50 GROSSMANS ROAD, TORQUAY 3228 Tel: (03) 5261 4246 Fax: (03) 5261 6221

8th February 2016

Dear Parents and Carers,

We welcome all new and returning students and their families to the 3/4 Learning Community and look forward to a wonderful year of learning and discovery.

The children have made a great start to the year, quickly adapting to the new routines.

Below we have outlined a few housekeeping items that will hopefully assist you with your daily understanding of the school routine. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask your child’s home group teacher.

Joanna Sertic-Medson/Tracy McDonald 3/4 Yellow, Michael Low 3/4 Green,

Julie Nicholson 3/4 Red, Peter Caddy 3/4 Blue, Sarah Armour 3/4 Purple,

Maddie Lindquist 3/4 Orange.

Parent Education Evening

The date for the Parent Education Evening is Tuesday 16th February at 7pm in the 3/4 Building.

Out and About Program

Every second Friday morningbeginning withthis Friday12th February,year 3/4 students will be visiting Deep Creek at the end of Yellow Gum Place for our Investigations and 'Out and About' Victoria University Project (weather permitting).

We ask for the children tobring along a pair of gum boots or spare shoes for the visit as it can be muddy insome areas.

NB. The visits to Deep Creek will occur on alternate Fridays to 3/4 Specialist days.

Specialist Days

Friday fortnightly (even weeks during the term) – Specialist Day/Teacher Planning Day

(Music, Visual Arts, Indonesian, Physical Education, Health and Wellbeing, Performance Art/Drama)


Please make sure your son/daughter is wearing the correct FULL school uniform at all times. If circumstances prevent them from being in full school uniform please write a note or email their teacher.

Sports Days-Wednesday and Friday. Children are to wear their sports uniform. Please ensure that your child has the appropriate footwear (runners) and plain white socks.


St Therese is a ‘nut aware’ school so we ask that lunches and snacks do not contain nuts. We also have students who are allergic to tree nuts and eggs.

Birthday Treats

Birthdays are a great celebration and some children enjoy bringing treats in to share with their classmates. We ask that treats be appropriate for children with nut allergies.

Bringing Items to School

Any special items such as toys, books or keepsakes are at risk of wear and tear or being lost in the playground. Please discuss this with your child to avoid disappointment.

Caring For Belongings

Personal belongings need to be clearly marked with your child’s name. This includes plastic containers (and lids!), hats, jumpers and shoes. Please encourage your children to be responsible for their own belongings.

Classroom Helpers

If you have a special expertise or talent that you would like to share with the children e.g. gardening, art, computers, writing, carpentry and cooking, see your child’s home group teacher if you are able to volunteer.


Children are supervised from 8.40am. Children may enter classrooms after 8:45am. We recommend children should arrive no later than 8:50am,giving them plenty of time to unpack their bag and be ready for the start of the school day.

If your child is absent please phone the office or write a note.

Fruit Break

Fresh fruit and vegetables are the only snack to be eaten at Fruit Break. Please ensure your child also brings a water bottle to school each day. Again, please do not send any food to school that may contain nuts.

Head Lice

Please check your child’s hair weekly. Parents will be contacted immediately if head lice are apparent.

Home Study

Your children will be expected to participate in reading each day. They may read individually, to you, with you or to another family member. We would strongly encourage you to discuss the content of the reading material with your child by asking relevant questions to challenge his/her thinking. Each child will eventually have their own personal blog and are encouraged to post what they have achieved and reflect on their learning.

Working With Children Check

Forms can be collected from the office and must be registered with St Therese Primary school. It is a legal requirement that all parents complete a Working With Children Check prior to being a classroom helper or an excursion helper.

Pencil Cases

This year your child will be supplied with a school pencil case. This is the only pencil case that will be required at school.


Our 3/4 Learning Community Blog is updated regularly with happenings in the 3/4 Learning Area. It is also a place for you to find information on future events and topics we are learning about. Please bookmark this page, check it regularly and post comments as frequently as you can. It is a great form of communication between home and school life. Please note, due to our Cyber Safety policy, when leaving comments use first names only.



A school newsletter will be emailed to all families once a fortnight. Please see Tess in the office if you are not receiving your newsletter.

Parent Meetings/3 way interviews

Please book a time online through the PTO link on the school web site. These are held every second Wednesday after school between 3:40pm and 4:20pm at 15 minute intervals. Two meetings per year isrecommended.

*At St Therese, we believe that your child plays an important part in being responsible for their own learning so we expect them to attend parent meetings with you.

Sustainability Focus

St Therese received its 5 Star Sustainable School status in December 2013, which makes us only one of three 5 Star Schools in the Barwon region. Already many families provide healthy lunches that are 100% wrapper free. This is a fantastic achievement, which comes down to the choices made when purchasing goods at the supermarket, which have as little packaging as possible! We hope to build upon this in 2015 as we work towards a sustainable future. Anything you are able to do to assist us in our endeavors is much appreciated.


We would appreciate a donation of a box of tissues for your child’s class. We would also accept donations of art and craft materials, such as magazines and bottle tops etc.

Thank you for your support.

Joanna Sertic-Medson (Team Leader) Peter Caddy (RE Leader)

Tracy McDonald Maddie Lindquist

Michael Low (Sport Coordinator) Julie Nicholson

Sarah Armour