Mrs. Pham’sBehavioral Plan
Evaluation of students’ behavior and academic behavior will be based on the conduct criterion that is currently in the 4th grade report card.
Behavioral Codes
Examples of behaviors for spikes
- Follow Rules—raise your hand for permission to talk, raise your hand for permission to get out of your seat, no talking in the media center, no playing in class, no playing in the restroom, and no talking in the hallways.
- Listens to and follows directions- When asked to do something, you should follow quickly, refusing to follow may be a direct referral.
- Asks questions and seeks help when needed- If students don’t ask questions during practice time and tries to ask questions during a test will get a spike in this category.
- Stays on task- students who tries to play around or doing something else besides the present assignment will get a spike in this category.
- Completes work thoughtfully- including classwork, AR goal, homework, projects and tests. Students are expected to complete all assignments unless he/she has an excused absent. Each missed assignments will get a spike and also your grade will be affected.
- Takes care of school and personal property- Keeping notebook neat and organized is not only a good habit, it is a participation grade in Mrs. Pham’s class. Students are expected to keep their desk and area around them neat and clean also. At the end of the day, if their area is not neat and clean, a spike is given in this category.
- Works independently at appropriate times- students are expected to complete their work during individual time including tests and class assignments. When he/she finishes the assigned classwork, students are expected to use individual time for AR and AR tests.
- Demonstrates behavior that promotes learning- bulling, calling names, disrespectful to peers and adults, ( these are two spikes and may be a referral because it is detrimental to the learning environment)
- Completes assignments in a timely manner- Returning take home folder on time and doing your homework every night. Finish your assignments and turn it in on time.
- Contributes appropriately as a group member- work cooperatively in your group, raise your hand when Mrs. Pham asks the class to contribute.
1 spike in one day = 5 mins off recess, 2 spikes in one day = 10 mins off recess, 3 spikes in 1 day = No recess
Spikes will be written in your agenda by Mrs. Pham for parents to see why you had received the spike.
Three spikes in one day- contact parents (email, phone, or agenda)
5 spikes in one day- office referral, In team/office suspension
3 or more spikes every day for a week- parent, teacher, student conference, possible moving into another class.
No spikes a week- candy or other fun prizes
All students will be given a weekly Conduct Progress Report that should be reviewed by parents and returned the next day after it is given to be signed by the child’s parent/guardian.
Please cut and retain for your records
Mrs. Pham’sBehavioral Plan
Student Signature______Parent signature______date______