6th Grade Math Syllabus

I am very excited about teaching math this year. We will be using several hands on approaches to learn new concepts. I hope this year is exciting and fun for each of you. Together we can make this a successful year.

School-Wide Rules and Expectations

The following rules and expectations are school-wide. They apply in and out of the classrooms, in the hallways, in the restrooms, in the cafeteria, any other area on campus, and on the buses.

· Be Respectful

o Use words that support and compliment. Use appropriate language. Recognize that everyone is a person of value. Dress appropriately at all times.

· Be Responsible

o Always be where you are supposed to be. Take care of the school, your belongings, and the belongings of others. Perform better today than you did yesterday. Complete tasks with integrity and pride. Be trustworthy.

· Be Resourceful

o Listen, pay attention, and think. Never trouble another for what you can do yourself. Use time efficiently. Seek help from experts. Learn through trial and error.

· Be Positive

***These are also my classroom rules and expectations. Classroom procedures refer to how things are done on a daily basis. Those will be addressed in class.

Behavior Binder/Tardy Log

In class, I will keep a quarterly behavior binder and tardy log. Each log begins again at the beginning of each quarter. The behavior binder includes the following steps for infractions:

· Step one: verbal warning

· Step two: behavior essay

· Step three: parent, student, teacher conference

· Step four: parent, student, teacher, administrator conference

· Step five: office referral

The tardy log includes the following steps for being tardy. This includes being tardy for school in the mornings and being tardy for each class during the day.

· Step one: verbal warning

· Step two: teacher conferences with student

· Step three: contact parent

· Step four: office referral

Make-up Policy

My make-up policy for classwork, homework, quizzes, and tests is in accordance with the school system’s protocol. I will give three days after an absence for a student to complete any make-up assignment, quiz, or test. Students must come to me and ask for all make-up assignments and make arrangements for completion.


My conference time is from 10:25-11:18. Please feel free to call the school at 824-4134 any time that you have a concern. You may also send in a written request or email for a conference if you have any questions or concerns. My email is .


Homework will be given Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights. The homework should not take more than 20 minutes to complete. I give homework for two reasons. I want the students to see if they can still do the work after they are out of the classroom setting, and I want you to be informed of the work that they are being assigned in class. Students should be writing down all homework assignments in their student planner daily.

Materials and Supplies

The 6th grade supply list includes all materials that will be needed for math class. I will go over the materials they will use in math class during the first week of school. Please make sure your child has all supplies listed as soon as possible. Please see the supply list on the school’s website.

Grading System

10% Homework

30% Quizzes and Classwork

60% Major Tests

· Quizzes or major tests are given weekly throughout the quarter. Students should be writing down all scheduled quizzes and tests in their student planners.

Personal Items

· Cell phones and devices: Cell phones and devices are to be kept in book bags at all times unless the teacher has given permission for use. All cell phones and devices should be off at all times. Please do not have cell phones and devices out in the hallways. If these rules are not followed, these items will be taken and given back at a later time.

· Fidget Spinners: Fidget spinners are only allowed if a student has a medical need. A doctor’s note should be kept on file in the office. Otherwise, they are not allowed at any time.

Thank you,

Wendy Cornelius