The Chapel of Lincoln College, Oxford Services and Music for Hilary Term 2010


First Week

17 SundayThe Second Sunday of Epiphany

6.00 Choral Evensong



CanticlesBrewer in D

AnthemCornelius The Three Kings

HymnsNEH 137, 431, 55

18 Monday

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (until 25th)

8.45 Morning Prayer

19 Tuesday

Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, 1095

8.45 Morning Prayer

20 Wednesday

8.45 Morning Prayer

6.00 College Eucharist

21 Thursday

Agnes, child martyr, Rome, 304

8.45 Morning Prayer

22 Friday

8.45 Morning Prayer

Second Week

24 SundayThe Third Sunday of Epiphany

6.00 Choral Evensong



CanticlesJackson in G

AnthemSchütz, Verleih uns Freiden

HymnsNEH 345, 342 (tune 178), 415

25 Monday

Conversion of Paul

8.45 Morning Prayer

26 Tuesday

Timothy and Titus, companions of Paul

8.45 Morning Prayer

27 WednesdayHolocaust Memorial Day

8.45 Morning Prayer

6.00 College Eucharist

28 Thursday

Thomas Aquinas, priest, philosopher and teacher, 1274

8.45 Morning Prayer

29 Friday

8.45 Morning Prayer

Third Week

31 SundayCandlemas (transferred)

6.00 Choral Evensong



CanticlesTomkins Second Service

AnthemLukaszewski Nunc Dimittis

HymnsNEH 408, 234, 439


1 Monday

Brigid, Abbess of Kildare, c.525

8.45 Morning Prayer

2 Tuesday

Candlemas (transferred to 31st Jan.)

8.45 Morning Prayer

3 Wednesday

Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg, Missionary, 865

8.45 Morning Prayer

6.00 College Eucharist

4 Thursday

Glbert of Sempringham, founder of the Gilbertine Order, 1189

8.45 Morning Prayer

5 Friday

Accession of Queen Elizabeth II

8.45 Morning Prayer

6.00 Lord Crewe Evensong



CanticlesWood in D

AnthemTelemann So gehe hin

HymnsNEH 362 (tune 185), 245, 186

Fourth Week

7 SundayThe Second Sunday before Lent

6.00 Choral Evensong

Responses Clucas


CanticlesIreland in F

AnthemParry I was glad

HymnsNEH 466, 244, 263 (omit vv. 4&5)

8 Monday

8.45 Morning Prayer

9 Tuesday

8.45 Morning Prayer

10 Wednesday

Scholastica, Sister of St Benedict, Abbess of Plambiorola, c.543

8.45 Morning Prayer

6.00 College Eucharist

11 Thursday

8.45 Morning Prayer

12 Friday

8.45 Morning Prayer

13 Saturday

4.15 Choral Evensong



CanticlesDyson in D

AnthemHarris Bring us, O Lord

HymnsNEH 436, 239, 368

Fifth Week

14 SundayThe Sunday next before Lent

6.00 Choral Evensong


Psalm 89.5-12

CanticlesByrd Second Service

AnthemStanford Beati quorum via

HymnsNEH 349, 391, 352

15 Monday

Sigfrid, Bishop, Apostle of Sweden, 1045

8.45 Morning Prayer

16 Tuesday

8.45 Morning Prayer


8.45 Morning Prayer

6.00 Eucharist with hymns

Hymns NEH 67, 353, 372

18 Thursday

8.45 Morning Prayer

19 Friday

8.45 Morning Prayer

Sixth Week

21 SundayThe First Sunday of Lent

6.00 Turl Street Arts Festival Joint Choral Evensong

Jesus College Chapel



CanticlesStanford in A

AnthemHowells O Pray for the peace of Jerusalem


22 Monday

8.45 Morning Prayer

23 Tuesday

Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, martyr, c.155

8.45 Morning Prayer

24 Wednesday

8.45 Morning Prayer

6.00 College Eucharist

25 Thursday

8.45 Morning Prayer

26 Friday

8.45 Morning Prayer

Seventh Week

28 SundayThe Second Sunday of Lent

6.00 Choral Evensong



CanticlesHowells Collegium Regale

AnthemHaydn Insane et vanae curae

HymnsNEH 79 (tune 128ii), 250, 363


1 Monday

David, Bishop of Menevia, Patron Saint of Wales, c.601

8.45 Morning Prayer

2 Tuesday

Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, missionary, 672

8.45 Morning Prayer

3 Wednesday

8.45 Morning Prayer

6.00 SungEucharist

MassLotti Missa Brevis in F

MotetElgar O Salutaris Hostia

HymnsNEH 307, 70(i), 294

4 Thursday

8.45 Morning Prayer

5 Friday

8.45 Morning Prayer

Eighth Week

7 SundayThe Third Sunday of Lent

6.00 Passio: music for Lent and Passiontide

MusicGibbons, arr. Bairstow Jesu, grant me this I pray

Tallis A new commandment

Lauridsen O nata lux

Poulenc Vinea mea electa

Tallis Why fum’th in sight

Leighton Drop, drop slow tears

Duruflé Ubi caritas


8 Monday

Felix, Bishop, Apostle to the East Angles, 647

Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln, 1910

8.45 Morning Prayer

9 Tuesday

8.45 Morning Prayer

10 Wednesday

8.45 Morning Prayer

6.00 College Eucharist

11 Thursday

8.45 Morning Prayer

12 Friday

8.45 Morning Prayer

13 Saturday

End of Hilary Term


William Thomas Senior Organ Scholar The Reverend Gregory Platten Chaplain Tom Daggett Junior Organ Scholar