Hackney Council is pleased to announce the 2016 Hackney Youth Awards – to encourage and support young people to achieve their full potential, and to share and celebrate success stories. If you know of any young person or group of young people who deserve this recognition, this is your opportunity to nominate them for an award.

The awards are for young people aged 6 – 19 (up to 25 with support needs), who either live or go to school in the borough. There aresevenaward categories:

  1. Overcoming Adversity Award
  2. Outstanding Volunteer Award
  3. Young Adventure Award
  4. Arts and Culture Award
  5. Community Group Impact Award
  6. Inspirational Young Person Award
  7. Sports Individual and Team Award

If you would like to nominate an individual or a group, please complete the form below and sendto by Friday7 October, we will be in touch with you on 11 October to announce the shortlisted nominees.All those shortlisted will be invited to the awards ceremony onWednesday2 November at Hackney Town Hall.

If you require any further information about the Awards or the ceremony please feel free to call Maria Thompson on 020 8356 7975.We look forward to receiving your nominations.

How to nominate:

  • Each member of staff may submit one Senior (age 13 – 19) or Junior (aged 6 – 12) young personper category (with the exception of the Sports and Community Group Award, you can nominate a group or team – details of additional young people will need to be added)
  • You may choose more than one category, however, only one person maybe nominated in each.
  • Each nomination must be submitted on a separate form.
  • You must submit a nomination to young people aged 6-19yrs, or up to 25 (if the young person has support needs).
  • You must inform the young people before you nominate them.
  • Read each criteria carefully. In order for the application to be processed successfully, please complete all fields required on application form and ensure you return before the deadline.

Deadline for nominations is Friday 7 October 2016; any applications sent after this date will not be considered.

Once completed please send directly via email to:

Or via post to:

Maria Thompson, Youth Support, Engagement and Development Team

Young Hackney

Third Floor

Hackney Service Centre

1 Hillman Street, London, E8 1DY.


Please read the categories for nominations carefully when considering a candidate:

  1. Overcoming Adversity Award:

Recognising those who have worked hard to overcome adversity and stepped forward to reach a positive outcome.

  1. Outstanding Volunteer Award

For volunteers who have demonstrated a passion for what they are doing, out of heart, commitment and dedication.Volunteering can be informal, for example, helping at their local youth club during a session.

  1. Young Adventure Award

This award is for those young people who have shown bravery; explored their ideas and initiatives; and have demonstrated a drive to self-discovery. For example, Adventure Play, residential achievements, expeditions etc.

  1. Arts and Culture Award

For young people who have reached their aspirations or inspired others with the use of creative arts and culture. For example, they might have made an impact or advocate a cause through art, music, theatre, dance, spoken word, film etc.

  1. Community Group Impact Award

This award is designed for groups who have worked to make a positive change within their community — by raising funds or raising awareness about issues of importance to young people. For example:cultural projects, involvement incommunity history months, community events, global projects, food banks etc.

  1. Inspirational Young Person Award

This award is designed for those young people who have dedicated themselves to working hard both academically and emotionally, those that lead by example and who act as a role model for other young people.

  1. Sports Individual and Team Award

Foroutstanding achievement in a sports activity (either achievement as part of a team or individual sporting achievement); or for demonstrating true sportsmanship.

Youth Awards Nomination Application Form

Please tick:
Junior (aged 6 – 12) / Senior YP (13 – 19 or up to 25 with support needs)
Nominee details
First name:
Nominee’s postal address:
Nominee’s phone number:
Nominee’s email address:

Please provide a short statement describing how the nominee meets the following award criteria. Where possible, provide examples to support the statements. You may choose more than one category, however, only 1 person maybe nominated in each. (Please continue on separate sheet if needed.)



Nominated by (staff name)
Job title:
Relationship to nominee

Deadlines and Dates for the Diary!

Closing date for Nominations / Friday 7 October
Nomination shortlisting completion / Saturday 8 October
Judge Panel finalists shortlisting / Monday 10 October
Finalists announced and invites sent / Tuesday 11 October
Finalists confirmation of attendance / Monday 24 October
Youth Awards ceremony / Wednesday 2 November