Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory

Financial Aid Form

Who Must Complete This Form?

·  All REU applicants

There is no cost to the student for the REU program. This form is used to determine the financial need of the applicant.

·  Any coursework applicant who would like financial aid

There are a number of scholarships available for coursework study at RMBL. There are several full scholarships that provide room, board, tuition, station fees, and some money for travel. Several other student scholarships provide partial amounts toward fees. All financial aid awards are based on an assessment of financial need. No student should hesitate to apply for our courses solely because they lack financial resources. Please note that students receiving financial aid are expected to maintain a B average in all of their courses. Students will undergo a review mid-way through the semester, and any student not meeting this requirement will be asked to leave.

The information in the form will be kept confidential. Please answer the questions thoroughly. Incomplete answers will significantly delay approval of your application.

General Information

Your Full Name:
By completing and submitting this form, you are certifying that, to the best of your knowledge, the information contained herein is correct and complete. And you are giving RMBL your permission to verify it. Please notify RMBL of any changes in your financial situation.
Please check this box if you understand and agree to the previous statements:
Bill & Grace Calder Scholarship
This scholarship is intended for women who are Journalism, English, or Creative Writing majors (or are journalists) who are interested in nature or environmental writing and wish to study field biology for a summer.
Please check this box if you would qualify for this award:
Your Finances
Estimated costs for your current school year (please itemize in detail):
Estimated funds available (please list sources, e.g. savings, grants, loans, parents, etc.):
Do you usually have a summer job? / yesno
Do you work during the school year? / yesno
If so, how many hours do you work during the school year?
Did you receive financial support from your parents this school year? / yesno
Did your parents claim you as an income tax exemption this year? / yesno
How many dependents do your parents claim?
Student, Spouse and Parent Financial Statement
The following questions should be answered from your (or your parents', if you are a dependent) most current U.S. federal income tax return. All financial information is kept confidential.
Corresponding line numbers from 2016 U.S. Tax Forms (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ) are listed, when known.
Year your figures are from:
Student / Spouse / Father / Mother
Wages, salary, tips, etc.
1040 line 7; 1040A line 7; 1040EZ line 1)
Taxable Interest income
1040 line 8a; 1040A line 8a; 1040EZ line 2)
Ordinary Dividends after IRS exclusion
1040 line 9a; 1040A line 9a; 1040EZ n/a)
Other taxable income
1040 lines 10-19,21; 1040A lines 10-13; 1040EZ line 3)
IRA Deduction
1040 line 32; 1040A line 17; 1040EZ n/a
US income tax paid
1040 line 63; 1040A line 39; 1040EZ line 12
Itemized deductions
1040 line 40; 1040A n/a; 1040EZ n/a
Non-taxable income
Taxable Social security benefits
1040 line 20b; 1040A line 14b; 1040EZ n/a
Cash, savings, checking accounts

If you feel that this form may not present a realistic picture of your finances, please explain:

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