website and get ready for the survey
As per the survey requirement maintenance and inspection should be arranged at least 3 months prior to the survey
Any faults should be rectified before the survey
General cleanliness and the appearance should be in good order
All documentation and records should be readily available for the inspection of the surveyor
In what circumstance the load line exemption certificate will be issued /
- vessel not engaged in international voyages
- vessel engaged in only single international voyage Eg: delivery voyage
What are the inspections done during annual survey for the load line certificate /
- Initial survey before the ship is put into service, which must include a complete inspection of its structure and equipment as required by the Regulations, to ensure that the arrangements, materials and scantlings comply fully with the requirements of the Regulations
- Renewal survey at intervals not exceeding 5 years, which is to ensure that the arrangements, materials and scantlings comply fully with the requirements of the Regulations
- Annual survey within 3 months either way of each annual anniversary date of the Load Line Certificate, to ensure that no alterations have been made to the hull or superstructures which would affect the basis on which the position of the load line had been assigned and that the fittings and appliances for the protection of openings, the guard rails, the freeing ports and the means of access to crew’s quarters are maintained in an effective condition
an examination of all fittings and appliances for the protection of openings giving access to spaces below the freeboard and superstructure decks, the guard rails, the freeing ports and means of access to the crew’s quarters
an examination of the stability and, where applicable, loading and ballasting information which is required to be supplied to the master of the ship
the determination of all necessary data required for the computation of the freeboard
The surveyor will carry out any tests as he considers necessary to ascertain the above.
Annual survey will generally include / Items given particular attention in the annual survey include:
openings in the ship’s side below the freeboard deck and in the sides and ends of enclosed superstructures
machinery casings, companionways and deckhouses
freeing port shutters;
ventilators and air pipes
special fittings for ships marked with timber load lines
any departures from recorded conditions of assignment
positions of load line marks and deck line
The owner and master must ensure that after any of the above surveys has been completed, no material alteration is made to the ship, its structure and equipment, without the approval of the Assigning Authority (regulation 8(2)).
What are the conventions legislated by the Sri Lankan government
Can a Colombo dock yard build a ship and put in international trade / Yes it can. It should be under the supervision of the IACS and to be complied with the construction rules of IACS
What is the special survey on 12 year old tanker / Oil tankers over 15 yrs of age are required to have their bottom surveys carried out in drydock (IMO Res A.744 (18)Rev 2000). If the vessel is less than 15 years of age and has undergone an in-water survey instead
PSC inspection is due. What are your consideration with regard to this / Following items of general importance to be in order before the inspection
Items related to the conditions of assignment of load lines:
weather tight (or watertight as the case may be) integrity of exposed decks
hatches and closing appliances
weather tight closures to openings in superstructures
freeing arrangements
side outlets
ventilators and air pipes
Stability information
Other items related to the safety of life at sea:
life saving appliances
fire fighting appliances
general structural conditions (i.e. hull, deck, hatch covers, etc.)
main machinery and electrical installations
navigational equipment including radio installations.
Items related to the prevention of pollution from ships:
means for the control of discharge of oil and oily mixtures e.g. oily water
separating or filtering equipment or other equivalent means (tank(s) for retaining oil, oily mixtures, oil residues)
means for the disposal of oil, oily mixtures or oil residues
presence of oil in the engine room bilges
means for the collection, storage and disposal of garbage.
In the case of deficiencies which are considered hazardous to safety, health or the environment the port State control officer will take such action, which may include detention as may be necessary, having regard to the factors mentioned in 3.2.1 of this Annex, to ensure that the deficiency is rectified or that the ship, if allowed to proceed to another port, does not present a clear hazard to safety, health or the environment.
What is the process of issuing a statutory (trading) certificates / Since most of the flag administrations do not have the experienced surveys for the purpose of surveying the delegate this task to the approved recognized body to survey the vessel and issue the certificates of behalf of them.
Always surveys are done in accordance with the flag state rules and regulations
Explain IOPP certificate briefly / Oil tanker of 150 gross tons and above and other ship of 400 gross tons and above that engage in voyages to ports or off-shore terminals under the jurisdiction of parties to MARPOL 73/78 must have on board a valid International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate.
The Supplement to the IOPP Certificate is a part of the IOPP Certificate and must remain attached to that Certificate. If the Supplement to the Certificate is changed, a new IOPP Certificate will be required.
The IOPP Certificate for each inspected or uninspected ship is valid for a maximum period of 5 years from the date of issue, except as follows:
(1) A Certificate ceases to be valid if significant alterations have taken place in the construction, equipment, fittings, or arrangements required by the pollution prevention requirements of parts 155 or 157 of this chapter without the approval of the COTP or the OCMI.
(2) A Certificate ceases to be valid if intermediate surveys as required by §151.17 of this part are not carried out.
(3) A Certificate issued to a ship ceases to be valid upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another country.
Classification societies
What is the purpose of classification /
- to safeguards the interests of ship owner, underwriters and maintain the shipping industry smooth
- Classification of ships is not a mandatory requirement but without which a ship cannot gain following
ship cannot find cargo without insurance
acceptance of ship for mortgage
- additionally classification gives good technical back up and higher market value
What are the functions of a class society /
- function of a classification society is to compile(provide) construction rules based on experience and research , to supervise construction , material and workmanship for new ships and installations
- classification societies to carry out following types of surveys
cargo damage ,casualties and accidents
salvage or ship losses surveys on underwriters and insurers interests
perform statutory surveys on behalf of administration as required
- valuation of ships
- setting technical standards for ships
- regularly publish survey status of classed ships
What are the class society you are going to select and why / Any class society who is a member of IACS due to following advantages
- more reputed , well recognized and good attraction for ship owners
- easier to get insurance coverage with lesser premiums
- high reliability and agents are available world wide
- more experts and technical assistance available
How do you go about surveys if the class surveys are not existing in the world / if class surveyor are not existing , flag state administration should appoint their surveyors for this purpose in the worldwide
surveying and issuing of certificates are comes under the primary obligation of flag state
What is a classification society / It is an organization by whom the following can be accomplished
compile construction rules
supervise construction of ships ,materials and workmanship
carry surveys regarding : ship building , cargo , salvage or losses
perform statutory surveys on behalf of administration as required
valuation of ships setting technical standards for ships
regularly publish survey status of classed ships
What is the difference between IACS member and non IACS member / Non-IACS societies
More than 50 organisations claim to class ships but most are not IACS members and can not realistically be called classification societies. Many of them are not international in character, being little more than national ship registers which hope to attract shipping (including sub-standard shipping) from other flags. There is no uniformity of rules, or of application of rules, as there is with the IACS member societies.
What is IACS and who are members of the IACS / An “international classification society” may be defined as an independent, non-governmental, non-profit distributing organization which develops and updates adequate published rules, regulations and standards for the safe design, construction and periodical maintenance of ships which are capable of trading internationally, and implements them on a worldwide basis using its own exclusive staff.