Fall Ironmen 2016-#9 11/14/16 and 11/17/16
6:15-6:20(7:00-7:05) Greet and Get Settled
6:20-6:35(7:05-7:20) Welcome…..Get with 2 other men and share for a few minutes how spending these weeks learning about “Grace” has been impacting your life?
6:35-6:45(7:20-7:30) Surface some sharing from the 3-somes……
6:45-6:50(7:30-7:35) Take 5 minutes alone and do your best to imagine what your life might possibly look like now apart from the Lord?
6:50-7:00(7:35-7:45) Share some of the things men imagined……
7:00-7:20(7:45-8:05) Mini-Teaching Time:
*Tell me what you know about the Apostle Paul……Do you know what he thought about himself?
(How messed up and yet loved he was….)
*Read 1 Tim 1:12-17 and Rms 5:10-11, 17-18….make some comments
*Have you ever heard someone say (or maybe you’ve felt) “I don’t have a very good testimony-it’s not very exciting-it’s kind of boring”.
*I want to challenge that because the scriptures are clear that ALL OF US apart from the Lord are DEAD and LOST. The fact is we’ve been BROUGHT BACK from the DEAD-and-WHAT WAS LOST HAS BEEN FOUND! There is MORE JOY in heaven over 1 sinner who repents…Period! That’s quite a testimony if you ask me! One person’s story may not have all the “bells and whistles” that Paul’s or others may have”-but in their essence it’s the same….dead and lost!
*None of us should ever underestimate what the Lord has rescued us from (domain of darkness…Col 1:12-13). Some people may be more involved in crazy behavior, or have calloused hearts. But apart from Jesus we are all in the same boat…
*Read “A Home For Bastards…A Story”
*Put on Power Point slide:
Willard: Defines “Grace” as: “God’s (underserved) action in your life to accomplish what you cannot accomplish on your own”. He adds that “to grow in grace means to grow in the amount of God’s action in your life”.
*How often have you considered that a KEY motivator in growing and changing is grasping how FOR you the Lord is! Hear Paul’s words again
“….the grace of the Lord was poured out on me abundantly…so that in me the worst of sinners God might display His infinite patience…..”
Take a minute and simply Thank the Lord for not quitting on you.
7:20-7:40(8:05-8:25) TABLE TALK:
*Imagine together (be specific) how it might practically look if the “grace” the Lord has shown to you would flow through you to others?
7:45/8:30 Review Memory Verse/Prayer/Announcements
-Training Opportunities
-Handouts/Next Session Promo