Compassion 1
COMPASSIONATEempathic, caring, kind, responsive to others / INDIFFERENT
cold, aloof, pitiless
- Conceptual definitions of compassion and indifference
- Compassion is a profound ______in response to the suffering of another,accompanied by a merciful______to alleviate the suffering.More than humanitarian aid alone, true compassion is “supportive companionship in distress.”
- Responding compassionately to others grows out of______, a deep understandingof the feelings of another person.
- A person who shows empathy and compassion is a kind person. Aristotle defined kindness as "helpfulness toward someone in need, ______
______,nor for the advantage of the helper himself, but for that of the person helped."Compassion is selfless and may involve sacrifice; all benefit accrues to the suffering other.
- Compassionrevealsa fundamental orientation ______, even if momentary.
- The opposite of compassion is indifference, i.e. being ______by human suffering, or reacting to the distressof others with coldness or aloofness instead of heart-felt concern. Insensitivity toward others reveals a ______that does not value interpersonal connectedness or identification with others.
- How compassion is viewed culturally
- American culture holds compassion to be a noble and commendable virtue.
- Most of the world’s cultures value caring for an individual who is in need. The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights states that “All human beings…should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
- Despite public humanitarian efforts, society seems to be growing more indifferent in ______situations. We seem increasingly unwilling to engage in a face-to-face encounter with individuals who are lost, hurt, depressed, or dying.
- Examples of compassion
- ______a world paragon of selfless compassion
- Europeans who helped Jewsduring the holocaust
- Those who give organs/transplants for loved ones
- ______who organize in response to natural disasters
- Those in the helping professions such as ______, ______, social workers, doctors, and health care professionals.
- Effects of compassion
- For those who receive compassion
- Their ______is reduced or relieved.
- They have deep and long-lasting ______toward their rescuers.
- Interpersonal bonding will intensify because of the shared suffering.
- They will be more likely to show compassion themselves in the future.
- For those who show compassion
- A sense of having done ______
- For society as a whole
- Organized efforts produce public ______.
- Compassion is reinforced as a recognized ______.
- Increased community, because acts of kindness forge human connectionsthat span doctrinal, racial, or social differences
- The effects of ______are all negative: disappointment, rejection, terminated relationships, not to mention the continued suffering of the one in distress.
- How we communicatecompassion
- Examples of compassionate/empathic speech
- ______
“It makes me very sad to know this has happened.”
- ______
“I can see the pain in your eyes.I know this is very hard for you.”
- ______of your companionship
“What happens to you happens to me. We’re in this together.”
- ______
“We can get past this. It’s going to be hard, but I’ll help you. We’ll make it.”
- ______
“I’m not leaving your side. I will do anything I can to help you get through this.”
- Nonverbal cues associated with compassionate communication
- ______Hurting people need physical affirmation.
- ______Focus squarely on them without distraction.
- ______Sit or stand near. If necessary, get down on their level.
- ______Sometimes silence is okay; just be there for them.
- Compassion requires ______: The goal of the compassionate person is not only to feelsympathy but to do everything possible to eliminate thesuffering.Here are some proactive things we can do todemonstrate compassion toward others:
- Stop and render aid when we come upon an accident or emergency.
- Provide physical assistance to one who is sick, hurt, or unable to function.
- Donate money for someone to purchase essential goods or services.
- Offer food, shelter, or other support from our own resources.
- Spend time with someone just to listen, or be there for them.
- Bring hope and encouragement to a friend who is depressed or has lost hope.
- Volunteer for inner-city outreaches, Habitat for Humanity, mission trips, etc.
- How we acquire and develop compassion
- ______Parents teach their children, reinforce it, and model it.
- ______Media recognize noble, caring persons and their acts.
- ______Small steps of giving carereinforce our willingness.
- ______Speak about compassion—talk about instances of it, identify both the feeling and the merciful act itself, tell what it means and what it looks like, keep it in the forefront of our minds and actively seek to develop it.
- ______Emulate those with a gift for compassion. Talk with them, observe them, and read biographies of selfless people.
- How compassioncan be violated or carried to an extreme
- ______harms the relationship and intensifies the suffering.
- ______about someone’s distress more closely resembles gossip than compassion.
- In certain extreme or complex circumstances, showing sympathy or supplying aid may not be good for the individual, but this is the exception rather than the rule. (e.g., trying to break a co-dependency, lack of self-responsibility)
- How we can minimize indifference within ourselves
- ______The default is to becomemore indifferent as time goes on.
- ______To reverse this tendency, take small intentional acts with no expectation of reward or recognition. Just stop and be nice to someone who’s hurting and could use a supportive friend—in your household, at work, a stranger, across the world.Ask yourself, “How would I feel if I were in their place?”
- Other viewpoints and questions for discussion
- What’s the use of trying to save one or two when thousands more need help?
- Do I show compassion when I hand a dollar to a street person?
- Is euthanasia(mercy killing) the ultimate expression of compassion for a terminally ill patient?
- Is it unwise to get involved in somebody else’s trouble, given the litigious society we live in? For example, is it safe to help a stranded motorist?
- Required readings and follow-up assignment
- Essay How to succeed in business without putting people last (Starbucks president)
- Speech The tragedy of indifference is poignantly addressed by a Holocaust survivor. Read the text here, or take 20 minutes to listen. Scroll down to the Real Audio link.
- TheTorahteaches that God will reward those who practice compassion by coming to their aid when they are in trouble.
- Essay Feeling good about me—but that’s not really the point, is it?
- Two Poems Two famous poets challenge us to practice compassion every single day.
- Essay Real compassion entails more than contributing to a disaster relieffund.
- Research article A study about communicating with parents who have experienced the death of a child. Notice the Practical Applications on p. 62.
Journal prompts
1. Is it practical in today’s work world to show the kind of caring addressed in the first essay?
What examples have you observed where you work now or where you used to work?
2. What has today’s study taught you about your own sensitivity toward people’s needs?