Coolwater Christian Church
Sample Letter from Clif Christopher’s Whose Offering Plate Is It?, modified for a capital campaign
Target audience for members who tithe to the church (if you need to create a list, ask members to self identify)
Dear _____,
Thank you, _____ (personalize as much as possible), for your faithful support of God’s work through our church. You continue to lead the way in giving by being a loyal and committed tither. I thank God for you on our regular basis.
As I am sure you know, tithers are not a majority but very much a minority in the Christian world. You are one of the few who regularly practice this biblical model of giving. Years ago, I too became a tither, and it has been one of the great joys of my life. Knowing you are with me is a wonderful feeling. Together I hope we can lead more and more people to understand the blessing of this spiritual discipline.
I hope you find great joy in knowing that your giving is helping bring others to Christ, feed the hungry, educate our children, and bring hope to the hopeless. Our church has a powerful ministry and as we prepare for our capital campaign, I hope you will consider if you can make an extra commitment to ensure that the future of our church is strong and vibrant. Without people like you it could not be done.
We have enclosed a special response card and envelop for you to indicate how you would like to help. We will be sharing two Sundays from now what the response has been.
Please let me know how I can ever be of service to you. You have been a blessing to me.
Thank you again.
Pastor _____