THEME: Baden Powell’s BirthdaySUBTHEME: Yellow
5:50:COMING IN ACTIVITY: Make Book Mark – A Joey Scout Cares a Joey Scout Shares. Add stickers and wool.
6:05:What is Founders Day Day Story: What is Founders Day?
Founders Day is a very special birthday. It is the birthday of Lord Baden-Powell and his wifeLady Baden-Powell.
On Founders Day, Scouts all over the world have parties to celebrate Lord Baden-Powell and Lady Baden-Powell’sbirthdays.They were born on the same day 22nd February. On this special birthday we think of the Joeys, Cubs and Scouts all over the world. And they think of us in the same way on this day.
Lord Baden-Powell was born in England about 150 years ago! When he was an adult he wrote a book about camping, first aid, animals and lots of other things. He called this book “Scouting for Boys”. Lots of boys in England bought the book. They loved it so much, they started little groups called Boy Scouts. In the groups they did all the activities Lord Baden-Powell talked about in his book and they talked to their friends about how much fun it was. In just a little while, Boy Scout groups began popping up all over the world.
Lord Baden-Powell had no idea how many boys there were in these groups so he decided to call them all together for a big party in London. He invited ‘anyone doing Scouting’ to come to the party. Was he ever surprised when eleven thousand boys showed up.
Boy Scouts, Was soon followed by the Cub scouts and then 25 years ago theJoey Scoutsstarted and now Scouts are spread all over the world!
Founders Day / Tap the side of your head and look thoughtfulBirthday / Say, “Happy Birthday!” and blow out imaginary candles
Party or Parties / Say, “Yahoo!” with one hand raised in the air
Lord Baden-Powell / Bow
Lady Baden-Powell / Curtsy
London / Make a bridge with a partner
Boy Scouts / Hold up three fingers and say, “Be Prepared”
Joey Scouts / Say, “Joey Power!” with fisted hands on hips
Friends / Shake hands with your partner
World / Spin in a circle (like a globe)
6:10: Activity: Obstacle Course Baden Powell was in the Army.
Set up outside: rope to swing on, ladder to climb along, rope bridge, chairs to crawl under, balance beam to walk along,
6:30: Game: Joey Scout Bridge
Divide the room into two territories with an imaginary valley in between. The leader tells a story eg. All the Joey Scouts are trying to escape across the valley to get to safety on the other side. However there is no bridge and a special magic Joey Scout bridge must be made using Joey Scouts themselves. One by one each Joey adds to the bridge by standing or crouching in position. Each Joey must climb over or crawl under the children who are already part of the bridge (Joeys standing stand with their legs apart and Joeys crouching form a ball shape). This continues until they reach the other side. When the last Joey is added to the bridge the first Joey Scout can now move from the end crawling under and climbing over the others etc until the entire Mob is safe. This activity teaches cooperation to achieve a goal.
6:35: Activity – Memory Game Equipment: Several items
Place several objects on a table ask the Joey Scouts to look at the items. Then ask to Joey Scouts to turn around. While the Joey Scouts have their back turned remove an item. Ask the Joey Scouts to turn around and name the item removed. Do this a couple of times.
Variation: Remove more than one item at a time. Allow the Joey Scout to take turns and remove an item.
6:40: Craft: Joeys make patterns on yellow butterfly wings.
The Butterfly Hunter
Many years before Mafeking, B-P had disguised himself as a butterfly hunter in Dalmatia, and spied on the forts and defences of the enemy. Whenever he met an enemy soldier, Baden Powell would say`with my sketch book in hand, I would ask innocently whether he had seen such-and-such a butterfly in the neighbourhood, as I was anxious to catch one. Ninety-nine out of a hundred did not know one butterfly from another - any more than I did - so one was on fairly safe ground in that way, and they thoroughly sympathised with the mad Englishman who was hunting insects.' What the officers did not notice was that Baden-Powell's sketches of butterfly wings included maps of their own forts and defences...
6:50: Activity: Joeys add candle to cup cakes, light, sing Happy Birthday and blow out candles!