5th Grade Weekly Gazette

Week 12

October 31 – November 4, 2016

A look at the week ahead!

Monday, Oct. 31–Math homework goes home.

Monday, Oct. 31 - READ IN & PJ Day-Students need to bring sneakers to wear.

Friday, Nov. 4 – Spelling Test, Math Spiral Review


Pioneer Trail’s Mission –The mission of Pioneer Trail is to create a community where all members work to their maximum potential, display positive character, and engage in high-quality learning experiences.

November’s Character Trait is Politeness

Politeness - A person whose behavior is respectful and considerate of others.


The following notes are coming home with tonight’s newsletter:

-Graded papers- Other notes

Things to remember:

  1. Always check your child’s planner for homework. Weekly assignments & upcoming quizzes/tests are posted on the classroom website.
  2. Students will be bringing home notes, homework, and completed work in a take home folder. Make sure to check for notes and important information that may come home.


Weekly Lessons

Reading –Our reading lessons will focus around drawing conclusion and inferring while reading poetry. We will be discussing how reading impacts our lives and how we as readers should go about choosing books that are a good fit for each of us. In addition, we will continue to discuss the different strategies that make us better readers and evaluating story elements in literature.

Spelling– The spelling words for Unit 10: they’re, except, information, machine, speed, length, measure,correct, travel, friend, stay, walked, simple, strong, fast, night, going, and always. We will have a sentence dictation test on Friday.

***During the dictation test, students will be responsible for all the words learned this year, including this week’s words and all words learned previous years.

Writing –Students will be writing several types of poetry. They will work cooperatively with team members and independently to explore poetry and gain a perspective of how they can convey themselves through poetry.

Math– We will begin solving problems involving multiplication and division with whole numbers and with numbers involving decimals. Students will learn and then model how to justify and explain their answers.

Social Studies– Student groups will learn about Native Americans. This will begin when we are finished with the science unit.

Science –We will begin studying force and motion. Students will apply their knowledge of force and motion to describe and design a simple machine.


**Please remember to read the special note about Read-In Day.

If you ever need to get a hold of me, please feel free to call me at 632-3400. My plan time is from 8:50-9:40.

Have a great weekend.

5th grade team