Safety Procedure
Working at Height / HLA SP 09
1 Aim2
2 Scope2
3 References2
4 Definitions2
5 Responsibilities3
6 Procedure
6.1 Work at Height3
6.2 Use of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms4
6.3 Use of Fork Lift Trucks5
6.4 Portable Ladders5
6.5 Personal Fall Arrest Systems6
6.6 Portable step ladders6
6.7 Portable stairs7
6.8 Mobile scaffold towers7
6.9 Rescue of persons / people ill / injured at height 7
6.10 Fragile surfaces7
6.11 Falling objects 8
6.12 Weather 8
6.13 Training 8
7Documentation Required by this Procedure 8
8 The Audit Of This Procedure and Its Revision 8
9 Revision Log9
10 Authorisation Log9
- Working at Height Checklist
1. Aim
To define the procedure used for conducting safe working at height or above fall hazards.This procedure is intended to protect the health and safety of any persons working at height or above fall hazards and to comply with current legislation.This procedure must be used in conjunction with all other applicable rules and procedures as described in the current revisions of HLA Services Limited’sSafety Procedures
2. Scope
To ensure that any work carried out at height or above fall hazards is carried out in a safe controlled manner without risk to the person(s) carrying out the work or to personnel and equipment below where the work is being carried out.This procedure also applies to work carried out above pits, shafts and excavations.
3. References
3.1 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
3.2 Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996
3.3 Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
3.4The Work at Height Regulations 2005
4. Definitions
4.1 / Work at height / Work in any place, including at or below ground level or obtaining access to, or egress from such a place while at work, except by a staircase in a permanent workplace.4.2 / Fall hazard / Into Dangerous liquids / above open tank or waterways or into moving machinery/Impalement. A distance likely to cause personal injury
4.3 / Fall protection / Equipment or device to prevent falls from height including harness, lanyard or fall arrest system
4.4 / Working Platform / Any platform used as a place of work or a means of access to or from a place of work, Includes any scaffold, suspended scaffold, cradle, mobile platform, trestle, gangway, gantry and stairway which is so used.
4.5 / Scaftag / Tag attached to access points of scaffolding signed and dated by a competent person. The tag must have been signed within the last 7 days indicating that the scaffold has been inspected.If there is no Scaftag, the tag is out of date or the’ Do not use’ section of the tag is visible, the scaffold must not be used.
4.6 / Work Restraint System / Not for fall protection but to keep the user away from edges or openings where there is a risk from falling
5. Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the Directors to ensure that the contents of this procedure are adhered to at all times
5.2Persons working at height or above fall hazards
It is the responsibility of all persons (both company employees and contractors), working at elevation or above fall hazards, to comply with the requirements of this procedure.
6. Procedure
6.1Work at height
6.1.1 All work at height must be properly planned, appropriately supervised, and carried out in a safe manner. It should incorporate the selection of appropriate work equipment and include a plan for emergencies and rescue. All work at height should be subject to a risk assessment as perregulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. All significant findings should be recorded.
6.1.2The work at height hierarchy of control should be followed:-
- Avoid work at height where possible
- Prevent falls from height
- Mitigate the consequences of a fall
6.1.3When selecting suitable work equipment, the following must be considered:
- Working conditions
- Distance and consequences of a fall
- The area of access and ground conditions
- The duration and frequency of the task
- The space available
- Competence of the operatives involved
- Time factors involved (ie erection of scaffolding etc)
- Weather conditions, particularly horizontal forces (ie wind)
- Need for evacuation and rescue
- Additional risk when installing and removing work equipment
- Distance to be negotiated for access and egress
6.1.4 Any work at height which cannot be performed from a fixed platform and where there is a risk of a fall from height which could cause personal injury, or above fall hazards must be carried out with fall protection in place. Any scaffold used must have a valid ‘Scaftag’ at every access point.
6.1.5A work at height checklist should be completed by the the person carrying out the work at heightprior to the work being carried out. The checklist should be attached to the risk assessment and expires once the work has been carried out.
6.1.6Prior to carrying out the risk assessment,the relevant persons must visit the job site with the person(s) doing the work and review the operation and hazards involved. The following must be considered;
- Gaining access to the elevation.
- Attaching scaffolding or ladders to a fixed support
- Attaching retractable lifelines or harnesses to fixed supports
- Lifting tools and equipment to the work site
- Protection of personnel and equipment below the work site from falling objects
- The level of assessment will be determined by the task to be carried out at height.
6.2Use of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP’s)
6.2.1Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP’s) if used, must be operated by trained and competent operatives. Current training certificates must be in date and available for inspection.
6.2.2Full body harnesses and lanyards must be worn by personnel within the cradle of the MEWP
6.2.3The lanyards must be attached to a suitable point on the MEWP before the cradle is operated. This also includes when the MEWP is being moved to the location where it is to be used.
6.2.4Under no circumstances must anyone stand on the handrails of the cradle or access or exit the cradle except at ground level
6.3Use of Fork Lift Trucks (FLT’s)
6.3.1 Approved cages secured to forklift trucks can be used to gain access to work at height
6.3.2Full body harnesses and lanyards must be worn by personnel within the cage (not belts)
6.3.3The lanyards must be attached to a suitable point on the cage before the fork lift truck is operated
6.3.4Under no circumstances must any person be in the cage while the forklift is being driven
6.3.5The forklift driver must be in attendance throughout the operation at all times
6.4Portable ladders
6.4.1 Portable ladders for work at height must only be used after a risk assessment has been carried out and it has been demonstrated that the use of more suitable equipment is not justified because of the low risk, short duration of use, or existing features on site which cannot be altered.The company’s ladders are inspected quarterly and must be checked prior toallowing theladder to be used.
6.4.2Portable ladders are notapproved work platforms. However certain situations may arise where fall protection is not practical. In these situations the following must be adhered to;
6.4.3 The ladder must be tied off to a fixed object wherever possible and the ladder footed by a second person while this is being done
6.4.4 If the ladder cannot be tied off, it must be footed by the second person for the duration of the job
6.4.5Consideration must be given to attaching the person on the ladder to a fixed object with a full body harness and lanyard
6.4.6Ladders must be in good condition, not painted, inspected before and after use
6.5Personal Fall Arrest Systems
6.5.1Personal fall arrest systems consisting of full body harness, lanyard or retractable reel lifelines may need to be used in certain situations.
6.5.2All equipment must be visually checked before use by the user.
6.5.3Retractable reel lifelines must be attached to approved anchorage points and the line attached to the harness as soon as possible
6.5.4All personal fall arrest systems should be set up so as to limit any fall to 1.8 metres or less
6.5.5Any personal fall arrest systems or components subjected to impact loading must be withdrawn from service immediately and inspected by a competent person before re-use.
6.5.6All components of personal fall arrest systems will be inspected and certified twice yearly by a competent person
NOTE:Work Restraint devices are not considered as a fall arrest systems, i.e. “Safety belts” are used as positioning devices to keep persons away from unguarded edges.
6.6 Portable step ladders
6.6.1 Portable ladders for use for work at height must only be used after a risk assessment has been carried out and it has been demonstrated that the use of more suitable equipment is not justified because of the low risk, short duration of use, or existing features on site which cannot be altered.Portable step ladders are inspected quarterly and must be checked prior to allowing the ladder to be used.
6.6.2 Portable step ladders are notapproved work platforms. However certain situations may arise where fall protection is not practical. In these situations the following must be adhered to;
- Step ladders must be fully opened and secured in the fully opened position where possible.
- The work must be at low level and of short duration
- Over reaching whilst on the step ladder must be avoided
- Standing on the top step should be avoided
- The steps must be used on a firm, even surface
6.7 Portable stairs.
6.7.1Portable stairs for use for work at height must only be used after a risk assessment has been carried out and it has been demonstrated that the use of more suitable equipment is not justified because of the low risk, short duration of use, or existing features on site which cannot be altered.The company’s portable stairs are inspected quarterly and tagged with a ‘Multitag’ which must be checked prior to being used.
6.7.2Portable stairs are notapproved work platforms. However certain situations may arise where fall protection is not practical.In these situations the following must be adhered to;
- Steps must be used on firm, even surfaces
6.8 Mobile scaffold tower
6.8.1Mobile scaffold towers are approved work platforms. They must be erected by trained, competent personnel. If mobile scaffold towers are used, the following must be adhered to:
- No personnel or equipment should be on the tower when it is being moved.
- Suitable access to the work platform (ie fixed ladder) must be provided and used.
- Outriggers must be used if provided.
- Wheels must be locked prior to use.
- Overhead restrictions must be considered when moving the tower.
6.9Rescue of suspended persons / people ill or injured atheight
6.9.1 Assistance from the local Fire service to assist with specialised rope rescue capability should be sought should emergency rescue at height be required.
6.10 Fragile surfaces
6.10.1 Steps must be taken to prevent any person working at height from falling through any fragile surfaces.
6.10.2 Information on the material and condition of fragile surfaces shall be given and a suitable and sufficient risk assessment shall be carried out and shall include consideration of loads due to persons, equipment and tools
6.11 Falling objects
6.11.1 Consideration must be given to the possibility of objects being dropped by persons working at height and striking people below. Danger areas should be identified and taped off using barrier tape to indicate a danger area. Access to such areas should be restricted.
6.12 Weather Conditions
6.12.1Work at height should be stopped or postponed should inclement weather conditions increase the risk to health and safety of those persons carrying out the work.
6.13 Training
6.13.1All personnel who may need to work at height must have both initial and refresher training.
This training will include:
- Legal requirements for fall protection
- Recognition of fall hazards
6.13.2 Training must also be given if any new equipment relating to fall protection is introduced into the workplace.
7. Documentation
7.1 Working at height checklists
7.2Working at Height Risk Assessment
8. The audit of the effectiveness of this Procedure, and its Revision.
8.1 This Procedure and the arrangements to put it into action will besubject to an internal audit at an appropriate frequency.
9. Revision Log
REVN / DATE / DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / AUTHOR1.0 / 02/11/14 / REV 1.0 / D. Clough
2.0 / 01/11/15 / REV 2.0 / D. Clough
3.0 / 24/10/16 / REV 3.0 / D. Clough
10. Authorisation Log
Name / Signature / DateOriginator / D. Clough / 24/10/16
Authoriser / D. Marrs / 24/10/16
Next Review Date / 24/10/17
Date______Permit number______
1. Risk Assessment / Y / NAre the generic work at height risk assessments suitable (if not a suitable and sufficient risk assessment must be undertaken)
2. Working Platform / Y / N / NA
Fixed platform
Guard rails, hand rails toe boards, Scaftag present/ in date?Mobile scaffold tower
Guard rails, hand rails, toe boards, out riggersMobile Elevated Work Platform
Operated by ______Current training certification?
Harness and lanyard to be used?
Approved cage attached to FLT.
Current certification in date?
Harness and lanyard to be used?
3. Portable ladders / Y / N / NA
Portable ladder to be used?
Multitag in date?
Ladder tied off?
Step ladders to be used?
Multitag in date?
Portable stairs to be used?
Multitag in date?
Are the portable ladders/stairs/stepladders in good condition?
4. Personal fall protection / Y / N / NA
Has the harness and lanyardbeen inspected prior to use?
Satisfactory? If no, do not use
Retractable reel lifeline inspected prior to use?
Satisfactory? If no, do not use
Details of protection below from falling objects
Details of rescue from elevation measures
Originated by : / D. Clough / / Procedure HLA SP 09
Authorised by : / D. Marrs / Page 1 of 10
Note : Printed copies of this procedure are UNCONTROLLED.