1.1. (1(1/21)
Classes begin 1/24 / § Course introduction
§ Grammar review / § Everyday greeting pgs 221-222 / § Dopo la pioggia Gianni Rodari
§ Esperimento sul pollo da Il canto delle baleen di Ferdinando Camon
2. (1/28) / § The reflexive verbs, pgs 160-163
Reflexive verbs in present tense; / ■ Responses, p 222 / §  Saluti da Londra
§  I venti… / Translation I
3. (2/4) / § The past perfect, pgs 112-115
Formation; Use
§ Prefixes and suffixes that alter meaning,, pgs 236-243
Suffixes of nouns and adjectives, Prefixes of nouns and adjectives, prefixes of verbs. / § Nationalities and languages p. 222
§ Every\day objects p. 222 / §  Il progetto Erasmus (uninsubria.it)
§  Un uovo al giorno può essere troppo (italiasalute.it) / Quiz .1
4. (2/11) / § The preterit, pgs 90-96
Formation; Use / § Characteristics (Nouns), pgs 222-223 / § Arlecchino e Pulcinella da Maschere italiane
§ L’Acca in fuga di Giovanni Rodari / Translation II
5. (2/18) / § The preterit, pgs 90-96
Formation; Use (cont..) / § Characteristics (adjectives), p 223 / §  La ragazza mela di Italo Calvino (Ponti) / Quiz 2
6. (2/25) / § The Future, pgs 116-120
Formation; Use
§ The Future perfect, pgs 121-123
Formation;, Use / §  Color, p 223
§  The weather (nouns), p. 223-4 / §  Sognerò di Vasco Rossi
§ Ci risiamo, arriva l’influenza…(Unità.it) / Translation III
7. (3/4) / ·  The conditional, pgs 124-128
Formation; Use
·  The conditional perfect, pgs 130-132
Formation; Use / §  The weather (adjectives), p 224
§  The Earth, p. 224 / §  Italia mammoni? No, genitori “possessive” (corriere.it)
§ Berlusconi opera da museo di Carsten Wollenweber (tiscali.it) / MIDTERM
8. (3/11) / §  The relative clause, pgs 201-206
The relative clause with che; with cui; with il quale, i quail, le quail; with chi; with quello che, cio che; with il che; with il cui, la cui, i cui, le cui / § The house, p 225. / § Frederico Fellini. Il maestro dei sogni
§  Il gioco dei se da Due giri intorno al mio ombelico / Translation IV
9. (3/25) / · The imperative, pgs 133-141
The affirmative impertative; The negative imperative; Personal pronouns with the imperative; Use
. / § The City, p. 230 / § Per una sana alimentazione da il Dietista
§  Se una note d’inverno un viaggiatore / Quiz 3
10. (4/1) / § The Subjunctive, pgs 142-156
The Present Subjunctive; Formation; Use; The present perfect subjunctive; Formation, Use; The past perfect subjunctive; Formation; Use; Sequence of tenses with the subjunctive. / § Transportationp. 230
§  Travel, p.230-1 / §  Voglio volere di Ligabue
§  Credo che lui non mi ami (alfemminile.com) / Translation V
11.(4/8) / § The Subjunctive, pgs 142-156
The Present Subjunctive; Formation; Use; The present perfect subjunctive; Formation, Use; The past perfect subjunctive; Formation; Use; Sequence of tenses with the subjunctive.
(cont..) / §  The car , p 231 / §  Gli italiani: gesticolano, ma hanno uno stile impeccabile di R. Mastrolonardo (Corriere della Sera)
§  Se tu mi dimentichassi di Pablo Neruda / Quiz 4
12.(4/15) / § The Subjunctive, pgs 142-156 (cont..) / § Due personalità della lettueratura sarda. / Translation VI
13.(4/22) / § The conditional sentence, pgs 207-209
The real conditional sentence; the unreal conditional sentence / ·  Vocab review /
§  S’i’ fossi foco di Cecco Angiolieri
§  Intervista a Monica Frassoni (ciip.it) / Quiz 5
14. (4/29) / § The conditional sentence, pgs 207-209
The real conditional sentence; the unreal conditional sentence (cont)
Review / ·  Vocab review / ·  Ultima pratica sexy: usare il congiuntivo di Beppe Severgnini (corriere.it) / Translation VII


106 is designed to further develop the necessary skills needed to read and comprehend Italian prose. Students will develop comprehension of texts from a broader variety of disciplines including the humanities and the social sciences.

At the end of the course students will be able to understand and interpret texts that present complex elements of Italian syntax, grammar, and vocabulary and will master basic translation skills. They will be able to identify the distinctive features of the language as well as the ways in which it shapes culturally specific meaning.


·  Mastering Italian Grammar (Barron's Foreign Language Guides); Barron's

Educational Series; Bilingual edition: 2007

·  Italian-English/ English-Italian Dictionary

·  Additional material will be posted on sakai

Grade Distribution:

Exams: 30%

Quizzes: 20%

Homework & Translations: 30%

Attendance & Participation: 20%

The grading scale is:

90-100=A; 86-89=B+; 80-85=B; 76-79=C+; 70-75=C; 60-69=D; below 60=F

Attendance, Participation, and Disabilities Policies:

Students are expected to attend all classes; if you expect to miss one or two classes, please use the University absence reporting website https://sims.rutgers.edu/ssra/ to indicate the date and reason for your absence. An email is automatically sent to me.

All students must attend regularly. No more than three absences are allowed; use them wisely, for health and other serious issues. Having more than three absences, arriving to class late, and engaging in behavior that is distracting to the rest of the class are grounds for a significantly lower mark in class participation.

In case students with disabilities should require any special type of assistance and would like to request accommodations, they must follow the procedures outlined at: http://disabilityservices.rutgers.edu/request.html

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

In order to avoid plagiarism (the representation of the words or ideas of others as one’s own), every quotation must be indentified by quotation marks or appropriate indentation and must be properly cited in the text or in a footnote. Always acknowledge your sources clearly and completely when you paraphrase or summarize material from another source (in print, electronic, or other medium) on whole or in part. If you are in doubt, please consult the policy on plagiarism and academic integrity at Rutgers and do not hesitate to ask your instructor for clarifications.


The use of on-line translators for homework and other assignments is forbidden. In order to succeed it is necessary to have the proper practice for tests and representing a translation that was not done by you is a breach of academic integrity.

Daniele De Feo