Frey Elementary Science Fair
February 23 & 24

Ready, set, start experimenting! The 2016 Science Fair will be held February 23rd and 24th and we look forward to all of the interesting projects our creative scientists at Frey enter in the fair! Fill out the attached registration and return by Friday, February 12, 2016. APPLICATION forms should be printed from your teachers’ blog, completed, and returned to your child’s teacher, to be placed in the Science Fair box in the teacher mailroom. Please keep in mind that late registrations will not be considered for judging during the fair.

Science Fair Dates: Tuesday, February 23 for grades K-2
Wednesday, February 24 for grades 3-5

Time:Drop off projects on the day of your child’s grade between 7:15 and 7:50 AM in the Frey Learning Commons. Do not bring your project to school before the day of the science fair. Judging begins at 8:30 AM.

The awards ceremony will be held Tuesday, March 1st at Frey Elementary. More information will be provided at project check-in.

Helpful hints:

*Once you think of an experiment topic, phrase your title as a question. All titles must be presented as a question. Here are a few examples: Which kind of gum holds its flavor longest? Is the 5-day weather forecast accurate? The question should then be answered by the experiment.

*All measurements must be conducted using the metric system.

Rules and guidelines can be found on your teachers blog OR at


Grades K-2: February 23rd

Grades 3-5: February 24th

Please PRINTClearly



PARENT EMAIL: ______PHONE: ______

PROJECT TITLE (Titles may be changed before the fair, but must be stated as a Question):




APPLICATION deadline: FRIDAY, February 12, 2016.

Applications should be printed, completed and hard-copy returnedto the Science Fair Application box in the Frey Mailroom.

**Our Frey Science Fair Reception will be held on Tuesday, March 1st. Additional information will be sent home with all registered Science Fair participants.

*The Tom Mathis Center will hold its annual Science Fair March 24th & 25th. All of Frey’s 1st and 2nd place winners will move on to this judging. More information will be distributed at a later date.