September Class: First & Second Class

Physical Education Strands: Athletics, Dance; Gymnastics; Games; Outdoor and adventure activities, tics / Assessment: Teacher observation; Teacher designed tasks and tests;
Assessment of-
Willingness to participate
Readiness to engage with a certain activity
Level of competence in carrying out activity
Interest and attitude to activity.
Willingness to cooperate in individual, pair and group activities.
Approaches and methodologies:
Direct teaching
Guided discovery
Individual, pair, group and team play
Station teaching.
Ply area divided into grid.
  • Balls, cones, and beanbags,
  • Activity cards for station teaching.
  • Rackets and sponge balls, hoops.
  • Oval balls, large plastic balls
  • Introduce mini-basketballs for second class.
S.P.H.E. Gaeilge SESE
by learning objectives, outcome, grouping, pace, teaching style, resource, task, support and as outlined in appendix.
Strand Units; /


Strand Unit Sending, receiving and travelling

  • Ball handling: practice skills previously experienced:
  • Throwing and catching using a large ball;
  • Dribbling a ball
  • Throwing and catching using a beanbag;
  • Throwing to a target
  • Throwing and catching using a large ball;
  • Chest pass, bounce pass, overhead pass;
  • Dribbling a ball throwing to a target.
  • Carrying and striking – develop and practice carrying and striking skills;
  • Dribbling a ball with a stick;
  • Striking the ball with a stick;
  • Striking to a target
  • Kicking – develop and practice kicking skills;
  • Dribbling a ball with the foot
  • Kicking and trapping the ball;
  • Kicking from the hand.
  • Kicking and trapping the ball with a partner;
  • Develop and practice ball-handling skills;
  • Fist pass, catching and heading.
/ .

October Class : 1st & 2nd Classes

Physical Education Strands: Athletics, Dance; Gymnastics; Games; Outdoor and adventure activities, tics / Assessment: Teacher observation; Teacher designed tasks and tests;
Assessment of-
Willingness to participate
Readiness to engage with a certain activity
Level of competence in carrying out activity
Interest and attitude to activity.
Willingness to cooperate in individual, pair and group activities.
Approaches and methodologies:
Direct teaching
Guided discovery
Individual, pair, group and team play
Station teaching.
Ply area divided into grid.
  • Beanbags, cones and whistle.
  • Light plastic balls for First class
  • Mini-basketballs for 2nd class
  • Footballs, bibs/braids
  • Unihoc sticks, junior size
  • Olympic-sized balls.
S.P.H.E. Gaeilge SESE(games from the past)
by learning objectives, outcome, grouping, pace, teaching style, resource, task, support and as outlined in appendix.
Strand Units;
Strand Units /


Strand Unit: Creating and playing Games

  • Create and develop games in small groups
  • Playground games: out in front.
  • Playground game: Three-headed monster.
  • Playground game: Pass and Duck.
  • Apply simple rules to activities.

Strand Unit Understanding and appreciation of games

  • Apply simple rules to activity.
  • Discuss and develop control in movement skills relevant to games; footwork: changing speed and stopping.
  • Develop an understanding of defence.
  • Develop an understanding of the use of space:
  • Moving into space to receive a pass;
  • Introduce the methodology of working in grids;
  • Working in fours.
  • Develop problem-solving and decision-making strategies:
  • Making choices.


Strand Unit: Running

  • Walk, jog or run over distance:
  • Walk/jog in a non-competitive setting for extended periods:
  • Develop an awareness of pace.
  • Practice the standing start:
  • Reaction activities
  • Shuttle sprints
/ .

November Class: 1st & 2nd Classes

Physical Education Strands: Athletics, Dance; Gymnastics; Games; Outdoor and adventure activities, tics / Assessment: Teacher observation; Teacher designed tasks and tests;
Assessment of-
Willingness to participate
Readiness to engage with a certain activity
Level of competence in carrying out activity
Interest and attitude to activity.
Willingness to cooperate in individual, pair and group activities.
Approaches and methodologies:
Direct teaching
Guided discovery
Individual, pair, group and team play
Station teaching.
Ply area divided into grid.
  • Skipping ropes, cones, beanbags, whistle and mats.
S.P.H.E. Gaeilge,
by learning objectives, outcome, grouping, pace, teaching style, resource, task, support and as outlined in appendix.
Strand Units; / Athletics
  • Participate in pair relay with a beanbag developing simple technique:
  • Practice passing with the right and receiving with the left hand using the down sweep technique
  • Practice in team relays with a beanbag using various means of travelling.
Strand Unit: Jumping
  • Practice skipping activities with and without ropes.
  • Develop a short approach run:
  • Taking three steps and jumping for distance and height.

Strand Unit: Throwing

  • Practice an over-arm throw:
  • Develop a short approach plant and throw.

Strand Unit: Understanding and appreciation of athletics

  • Develop an understanding of pace:
  • Contrast the pace of two runners.
  • Develop and understanding of some of the rules of athletics:
  • Describe and discuss movement and ask and answer question about it
  • Does passing the beanbag as we practiced it today make a difference to your speed?
/ .

DecemberClass: 1st & 2nd Classes

Physical Education Strands: Athletics, Dance; Gymnastics; Games; Outdoor and adventure activities, tics / Assessment: Teacher observation; Teacher designed tasks and tests;
Assessment of-
Willingness to participate
Readiness to engage with a certain activity
Level of competence in carrying out activity
Interest and attitude to activity.
Willingness to cooperate in individual, pair and group activities.
Approaches and methodologies:
Direct teaching
Guided discovery
Individual, pair, group and team play
Station teaching.
Ply area divided into grid.
C.D.Player and CD’s
Music, gaeilge, art,S.P.H.E.
by learning objectives, outcome, grouping, pace, teaching style, resource, task, support and as outlined in appendix.
Strand Units; / Creative Dance

Strand Unit: Exploration, creation and performance of dance

  • Explore a greater range of movements of different body parts
  • Create and perform a partner dance
  • Move in space safely with others
  • Develop increased poise and coordination when moving and stopping
  • Explore a greater range of body shapes
  • Explore a greater range of body actions
  • Explore a greater range of levels and directions in space
  • Create a meeting and parting dance with a partner
  • Explore the curves and lines in shape outline
  • Respond imaginatively to the stimulus of letter shapes in creating dance
  • Explore strong and light movement
  • Move with an awareness of the body and the space it moves in.
  • Move imaginatively to the stimulus of animal pictures and an animal story.
  • Show sensitivity to music when moving
  • Create and perform a story dance with teacher’s guidance showing a clear beginning, middle and ending.

Strand Unit: Understanding and appreciation of dance

  • Continue to be aware of the need for focus and concentration in dance.
  • Watch the dance of others with courtesy and respect
  • Identify different body parts used in the dance viewed
  • Identify the sections of the dance as the beginning, meddle and ending
  • Identify spatial levels used in the dances viewed
  • Identify different body actions used in the dances viewed
/ .

JanuaryClass: 1st & 2nd Classes

Physical Education Strands: Athletics, Dance; Gymnastics; Games; Outdoor and adventure activities, tics / Assessment: Teacher observation; Teacher designed tasks and tests;
Assessment of-
Willingness to participate
Readiness to engage with a certain activity
Level of competence in carrying out activity
Interest and attitude to activity.
Willingness to cooperate in individual, pair and group activities.
Approaches and methodologies:
Direct teaching
Guided discovery
Individual, pair, group and team play
Station teaching.
Ply area divided into grid.
CD and CD player
by learning objectives, outcome, grouping, pace, teaching style, resource, task, support and as outlined in appendix.
Strand Units;
Strand Units / Creative Dance
Folk Dance:
Strand Unit: Exploration, creation and performance of dance
  • First and second classes:
To perform a variety of selected Irish dances and folk dances.
Shoe the donkey
Ballaí Luimní
Ionsaí na jInse

Strand Unit: Understanding and appreciation of dance

  • Observe, describe and discuss simple dances.
  • Identify the sections of a dance.

Strand Unit: Movement

  • Develop basic movement actions
  • Continue to develop body awareness through variations of direction, pathway, speed, and levels.
  • Show control in take-off and develop the ability to absorb energy to avoid shock when landing.
  • Link movement skills to produce individual and pair sequences.
/ .

FebruaryClass: 1st & 2nd Classes

Physical Education Strands: Athletics, Dance; Gymnastics; Games; Outdoor and adventure activities, tics / Assessment: Teacher observation; Teacher designed tasks and tests;
Assessment of-
Willingness to participate
Readiness to engage with a certain activity
Level of competence in carrying out activity
Interest and attitude to activity.
Willingness to cooperate in individual, pair and group activities.
Approaches and methodologies:
Direct teaching
Guided discovery
Individual, pair, group and team play
Station teaching.
Ply area divided into grid.
  • Mats, benches, climbing frame
  • Activity cards
  • Rope and hoops
by learning objectives, outcome, grouping, pace, teaching style, resource, task, support and as outlined in appendix.
Strand Units;
Strand :
Strand Unit / Gymnastics
Strand Unit Movement
  • Practise rolling activities leading to the forward roll.
  • Develop good body tension and posture through gymnastic positions and movements
  • Develop the basic movement actions of turning and twisting
  • Develop the basic movement of balancing.
  • Develop the basic movement actions of transferring weight using a variety of body parts.
Strand Unit: Understanding and appreciation of gymnastics
  • Discuss movement and ask and answer questions about it
  • Develop the ability to lift and place apparatus safely
  • Develop awareness of others when using apparatus
. / .

March Class: 1st & 2nd Classes

Physical Education Strands: Athletics, Dance; Gymnastics; Games; Outdoor and adventure activities, tics / Assessment: Teacher observation; Teacher designed tasks and tests;
Assessment of-
Willingness to participate
Readiness to engage with a certain activity
Level of competence in carrying out activity
Interest and attitude to activity.
Willingness to cooperate in individual, pair and group activities.
Approaches and methodologies:
Direct teaching
Guided discovery
Individual, pair, group and team play
Station teaching.
Ply area divided into grid.
Cones, shapes, pencils, crayons, master control card,
Laminated plans, beanbags, equipment plan, boxes, photographs, snake walks.
Geography, S.P.H.E, gaeilge, art.
by learning objectives, outcome, grouping, pace, teaching style, resource, task, support and as outlined in appendix.
Strand Units;
Equipment: / Outdoor & Adventure Activities:


  • Sign – Three large XXX (to mark the front of the room)
  • Eight numbered cones and eight shapes.
  • Control carks, pencils or crayons.
  • Eight controls for development, each with a different coloured crayon hanging from it on a string (available at the end of Lesson 1)
  • Teachers’ master control card.
  • Photographs of eight readily identifiable permanent objects, e.g. items in the playground – four copies of each.
  • Number each set of photographs on the back, and laminate.
  • Eight numbered boxes for photographs. Place the numbers on the front of the boxes – not on the lid.
  • Eight controls, each with a different coloured crayon hanging from it on a string.
  • Control cards.
  • Paper and pencils
  • One enlarged laminated copy of plan of venue
  • Unmarked plans
  • Snake walks – on per pair
  • One copy of the same snake walk per child – samples provided.
  • Beanbags
  • Equipment in plan.

Strand Unit: walking Activities

In this strand unit the emphasis is on physical activity in the outdoors:
  • Providing opportunities for walking;
  • Giving walking a purpose.

Strand Unit: outdoor Challenges

Outdoor challenges are aimed at developing trust, cooperation, Problem solving and teamwork in response to physical challenges. / .

April Class: 1st & 2nd Classes

Physical Education Strands: Athletics, Dance; Gymnastics; Games; Outdoor and adventure activities, tics / Assessment: Teacher observation; Teacher designed tasks and tests;
Assessment of-
Willingness to participate
Readiness to engage with a certain activity
Level of competence in carrying out activity
Interest and attitude to activity.
Willingness to cooperate in individual, pair and group activities.
Approaches and methodologies:
Direct teaching
Guided discovery
Individual, pair, group and team play
Station teaching.
Ply area divided into grid.
Pictures, control cards, snake walk, paper, pencils
Geography,art, maths, S.P.H.E. Gaeilge.
by learning objectives, outcome, grouping, pace, teaching style, resource, task, support and as outlined in appendix.
Strand Units;
Strand Aquatics / Outdoor & Adventure Activities:

Strand Unit: Orienteering

  • Identify areas of the hall or school site:
  • Engage in activities to encourage the child to begin to find the way:
  • Reinforce work done in infants – forwards, backwards, left and right;
  • Go to features identified by pictures;
  • Find the control (symbol) at that feature and record it on their control card.
  • Go to features identified by photographs, find the control and record it simply.
  • Find objects or areas by following a simple plan:
  • Follow a snake walk;
  • Lead another child around a course;
  • The second child records the route on an unmarked plan;
  • Introduce map to g round orientation/spatial awareness;
Teach the language, e.g. around, behind, between and outside.
Hygiene: Showering before entry to pool.
Water Safety: Do not swim alone. Do not swim if tired or after eating. Check forecast before sailing swimming in sea, lake, river. Do not dive in shallow waters. Do not push or run on deck/bank (Draw attention to pool rules and observe . / .

May Class

Physical Education Strands: Athletics, Dance; Gymnastics; Games; Outdoor and adventure activities, tics / Assessment: Teacher observation; Teacher designed tasks and tests;
Assessment of-
Willingness to participate
Readiness to engage with a certain activity
Level of competence in carrying out activity
Interest and attitude to activity.
Willingness to cooperate in individual, pair and group activities.
Approaches and methodologies:
Direct teaching
Guided discovery
Individual, pair, group and team play
Station teaching.
Ply area divided into grid.
Floats, balls.
by learning objectives, outcome, grouping, pace, teaching style, resource, task, support and as outlined in appendix.
Strand Units; / Aquatics
Entry to and exit from water
  • Entry via steps, hold on to rail and walk down by wall one at a time.
  • Entry from pool side- hands by side look straight ahead, legs straight, step into water.
Buoyancy and propulsion
Warm up- walk across the pool, walk across the pool making different letter shapes, hold rail and walk along by wall, hold hands and go on whistle, Arms outstretched. Go one at a time, all together, when assigned number is called.
Put face in the water, hold wall, arms straight, blow bubbles, mouth in water, mouth and nose in water, mouth nose and eyes in water, face in water, eyes open, blow bubbles, Using floats(2 floats under each arm, then one float under each arm, 2 floats stacked and held in front and finally one float held in front.) push and glide in front. Hands over top of float, hands at side of float and hands at back of float.
Stroke development
Warm up-1 hand on bar, float in hand, add kick, 1 hand on bar, sculling with free hand, add kick, 1 float, 1 arm sculling, add kick and full action.
Front crawl- 1 float in hand extended out in front, free arm held at side, blow bubbles look at recovery arm when breathing. Go when number is called.
Back crawl-double arm action, full stroke.
Full stroke Lift arm straight out, arm close to ear, slide little finger in first, pull hand to shoulder, push past hip.
Breast stroke- Standing- add arm action, push and glide, add 1 kick and pull. Small circles, upside down heart, stretch arm forward, elbows in front of shoulders.
Inverted breast stroke- Push and glide on back with 1 float across chest,add kick. (Toes turn out, feet to seat, whip around, kick back, glide)
Water based ball games. Ball is moved across the pool by splashing and pushing water with hands.
Stay on surface of water by treading water with the aid of a woggle. Two teams each scoring in opposite goals.
Understanding and appreciation of aquatics. / .

June Class

Physical Education Strands: Athletics, Dance; Gymnastics; Games; Outdoor and adventure activities, tics / Assessment: Teacher observation; Teacher designed tasks and tests;
Assessment of-
Willingness to participate
Readiness to engage with a certain activity
Level of competence in carrying out activity
Interest and attitude to activity.
Willingness to cooperate in individual, pair and group activities.
Approaches and methodologies:
Direct teaching
Guided discovery
Individual, pair, group and team play
Station teaching.
Ply area divided into grid.
by learning objectives, outcome, grouping, pace, teaching style, resource, task, support and as outlined in appendix.
Strand Units;
Revision of all areas / Sports Day:
Children get to experience a range of activities moving from one base to another during the course of the day.
Emphasis is on having fun, participation, appreciation of activities that are suited to all and opportunities to avail of equipment and expertise outside of that usually available in the school during the year eg. Army netting, wooden planks for cooperative games.
P.E time during this month will be used to revise dances, games and activities explored during the year. / .