Programme Specification

This part-time diploma course comprises a large element of work-based and shared learning. You therefore need not be Bradford-based to undertake the course. This course enables General Practitioners (GPs) and other registered health professionals, in particular, primary care practitioners, to gain a formally recognised award in the area of gastroenterology as a special interest. It is the first postgraduate competence-based course to offer national accreditation in gastroenterology, run from within the NHS, in collaboration with the University of Bradford’s School of Health Studies. The programme is in the process of gaining the approval in its structure and clinical components by the British Society of Gastroenterologists and has gained approval from the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) in line with national guidance for GPs and other registered health professionals in higher professional education.

The course structure is specifically designed to encourage the development of a specialist practitioner role, by encouraging collaborative clinical work-based training between the GP/Practitioner and the consultant. Additionally, the course links the GP/Practitioner's training with their host Primary Care Trust (PCT) service, in order to attempt to ensure that newly acquired skills are put to appropriate use within the PCT post-qualification.

Learning will be channeled through the Bradford Primary Care Trusts, which have seen sustained national achievements for innovation in practice and excellence in training. Bradford Primary Care Trusts have been instrumental in moving the General Practitioner with a Special Interest (GPwSI) agenda (as it was known then) forward nationally. In 1999, Bradford South and West Primary Care Group was awarded the Service Development Award of the National Association of Primary Care for its work on the role of the GPwSI and in 2001 achieved "Beacon" status for this aspect of its work. Equally the Commission for Health Improvement Reports on Clinical Governance gave the Bradford PCTs involved in the development of this course a commendation for their work with GPwSIs.

A Programme Aims

The programme is intended to:

A.1 Enable GPs and other Practitioners to work independently at a ‘special interest’ level in Gastroenterology.

A.2 Contribute to the extension of the role of the PwSI in Gastroenterology.

A.3 Establish a nationally recognised award in the training of PwSIs in Gastroenterology.

A.4 Establish and/or extend professional collaboration within the area of gastroenterology, in order to develop the most appropriate care pathways for the patient.

B Programme Learning Outcomes

These learning outcomes are compatible with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. On successful completion of this award, you will be able to:

B1 Subject knowledge and understanding

B1.1 Use current and emerging knowledge to apply an advanced critical appreciation of the pathophysiology and epidemiology of gastroenterological disorders and their complications.

B2 Discipline skills

B2.1 Triage and refer appropriately, patients whose symptoms may be due to gastroenterological disorders and their complications.

B2.2 Undertake appropriate investigations for patients presenting with symptoms of gastroenterological disorders and their complications and interpret the results accurately.

B2.3 Diagnose and manage appropriately patients who present with gastroenterological disorders and their complications, by means of clinical interventions.

B2.4 Undertake appropriate evaluation and preventative management of patients with gastroenterological disorders, addressing lifestyle and other related issues.

B2.5 Evaluate the PwSI role and its implications for the whole patient pathway and current techniques for improving the delivery of patient care.

B3 Personal Transferable Skills

B3.1 Work autonomously and collaboratively, in a multidisciplinary context.

B3.2 Critically appraise and update clinical knowledge.

B3.3 Apply information technology as a medium for communication and presentation of data.

C The Curriculum

The Postgraduate Diploma in Gastroenterology for Practitioners with a Special Interest is a modular programme which can be completed in 18 months if modules are taken sequentially, or may be staggered over a period not exceeding three years, other than in exceptional circumstances, where study is proved viable over five years. Exceptional circumstances may encompass illness, pregnancy or long-term family crises, although each application will be taken on its merit. Each of the three clinical modules lasts six months. The fourth module is the Applied Methodologies (AM) module which can be taken alongside one or more of the other modules, over a maximum period of 18 months.

Each module is worth 30 credits, amounting to a total of 120 credits. For the Postgraduate Diploma, all 30-credit modules are core modules. The Postgraduate Certificate will be awarded to those who have not completed the entire programme, but who have successfully completed at least the Applied Methodologies module and one other module.

Unit code / Unit title /
C (o)
/ Credits / Level
HH-8000T / Applied Methodologies / C / 30 / M
HH-8010T / Assessment, Diagnosis and Management of Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders / C (o) / 30 / M
HH-8011T / Assessment, Diagnosis and Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Disorders / C (o) / 30 / M
HH-8012T / Assessment, Diagnosis and Management of Hepatobiliary Disorders / C (o) / 30 / M

C = Core; (o) = Optional for a certificate

D Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategies

This postgraduate diploma is run by Bradford and Airedale teaching Primary Care Trust (BAtPCT). The award is made through the University of Bradford and articulates with the Postgraduate requirements.

A variety of learning methods is employed in the programme, to enable you to fulfil the varied modular learning outcomes. The programme of study starts with two teaching days in Bradford (one for the course introduction and the AM module, one for the first clinical module), followed by a clinical placement and directed study for a minimum of 14 weeks and a maximum of 6 months (clinical modules). Alongside this, directed study for the AM module will begin, for up to 18 months. For clinical modules only, you will return to Bradford after placement for an assessment day.

A large portion of study will be work-based learning, i.e. those elements of the programme, which take place in your locality:

1 The clinical components of the programme centre around work-based learning, i.e. practical learning in a work environment. This learning is undertaken on placement in the locality, under the supervision of a clinical mentor. You will approach the mentor in the first instance: he/she must be a GMC registered consultant gastroenterologist whose name appears on a national register of practitioners, and who has teaching experience. The clinical mentor will receive a specific Mentor Guide including advice and support from the course management team in fulfilling the role of mentor.

2 The tasks for directed study on placement are as follows: the development and fulfilment of a programme of activities with the mentor, to meet clinical competence-based learning outcomes; recording 12 interesting placement cases using a learning diary, to reveal learning progress and learning needs; through guided reading, which underpins the knowledge base for the course, (in the form of lists and website references) obtaining essential background information to the module studied to inform your practice and the preparation of assessed work; through scheduled meetings with your mentor, discussions concerning learning needs and possible solutions e.g. advice, further reading, alteration of elements of your programme.

3 The AM module involves working within the healthcare community to apply 3 different methodologies. Directed study comprises researching and reading information, planning, preparation and application of these.

4 It is anticipated that you will continue to work in your normal practitioner setting during the period of study, and it is expected that ongoing learning will be applied in this context.

5 Peer learning is encouraged through peer contact in Bradford during teaching/assessment days, and through participation in the online group learning environment. Students will receive tuition in the use of this medium as part of their introduction to the course.

Outcome B1.1 will be developed through: lectures, seminars and workshops on the teaching/assessment days; a course manual; guided study via websites, journals and books; and mentor-led discussion of cases. Outcome B1.1 will be assessed through clinical case studies. Outcomes B2.1 - B2.4: will be developed through practical engagement with patients, mainly in the hospital setting, under the supervision and mentorship of your consultant and his/her team (supervision in community clinics may be included here); reflective discussion with your mentor; reflective learning through case study preparation and clinical logbook recording; the application of learning with patients in general practice; and will be supported by guided reading. These outcomes will be assessed principally by the mentor and other clinicians, who will observe and sign off the participant as competent. Additionally, the logbook provides a record of the 12 most interesting cases experienced, and the case studies indicate your ability to demonstrate skills coherently. Outcome B2.5: will be developed through lectures, seminar and workshop-style sessions, interviews with professionals in the service and with patients, and through guided study, especially of current NHS websites. Outcome B3.1: is intrinsic to the nature of the placement, and will be tested through continual mentor observation. Outcome B3.2: will be developed through lectures, guided study and the preparation of a selected case study for presentation. Assessment for outcomes B2.5-B3.2 will be made through submission of a critical appraisal paper, a patient pathway paper and a portfolio of evidence showing patient involvement methodologies. Outcome B3.3: will be developed and assessed through the submission of documentation for the course, especially within the AM module, and participation in the online group learning environment.

All written clinical assessments will be submitted by hand in Bradford on the assessment day following each modular placement. Submissions of assessed work are made electronically in the AM module. Assessments will be marked in accordance with the University of Bradford, School of Health Studies, Master's level marking criteria.

E Admission Requirements

The application process is divided into three parts: 1. Submission of an application form indicating that you meet the professional/educational criteria. 2. Identification of a suitable mentor. 3. Submission of letters of support showing suitability for you to undertake this course of study. To be accepted onto the Diploma, and to benefit from this course of study, potential students must meet the admission requirements for Masters level, as outlined by the University of Bradford, in addition to those required by BAtPCT. You should be a registered practitioner (GMC, NMC or HPC as appropriate) falling within the following groups: General practitioner; gastroenterology specialist nurse; nurse practitioner; nurse consultant or other suitably qualified registered primary or secondary care practitioner. GPs are additionally required to provide their GP Qualification details and GMC registration number, and to show an interest or a background in gastroenterology. It is desirable, but not essential, for GPs to be Members of the Royal College of General Practitioners. If you are not a GP, you must provide evidence of a Gastroenterology-related diploma or equivalent; one year experience in gastroenterology and 2-3 years post-qualifying practitioner experience. It is desirable for candidates to have experience in post-graduate education. All applications will be judged on their own merit and prior learning experience. Once you have made an application for the programme, you must obtain support from the local NHS hospital trust gastroenterological consultant (GMC Registered) for mentorship and the provision of a placement. Support must also be obtained from the local Primary Care Trust, for approval and direct or indirect support for training, as it relates to the local setting. Without this evidence of support, you cannot be admitted on to the programme. Applications are welcomed from candidates with disabilities, who will be considered on the same academic grounds as all other applicants.

F Admissions Policy

There will be a maximum of 12 participants per clinical module, all of whom can access the Applied Methodologies module. The diploma has entry points in April and October. Groups must normally have a minimum of 6 participants to run.

As the assessment elements of the postgraduate diploma require a substantial amount of written work at masters level, in accordance with regulations from the University of Bradford we ask that non-native speakers complete an IELTS English Language Exam at the required level before they begin their studies.

G Progression

Verification of clinical competence must be indicated by the consultant-mentor's signature on assessment day. Failure to present the signed documents which evidence this signify failure of the module, irrespective of other work presented. All written work and the case study presentation must also be presented on assessment day, in order for students to progress to the next module. The provisional results of assessments will normally be made known in the six weeks following assessment day. You must pass all assessment tasks in the clinical and academic modules by attaining 40% of the full marks. Masters level marking criteria which are used for marking will be made available to help you check your work. Clinical competence is a pass/fail element, with no assessment percentage attached to it. Should you be unsuccessful in this element, you will be allowed to complete another 8 clinical sessions with the agreement of your consultant. A new study plan covering the areas of concern will be devised and signed off by the mentor. This should be returned within three weeks of dispatch of the letter detailing the requirement to resit. You will have one opportunity to resit this element. Should you fail any other element of assessments, one opportunity to resubmit work along the same lines as the sessional assessment will be allowed.

In accordance with the Ordinances and Regulations of the University of Bradford, the following applies: to be eligible for a Postgraduate Diploma, all four 30-credit modules must be successfully completed, amounting to a total of 120 credits. The standard thresholds of distinction (70% or more) and merit (60-69%) will apply for marked work of an exceptional nature for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma. For those who are not eligible for the Diploma, having successfully completed the Applied Methodologies and one or two further modules a Postgraduate Certificate in Gastroenterology may be awarded; the thresholds described above will also apply. Participants who succeed in one module only, and who do not qualify for one of the above awards, shall be eligible for the award of a Certificate of Continuing Education.

H Student support and guidance