Garlic, carrot, raddicchio or kale, cucumber, onion, tomato and cherry tomato.
En vrac: Basil and nasturtium flowers and leaves
The content of yoursharemaydifferfrom the listabove.
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News from the farm
We are atweek 13 on 20 week in Season 2013 and thisupcoming Friday willbe the 13th! If weweresuperstitiouswewouldthinkanythingcanhappenduringthisweek!!
I wouldlike to takethis tribune to express how muchwe are proud of the traineesatthis point of the season. Everyyearbrings a new crewwe an whole new dynamic and vibe. Wewerevery happy to acknoledgethatwehad a curious and very agriculture driven group thisyear. We are continuously drilledwith questions about acultivation technique or a harvestingperiod or a certain weedwhichisverymotivating for farmerslike us!Many have expressed the ambition to work in agriculture or arelatedfield. Of course, otherssubjectssuch as politics, society, philosophy leads often to real debate in the field. Let me tell youthat a 200 feetbed of carrots to weedcontribute to such discussions and brings the people together in solidarity! Anyway,… wewouldlike to thank the 2013 crew for their hard work in all conditions! Theygive a purpose to our hard work as well!
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New items in the general store: Garlicfever!
In thisweek’sshare, youwillreceive a pound of garlic but for the garlicenthusiastamongyou, itisnow possible to orderthese 2 items online:
- Garlicbraid of 20 bulbs: 20.00$
- 5lbs of Garlic: 38.75$
Place yourordernow!!
Vegetable of the week: Watermelon (oups, its a fruit!)
Watermelonis the only fruit wegrewthisseason to full maturity. Weplanned to produce cantaloup but had no successwithour transplants. For a heatlovingcropsuch as watermelon, Season 2013 brought the best and worst condition possible: a lot of rainfall and a cool weather. As a result, fruit maybesmall and pale colored, but the taste and juiciness are amazing. So enjoythislateseasontreatwhilesummergives us its last bit of warmth.
Here a link to learn about the healthbenefits of consumingwatermelon!
Here a site whereyouwillfind 10 refreshingrecipeswithwatermelon!
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