Change Lives, Teach Ag Workshop Outline

  1. I Was Here, Lady Antebellum Song playing other inspirational music as students find their seats.
  2. Radio, CD, sound, tables arranged grouping students for first set of activities
  1. Name Note cards with topics/terms (2-3 minutes)
  2. Note cards and topics, first grouping will be by terms
  1. Play NAAE Teach Ag Video (5-6 minutes)
  2. Projector, computer, Teach Ag video DVD
  1. You are all here today… (2 minutes)
  2. Greetings and welcome and importance
  1. Introductions of group leaders, teachers, state staff, and students (5 minutes)
  2. State your name, title, describe being an ag teacher in one word (welcome and encouraging towards the students)
  3. Students: Name, school, grade, advisor, favorite ag class
  1. Play Doh molding activity (7-10 minutes)
  2. Play doh (5 large containers)- or enough for each table
  3. Cards with shapes on them
  1. Follow-up discussion questions (3-5 minutes)
  2. How difficult was it to mold these different shapes?
  3. How hard is it to mold play-dough?
  4. How does this relate to being an agricultural educator?
  1. Motivational Speaker (7-10 minutes, preferably a state officer majoring in ag education)
  2. Contact current or former state officers who are majored/majoring in ag education
  3. Topic: Impact ag education teacher had on their life or doing something greater than yourself. OR other mutually agreed upon ag education topic.
  1. Teach Ag T-Shirt- Groups create a Teach Ag T-shirt out of paper and “model” their creation for the others. (15 minutes)
  2. Colored Large Reems of Paper (3’x5’ for each group, any color)
  3. Markers
  4. Modeling music
  5. Follow-up discussion questions (2-3 minutes)
  6. What did you include on your t-shirt?
  7. How does this reflect the profession of ag education?
  8. How does this relate to being an agricultural educator?
  9. Refreshment Break (5 minutes)
  10. Snacks and drinks
  1. Ag Ed infomercial/skit activity (35 minutes)
  2. Topics related to Ag Ed (7-10) on large post-it paper around the room
  3. FFA Advisor
  4. Classes
  5. Ag Ed Family
  6. Change Lives
  7. Benefits of being a Teacher
  8. Continual Learning
  9. Agriculture Industry
  10. Props if possible
  11. Video camera to capture the infomercials
  12. Ag Ed panel (15 minutes)
  13. 5-10 ag teachers and ag ed majors
  1. Goodbye parting thoughts/folders/letters from the ag teacher (3-4 minutes)
  2. Reciting future ag teachers creed (from IA)
  3. Folders
  4. School information
  5. Brochure about being an ag teacher
  6. Resources specific to applying
  7. List of other ag ed universities in the region and contact information
  8. Letter from the ag teacher that nominated the student
  9. Follow-up survey
  1. Hand print banner (displayed at convention)(5 minutes)
  2. Large display banner
  3. Non toxic blue and gold paint
  4. Towels
  5. String to display the banner at session

Total Time: 106 – 118 minutes or 2 hours