Minutes of Regular Meeting: July 19, 2017

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order by Chairman Joe Schaller

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call: Mr. Britten, Mr. Mack, Mr. Schaller, Ms. Haar, Mr. Celley, Mr. Gottfried, Chief Hetrick, Chief Brice, Ms. Hemminger, Mr. Warnimont

Mr. Britten moved to approve the amended agenda; seconded by Mr. Mack. All yes, motion carried.

Special Presentation: Paulette Mills – Poggemeyer Design spoke on the CBDG (a neighborhood revitalization grant through Wood County Commissions). Perrysburg Heights Community Center and the Perrysburg Heights neighborhood are possibly eligible. Ms. Mills had spoken at a June meeting and was again gauging interest in proceeding with the grant application. Step 1 was to get the request in front of the county commissioners, step 2 would be completing an income survey of the area – to be eligible at least 51% or higher in the moderate income group which is $35,000 for an individual and about $4000 for each additional individual in the household. Then community involvement is measured. Five open meeting are needed to discuss what the community needs are, and then the community consensus on what projects need to be included in the application. Local match at a minimum 10% match would be required for the $500,000 grant. Mr. Celley asked when a financial commitment would need to be made; Ms. Mills responded that other than the application fee, it would not be necessary until the grant decision was made, and that the Wood County Commissioner’s would be asked to contribute as well. Mr. Britten asked what the PHC wanted to improve. Ms. Mills responded that the parking lot had been discussed, but that it was a backward type grant where community and neighborhood feedback would ultimately produce the three items up for grant approval. Ms. Mills stated that there is a $50,000 set aside in the grant for Poggemeyer Design to write and administer the grant, and that she was asking for a commitment to pursue the grant. Mr. Mack stated that the township had a contractual agreement with the City of Perrysburg to annex Perrysburg Heights, and that an agreement with the city would be needed as well. The township owns the Heights Community Center building, and would continue to do so. Ms. Mills will schedule a meeting with the city to discuss their commitment on annexation and participation in the grant. Mr. Celley and one trustee would be asked to attend. Once that meeting is held the grant can be revisited.

Approval of meeting minutes: Mr. Britten moved to approve the meeting minutes assubmitted for July 5, 2017. Mr. Mack seconded the motion;all yes,motion approved.

Maintenance: Mr. Gottfried stated that he heard from the state on the salt contract for 2017-2018. The contract price is $34.44 per ton of salt from Cargill, and that he would purchase 400 ton of salt. Mr. Britten moved to enter into the contract for 400 tons at $34.44 per ton from Cargill, Mr. Mack seconded the motion; all yes, motion approved.

Mr. Gottfried also stated that the township had been approved on the road safety sign grant which includes safety signage, such as stop signs and warning signs. The grant includes signs, hardware and posts. Mr. Gottfried also stated that he would inventory all the items received as requested by the state as there have been delivery errors in the past.

Fire/EMS:Chief Bricestated that the Code Red test conducted July 14 at 4:00 p.m. was successful. One problem area was identified in the Shannon Hills area and that the issue had been corrected.

Chief Brice announced that the department had received a grant from the FireFighters grant program in the amount of $39,000 for a power load system and a power cot for one ambulance. That grant required a 5% local financial commitment as well.

In addition, Chief Brice announced that the department received funds from a state EMS grant in the amount of $3800. He thanked the board of trustees for sending him to the Ohio Fire Chief Conference; he felt it was a great networking opportunity with well-informed speakers.

Chief Brice presented the EMS/MVA billing report for May, and stated that this would be the last from Medicount the former billing service, and that additional reports would come from the new billing service that is currently collecting for the township.

He also presented the June run report with a total of 131 runs, which is 98 EMS runs and 33 fire runs. He also asked for approval of the ESO Contract reviewed by Mr. Celley. Mr. Mack moved to approve the ESO contract; Mr. Britten seconded the motion; all yes, motion approved.

Chief Brice requested a replacement of one staff vehicle. The 2003 Ford Explorer driven by the fire inspector was having mechanical issues. He had looked at pickup trucks but that they did not have the maneuverability needed, and was requesting to purchase a 2018 Suburban from Bauman Auto Group in the amount of $42,688.93. They had looked at Tahoe’s as well for roughly $37,000. He wanted the Suburban in order to install a command center in the rear to manage scenes from the rear of the vehicle. Mr. Britten asked if staff vehicles would be swapped around with the purchase. Chief Brice stated that yes; some swaps would be made, but that he would drive the Suburban. He wanted to discuss the swaps with the fire captains at their next meeting as since staffing has increased (with the use of part paid volunteers) the department was able to have a pickup or utility vehicle follow an ambulance on runs rather than a fire engine. Both Mr. Britten and Mr. Schaller thanked Chief Brice for using his resources this way rather than putting a lot of wear and tear on fire engines for this purpose.Mr. Britten moved purchase a 2018 Suburban from Bauman Auto Group for $42,688.93, Mr. Mack seconded the motion; all yes, motion approved.

Chief Brice requested contract renewal with Lexipol, which is the policy and procedure software that is used. Lexipol sends daily training bulletins for policy and procedure review and tracks which personnel have reviewed information via the training bulletins. The program has been in use four or five years. Mr. Britten moved to renew the Lexipol contract in the amount of $4663.00, Mr. Mack seconded the motion; all yes, motion approved.

Recreation and Recycling: Mr. Warnimont stated that the recycling program through Bowling Green was no longer accepting glass. Last Saturday he had posted a notice prior to the collection without incident. He also stated that he had removed the slide and swing set from the Ft. Meigs fire station in anticipation of that property being sold to the city of Perrysburg. Park projects were being completed as weather allowed.

Zoning: Ms. Hemminger requested a public hearing be scheduled for August 16 regular meeting of the board to consider rezoning on a plot off Oregon Road from R-5 to C-2.The board approved her request. Ms. Hemminger also requested to attend the Ohio Planning Conference in Athens, Ohio in September. She will ride with the county planning committee and share hotel expenses for two night’s costs not to exceed $600.00. Mr. Mack moved to send Ms. Hemminger to the Planning Conference, Mr. Britten seconded the motion; all yes, motion approved.

Administrator:Mr. Celley announced that the Health Care Committee met and unanimously agreed to renew the contract with Medical Mutual, the current healthcare carrier for township personnelfor 12 months at an 8% increase. Mr. Mack moved to renew the contract for 12 months at an 8% increase for the October 2017-September 2018 year, Mr. Schaller seconded the motion; all yes, motion approved.

Mr. Celley recommended renewal of the gas aggregation program with Volunteer Energy. Volunteer Energy had the lowest bid when the program was shopped, and was 13% lower than Columbia Gas. The renewal would be for a two year period. Residents would receive opt-out letters with the renewal. Volunteer Energy has been the provider for the last four years. Mr. Britten moved to renew the gas aggregation contract with Volunteer Energy with permission to Mr. Celley to sign as needed, Mr. Mack seconded the motion; all yes, motion approved.

Mr. Celley had spoken with Craig LaHote at the board’s request on the subject of quotes from PerryProTech for ShoreTel equipment and software upgrades. The hardware upgrade is due to the old hardware no longer being supported, and is in amount of $8974.51. The software quote for $6660 is due to obsolescence of the current software as of December, 2017. Mr. LaHote opined that the cost was reasonable. Mr. Britten moved to approve both quotes on the ShoreTel system from PerryProTech, Mr. Mack seconded the motion; all yes, motion approved.

Mr. Celley had received an invoice from Wood County on the Buck/Lime City road improvement share cost. Mr. Britten called on John Musteric, Wood County Engineer, and asked if the engineer’s office was involved in the project as Mr. Musteric’s office had signed the invoice. Mr. Musteric responded, that yes, his department was leading the project. Mr. Britten excused himself from the discussion for this reason. Mr. Mack moved to approve the invoice for #300,000 for this project. Mr. Schaller seconded the motion; two votes yes, Mr. Britten abstained, motion approved.

Mr. Celley informed the board of the following items:

  • The right of way at Gleneagles and Ford Roads will be vacated as the intersection will go from a curve to a squared off intersection effective July 27, 2017
  • Way Library’s Beyond Books program with a kick-off meeting scheduled for July 26, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. will expand their lending program to include not only books, recordings, movies, and other media but tools, some musical instruments and toys for patrons. One of the items is a lawn sized chess board. Interested parties should attend.

Mr. Celley had prepared a resolution for a speed limit change on Carolina Drive. The subject has been thoroughly researched and the proposed reduction to 25 MPH is awaiting approval from the board. Mr. Britten moved to approve Resolution 2017-13 to adopt a 25 MPH speed limit on Carolina Drive, Mr. Mack seconded the motion; all yes, motion approved.

Fiscal Officer: Ms. Haar presented the check report, cash position report, and bank report to the trustees for their signatures. She also stated that due to a fraudulent check issue the township had adopted “positive pay” a program through the bank to protect the township from fraud. The township had recently had a check to a supplier “washed” and cashed to an individual. This individual is currently incarcerated, but the bank did not cover the $4823 cost as they had offered the “positive pay” program but that the township had not yet taken advantage of the program. Ms. Haar thanked the township detectives for their assistance in the matter and urged all government entities to take advantage of the program. She had reviewed the issue with the Wood County Township Association members as well. Mr. Mack also discussed the program from USPS called “informed delivery” an e-mail program that informs residents on what specific items will be delivered to their mailboxes on each delivery day. This way if you are expecting items and they are stolen from your mailbox you have a record of delivery. The postal service has had many issues of individuals fraudulently taking mail from people’s mail boxes.

Trustees:Mr. Celley proposed Hull Prairie Road from Roachton to state route 65 for the OPWC grant with a deadline for this year of September 8, 2017. Discussion of road improvements for grant application was done at a prior meeting. Mr. Schaller, Mr. Celley, Mr. Gottfried, Tom Yurysta of Proudfoot met with the city, the county engineer and this was the proposal that came from this meeting. A quote of $4900 from Proudfoot to complete the grant application was presented as well. The township would have to take the lead on the project as 30-35% of the road is City, with county involvement as well. Mr. Britten asked if the city could be approached to take the lead as there was small city grant money available as well; Mr. Celley responded that he had asked that question and the city would require the township to take the lead. Mr. Schaller stated that the county would have four bridges on that stretch of roadway so they would be heavily involved as well. Mr. Mack moved to approve $4900 to Proudfoot to complete the grant application to OPWC, Mr. Schaller seconded the motion; two yes, Mr. Britten abstained. Motion approved.

Mr. Mack stated that the next RTID meeting on the audit review is Friday, 7/21/2017 at 8:00 a.m.

Mr. Britten opined that he would like to see road improvements and parks on the five year plan. He would like to investigate roads funding going forward whether it be a levy, grants or other avenues of funding. These two items were high on the list of what residents are requesting.

Mr. Mack will be in charge of a discussion on the most pressing issues for townships at the next TMACOG meeting. His discussion will center on funding for road improvements. Mr. Schaller agreed.

Mr. Schaller asked for other comments or public comments, with none presented he asked for a motion to adjourn.

Mr. Britten moved to adjourn, Mr. Mack seconded; all yes. Meeting adjourned.


Shirley A Haar –Fiscal Officer Joe Schaller –Chairman