60 seconds – how do you feel?

High energy and stressed


Low energy and calm

Waves carry Energy!!

Bell Ringer

List as many types of waves as you can in 2 min- GO!

Do the wave what was sued and moved? Did you physically go across the room?

Waves carry ______!


1.Bell ringer *Wave TARGET Form staple into new composition book!

**Pre- eval your knowledge and set goals for each target.

2.Waves carry Energy-

2 types of waves and their characteristics chart on board (or worksheet)

Virtual Lab Wave chapter 15-

complete sheet given as we work through the virtual lab.

3. Explain how to do vocabulary:

Students make a 3 Colum chart for vocabulary

word define diagram (several words can be used for one diagram if labeled and neat)

**we learned to use the summary in the book and the on-line text to help)

Reminder 101 text 606-302-9022 code @ed5d5

Homework: Research– site your source and google is not a site!

How is electromagnetic radiation affecting humans?” Be ready to share on Wed.

1. 2. Copy Board notes on comparing frequency to energy and length of waves- Target 1

velocity of waves=wavelength x frequency

Formula too

Demo the wiggler to show

increase frequency = decrease wavelength

3. Activity How does water (a mechanical waves-)respond to a disturbance? Video clip of water waves mechanics on -line text.

( pan, dropper, beaker, bobber, plastic ruler to press water toward the block; teacher set up glass dish on overhead)

*Use droppers can you make constructive interference? Draw it

*Make destructive interference

*Use ruler to press water toward the block watch for diffraction.

What happens when you move the water harmonicallyslowly verse quickly?

use video clip of water waves, diffraction and interference to help with what is being seen in the resonance,

Harmonic motion (use tuning fork)-CPO book11.1- how to tune into a radio station. Biking Pendulum!

Bell Ringer April 21

Complete sentences:

Mechanical wave like sound travel ______in solids and slower in the air.

Electromagnetic Waves like light travel at

3x108 m/s, the speed of light in space and ______when they enter our atmosphere or encounter any medium. This is why stars twinkle. Light could travel around the Earth 27 times in a second, that’s fast.


  1. **calculating velocity of waves-on line student resources or e activity practice one.
  2. Used the wiggler set up to test our hearing.
  3. Light virtual lab- light can reflect and refract

60 seconds SilentlyDeep Breaths!!

Bell Ringer

Calculate the velocity of a bike horn with a frequency of 100HZ and a wavelength of 2 meters.




  1. Bell Ringer- calculate the velocity.
  2. Fireworks and making light waves!

Ch 4 virtual lab- formation of photon

  1. Where does light come from? Dual Model!

Homework : be ready to share Wed!!

“How is electromagnetic radiation affecting humans?”

Title: ______radiation’s affects on humans.

  1. Bibliography- (can’t say googled it)
  2. What type of EMR Cause the affect?
  3. Effects on humans + and -
  4. Preventionand/or treatments

Where do light waves come from?

Let’s start with Fireworks formation of the different colors.

Chapter 4 virtual lab –(only the photon part)

Where does light come from?

Diagram the stages of Photons (light) being released:

Write the steps:

1. Atom at a Stable level

2. Energy is added by another photon bumping it.

3. Electron “quantum leaps” back to its stable orbit around the nucleus (goes home).

4. Energy as a light photon is emitted (emission spectrum).

Diagram energy added to electrons causing them to be bumped outer orbit then quantum leap back to stable orbit emitting photons.

Then, put the # from the steps to match the stages:

Target 2 Light is it a wave or a particle of photon?

Watch the video clip and make chart or take notes

Video clip:

Dual models of lightas awaveor particle photon!

2 ways light acts like awave 2 ways light acts like a particle “photon”

  1. It can refract (bend) 1. Travels in space

around objects

2.light disperses 2. Light can reflect off

into their true frequencesand do damage

Rainbow dispersion glassesbuilding window, lightening

Watch Dr Quantum’s video of Dual models of light and quantum leaping.

In the CPO Book read about Einstein’s noble bell prize for observing that different color of lights carry different amounts of energy because their frequency was greater even though they traveled at the same speed.

(Photon particles knocked off metal particles)

How does sun screen work? See article and sample.


1Bell Ringer:Where does light come from?

Use info sheet and yesterday’s notes to help you

2. Draw and define the following:

Dispersion by a prism or drop of water (rainbow)- separates white light into its true colors frequency. Red long wavelength so low frequency and energy.

Blue high frequency waves have high energy and

short wave lengths.

3. View Christmas lights with dispersion glasses.

4. Virtual lab light Ch. 16- You can finish in computer lab

Is light acting like a wave or particle?

Bell Ringer: Watch and sketch an instrument you want to make and share next week.

Why do some notes have a lower toned?

(Wavelength or frequency makes the biggest difference)

Agenda: Bell ringer

  1. Quiz yourself- “light and wave” worksheet- do without destructive interference (silently)and earn what effort you put into it and with corrections done in red next day to help you focus on areas to study for test next week.
  2. Use data on table to complete the EMR spectrum
  3. Compare Electromagnetic waves frequencies to their wavelengths and energy levels!!!
  4. Einstein’s noble bell prize for observing that different color of lights carry different amounts of energy because their frequency was greater even though they traveled at the same speed. (Photon particles knocked off metal particles)
  5. Decibel reading of your voice -say your name.

Boys verses girls group decibel level- constructive verses destructive interference.

Went outside to test yelling- Lunch

  1. Students share:

“How is electromagnetic radiation affecting humans?”

Title: ______radiation’s affects on humans.

Bibliography- (can’t say googled it)

What type of EMR Cause the affect?

Effects on humans + and -

Preventionand/or treatments

Bell Ringer after lunch:

Diagram your bedroom and ID anything that uses electricity! (2min)

Sleep away from anything using electricity or pipes.

Safe levels .5 – 2.5 mG

Anything with electricity or pipes are to be added up.

Tally your score based on the following chart.

After adding them up:

Is it more than the save recommendation?

If yes rearrange your room!

Sleep away from anything using electricity or pipes!

Never microwaveyourfood!!!

Chemically alters it and turns it into a poison!

Thursday –computer lab

1.Target 5

I can communicate technical information of how waves and wave behaviors are used in technological devices (such as solar cells converting radiant energy to electricity, medical imaging, communication technology, and scanner). PRODUCT

Technologies that use waves- Choose a technology:______- tell me TODAY!

Technology questions on target blue sheet due Tuesday!

1.Brief history time line- tell 2 places that a major change occurred and why.

2. Diagram how it scientifically uses waves to “function”

*Science channel deconstructed or Howstuff works.com

3.Add to the time line the newest version

on the market or about to be available to

public. *(popular science, discovery mag)

4. In 25 years how to you predict the

Technology will have changed, be specific on the uses. Add a futuristic picture to your time line

Bibliography of each reference you used.

2. Do Concept map chapter 14 &15 &16

3. Video clip for vocabulary and complete virtual labs

Chapter 15 & 16

Bell Ringer

Brainstorm with your seat partner at least 3 ways digital image collection is better than the old school analog hard copy photographs and 3 problems with digital collection.

3 pros for digital3 cons for digital


Deconstructed Discovery science channel-

florescent lightplasma TV, hard disc drive,

How does a LCD plasma TV work?

Technologies that use waves- Choose a technology:______

Project for Gallery PresentationTuesday includes:

1. Brief history time line

2. Scientific functions today Diagram labeled and explanation.

3. What is on the cutting edged just not out to public yet?

Add on time line

4. How do you in vision it will be in 25 years?

Add picture to your time line

BIBLIOGRAHY!!!!! Web sites must have links.

Bell Ringer

Why wear polarized sunglasses?

They block out horizontal light that causes glare.

Relax take 60 sec. imagine warm beaches; hear the waves lapping on to the beach. See mine.

Safer too!

Agenda- 1. Polarized glasses

2. Night vision versesinfrared glasses

Video Night vision Thermal image

(photon enhancement of visible light) infraredBOTH EMR's (electromagnetic waves)

1. Which one uses visible light?

2. How does night vision glasses worK?

Photon- ______- ______

3. How does infrared goggles work?

______- ______- ______

4. Which one is better in your opinion?

5. Why?

2. X-ray verses sonogram

Has anyone broken a bone and had an X-ray?

3. Does anyone have a picture of their sonogram?

Sonogram verses x-ray (read and discuss see photos)

Show Philip’s and students share theirs.

4. How does a hard disc drive work?

^) 60 sec

Bell Ringer – Read & diagram How a radio works? See Board

Silent read answer questions then count off 1-6 all 1’s get together write on their board their answer and then as a team combine to teachthe class.

Yellow sheet

Turn in your technology T-5 Product!!

Home work – study for test!

If Technology project is not done plan to stayThursday after school! See criteria next page.

Target 5

I can communicate technical information of how waves and wave behaviors are used in technological devices (such as solar cells converting radiant energy to electricity, medical imaging, communication technology, and scanner). PRODUCT

Technologies that use waves- Choose a technology:______

Project for Gallery PresentationMondayincludes:

1. Brief history time line

2. Scientific functions today Diagram labeled and explanation.

3. What is on the cutting edged just not out to public yet?

Add on time line

4. How do you in vision it will be in 25 years?

Add picture to your time line

BIBLIOGRAHY!!!!! Web sites must have links.

Wed test

Everyone who completed practice and retest Thursday will do wave labs part of Thursday and Friday!


Fiber optics- have lamp on

Show poster (digital one) and diagram total internal reflection on the board- start with quantum leap to get the photon of light- acts like a particle

Bell Ringer:

What are 3 technologies that use fiber optics?

1. High speed internet- speed of light with our interferences (its connected)

2. decorations

3. lazer surgery

4 guns and cameras scopes

How do clouds get electricity to make lightning?

Read Article and diagram how lightning is formed and strikes:

CPO lightning page 107 & 123

Mechanical WavesElectromagnetic Waves

  1. Need a mediumdon’t
  2. Faster in solids than airfaster in air
  3. Speed varies with sourceAll go same speed

and medium it is inspeed of light

  1. Name is its sourceIts Frequency gives

The wave it’s name

Target 2 Light is it a wave or a particle of photon?

Video clip: Dual models of lightas awaveor particle photon!

2 ways light acts like awave 2 ways light acts like a particle “photon”



Dual models of lightas awaveor particle photon!

2ways light acts like awave 2 ways light acts like a particle “photon”

  1. It can refract (bend) 1. Travels in space

around objects

2. light disperses 2. Light can reflect off

into their true frequencesand do damage

Rainbow dispersion glassesbuilding window, lightening

Wave Test –

Stable your Technology project to answer sheet.

Analyze Wave test – do practice tonight!

Beath 60 sec.

Bell ringer

“Mining for Electronic”

Read article and answer questions on board.


1. Mining for electronic- Where

2. Few quick things before we leave waves:

1. Fire under water – reflection-movies use a lot

2.Giant box can be a pin hole camera- time to do?

Wave Activities for those who do not have to retest tomorrow!

Brain Training


Pay Attention they say!

How? ______

*Pay with practice and patience on how to focus on the moment and not get distracted, destructive interferences.

Write these 3 questions and be able to explain each by the end of class:

  1. 1. What type of waves are brain waves since they are electrical impulses along axons? Mechanical or Electromagnetic?
  1. After analyzing the electroencephalogram, explain when your brain is the most active (highest frequency). See handout
  1. What kind of electromagnetic waves are emitted from your head due to the work you’re doing? Hint you wear a hat to keep heat in.

Brain Games DVD