Curriculum Letter-Year 3/4 Autumn Term 2011
‘We learn, love and respect through our faith in Jesus Christ’
Dear Parents,
Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful summer. This year in Y3/4 we have 25 children (14 year 3’s and 11 year 4’s) we continue to have Mrs Russell with additional help from Mr Bell when required. On Friday’s Mrs Watt will be teaching the children to cover my release time.
This term our theme will be ‘Around our School’, a topic based on local History and Geography.
Curriculum area / What we will cover…R.E. / Autumn 1-The Bible
Autumn 2-Mary, our Mother
Literacy / Autumn 1-Stories with familiar settings, Dialogues and Plays.
Autumn 2-Instructions, Adventure and Mystery and Poetry-creating images.
The children will also have weekly spellings, grammar and handwriting lessons and opportunities for individual and guided reading.
Maths / Place Value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, 2D shapes, Symmetry, measures, time, fractions, how to organise, use and interpret data (linked with ICT)
*Children should be regularly practising their multiplication tables at home
ICT / We will be using ICT across the curriculum to support the children’s learning and focusing on the use of questionnaires and pie charts.
Scientific and Technological Understanding / Autumn 1-Science, Characteristics of materials
Autumn 2-D&T, Making storybooks with moving parts
Physical development / Multiskills programme.
Gymnastics- developing body shapes and movements using the apparatus.
Invasion Games- developing attacking and defence skills in Hockey. After half term the children will have specialist Tag Rugby training from the School Sports Partnership that will culminate in a festival in the Spring. Please ensure your child has full P.E. kit in schoolevery day. This includes a suitable tracksuit and trainers.
Historical, Geographical and social
understanding / Autumn 1- Geography-Our locality, thinking about Puckeridge and local area in relation to other places, land use, transport connections
Autumn 2-History-What was our locality like in the past? Dates of buildings, origin of names, looking at written sources etc.
PSHE / Autumn 1-New Beginnings
Autumn 2-Getting on and Falling out
Anti Bullying week 14th-18th November 2011
French / Autumn 1-Moi (Me)
- Basics of conversation
- Greetings
- Family
- Birthdays
- Religious celebrations
- Songs and Rhymes