5 Lesson Plans With New Strategies and Assessment Learnt During the Program.
Introductory paragraph: I have tried my best to develop a unit of five lessons on the theme “Me and My World”. The theme is included in the textbook, published in Kazakhstan and is mandatory for the 5th grade students. These students are supposed to have background knowledge from a kindergarten and primary school( such as colors,shapes, size, everyday words…) My goal is to develop a student-centered approach and explore new strategies.
Lesson Plan 1 “About Myself”
(English as a second language)
Teacher:Bazaliiskaya Natalya
Grades: 5th Proficiency Level: Starting up/Beginning Program: Comprehensive schools
Content: basic lexes to describe appearance, personal qualities, likes and dislikes
Content and/or language objectives:
As a result of this lesson students will be able to:
1._learn and use words that describe people’s appearance and people’s qualities;
2._draw a picture of a person and label words that describe appearance and describe his/her qualities;
3.-speak about their own and their classmates’ appearance and personal qualities
Vocabulary: words to speak about people’s appearance, colors, verb to have/has,
Materials: white board/smart board and colored markers, paper and colored pencils/markers
Lesson outline: develop students’ abilities to show personal attitude and do self-evaluation
National Standards for beginners in comprehensive school.
Teaching Phase Sequence
Warm-Up Activity: Singing a song “Head and Shoulders “and touch the parts of the body they are singing about.
Transition :Teacher begins drawing on the board and comments like this: round….(students say “head”, she says two…(students say “eyes” or “ears”) So, students revise the lexes to describe the appearance. We can do colors revision: Teacher: eyes are….(students say “blue”)…
Activity1- Classifying words (small group/reading) Students are given the list of words some of these describe appearance and some-qualities.(e.g. tall, nice, slim,blond, smart, blue-eyed…etc) Students have to write these in 2 columns –first-for appearance, second-for qualities. Students read out and see if their classification has been right or wrong.
Activity2- Pairs/speaking/drawing. Students are in pairs. They have paper and markers and tell each other what kind of a person to draw (e.g. 1st-“draw an oval face” 2nd-“draw a square face”,1st- “draw big blue eyes”, 2nd-“draw small brown eyes”, etc)
Activity3- Pairs/writing-Students exchange the pictures and write their opinion about a person in the picture- what he or she is like.( e.g. I think, he/she is kind, smart, nice, funny….)
Differentiated Instruction
Starting Up – If there are students of this level, a teacher let them have the lists of words, that they had been made before,in front of them while performing this task
Beginning- these students should be encouraged to use a dictionary to enlarge their vocabulary.
Assessment: ( individual)- “Draw a Picture”- students are given papers that include short descriptions of a person’s appearance. For example- “ This is a young girl with short curly blond hair, blue eyes and a small pink mouth” And the students have to draw a picture that describes a person in the story
Review of the lesson: Individual/Speaking-Guess Game: Students are in two circles/groups; a student from group 1 should describe someone from group2 (e.g. ”she has got green eyes, short black hair and a small mouth) Students guess and the student who has been described takes a turn.
Preview of the next lesson: Teacher says that the next lesson will be about their family members and asks the students to collect as much information as possible about their relatives.
Homework. Optional 1. To draw a picture and to describe an ideal personality
2. To draw a poster “Wanted” – a picture of a criminal and some words
to describe him.
Lesson Plan 2 “My Family”
(English as a second language)
Teacher:Bazaliiskaya Natalya
Grades: 5th Proficiency Level: Starting Up/ Beginning Program Model: Comprehensive schools/ Sheltered Instruction
Content: words to name family members, give them characteristics, structure “have got/ has got”, verb forms “to be”
Content and/or language objectives:
As a result of this lesson students will be able to:
1.-name the members of the family and give them short characteristics;
2._write the words –members of a family in the process of listening;
3.-learn and practice the strategy of cinquain;
Vocabulary: -members of a family, adjectives, that describe people’s qualities, verbs (from a dictionary for creative writing)
Materials: pictures of a family tree with spaces for labeling
National/ State/ Local Standards-_comprehensive school
Teaching Phase Sequence
Warm-Up Activity “Just Like Me”- students are in a circle. One says “I have got a younger brother”- if there are some students who have a younger brother, they make a step inside the circle and say “Just Like Me!” The studentwho made a step in the circle and is on the right of the first one, says his or her sentence about a family.
Transition: Teacher asks a question “ What is a family?” “Who are your family?” The main idea here is a social strategy and the preview of the adjectives the students will need for a cinquain
Activity1- Pair share/ Speaking/Writing- students in pairs answer the questions and label a family tree for each other. E.g. “Have you got a brother? How many grannies have you got?’’ then they read the reports to each other to check if they have filled the information correctly
Activity2 Entire class/ Speaking/ Summing up- students report to the class about their classmates’ families and then they have to find out who in the class has the biggest/smallest family, who has got most brothers/sisters, grannies/grandfathers, etc..
Activity3 Learning a strategy/ practicing a strategy. The teacher tells students that there is a simple but a very effective way to express one’s feelings in a form of poetry and gives an example: MOTHER
Then the teacher asks students to count the words in each line of the poem and tell what parts of speech they are, she/he tells that the first and the fifth line describe one and the same phenomenon. Teacher asks students to give a name to this kind of poetry.
Practice: 1. Students name a member of a family they are going to write about- 1st line
2- Students name any adjectives they know, teacher writes them down, then students choose two, they like most of all -2nd line.
3-the same thing with the verbs; now students choose three words -3d line.
4- the most difficult point- 4 or 5 word phrase that describes the phenomenon- on this stage this can be like-“he/she is my sweetie granny, or a very strong man” – some very simple definition.– 4th line.
5- any word students use to address their nearest and dearest – 5th line.
Differentiated Instruction
Starting Up- these students can collect ideas and vocabulary in the classroom
Beginning- the students of this level are encouraged to use dictionaries (the best are the dictionaries of synonyms)
Assessment :( a pair-share, then self- check) “ A Scrambled Story”- The students are given a story, in which the sentences are put in a random order. For Example- “Joan’s is a family of five. There are mother Dolly, father Fred, little brother Allan and her granny Susanne. She likes to play hide-and-seek with her friends and with her dolls. He is a policeman and he is very brave. She is 75 and she likes growing roses in their backyard. He doesn’t go to school, he is 3….” Students have to sort this reading information according to the first sentense, filling in the chart like this-
Father Fred- policeman, brave,…
Grandmother Susanne- 75 years old, likes growing roses, …..
And this is about each member of the family. Then students check, if they filled the facts correctly and if the information corresponds to this or that member of the family
Review of the lesson: If there are some products in a form of a students cinquains- that will the best result.
Preview of the next lesson- focus on verbs with –s ending when we speak about the 3d person singular.
Homework- to create a cinquane about any member of a family (for beginners)
-To rewrite a product from the class and illustrate with a picture or a photograph ( for starting- ups0
Lesson Plan 3 “Everyday Life”
(English as a second language)
Teacher:Bazaliiskaya Natalya
Grades: 5th Proficiency Level: Starting-Up/ Beginning Program Model: Comprehensive Schools/ Sheltered Instruction
Content: from 10 to 15 verbs and phrases to describe everyday activities
Content and/or language objectives:
As a result of this lesson students will be able to:
1._speak about their own and their friends’ everyday life
2_use Present Simple 1st person and 3d person accurately
3.__-speak about the life of birds and animals
Vocabulary: verbs- getup, go, have, walk, come, help….etc, and word-combinations relevant to the topic
Materials: a cartoon or a slide-show “Jack’s Day”, a set of cards with verbs in Present Simple(1st and 3d person singular, e.g.-go-goes), a CD with a song, a picture of an owl in a night forest
Lesson outline
National/ State/ Local Standards-__Secondary Comprehensive school
Teaching Phase Sequence
Warm-Up Activity: Students listen to the song “In a cold and frosty morning” and show what they do, then try to add a rhyme, just as “this is the way I watch TV… or this is the way I read a book…etc”
Transition “so, you do different things during your day, let us see what John does” There goes a movie about a schoolboy John and two comments after each slide
E.g: John: “I get up at 7 o’clock”; Announcer: “John gets up at 7 o’clock”
Activity1: -Entire class/reading/matching-Teacher places the cards with verb-forms “go”- “goes”, “do”- “does” etc. on the board in a random order and there are words “I” and “John”. Teacher asks students to go to the blackboard and place the verbs in a correct place-either John does or I do. So, students can see a kind of a chart with verb forms for 1st and 3d person singular.
Activity2-Individual/writing- Students write 3 sentences about themselves-what they do and at what time.
Activity3-Pair-share/Speaking-Students stand up, pick up their papers, go round the classroom- they have to find a person who does the same thing at the same time. Then they report to the class like this: “I go to school at 7 o’clock, and Jasmine goes to school at 7 o’clock too”
Activity4-Entire class/Speaking/Essential Question-“A Picture of the lesson”. Teacher shows the class a picture of an owl and asks “ What do you think its everyday life is different from other birds and animals?”
Differentiated Instruction
Starting Up- They have teacher’s guidance in Activity2 and help of more advanced students in activity3.
Beginning-if time- they can do Activity 4 in writing.
Assessment: (pair-share) –Sequence of student’s actions shown in illustrations according to thetime of the day. Students are given a set of pictures that show what a student does during his(her) school day. They have to put them in a correct order, glue them on a bigger sheet of paper and write the description of the actions: what a student does at 7o’clock, then at 8 o’clock, etc…. The posters are displayed on the walls or tables of the classroom, and students go round the classroom and discuss if the sequence of a day schedule is the same they have or different.
Homework-1. Write a story about a person who has a different life schedule
2. write a story about any animal or bird and its everyday activities (encourage students to use dictionaries)
Lesson Plan 4 “My School”
(English as a second language)
Teacher: Natalya Bazaliiskaya
Grades: 5th Proficiency Level: Starting-Up/Beginning Program Model: Comprehensive Schools/ Sheltered Instruction
Content and/or language objectives:
As a result of this lesson students will be able to:
1._-associate the names of different rooms of the school building to their English equivalents;
2.- draw a map of the school building floors and label it in English;
3.- explain to a stranger in English how to get to a definite classroom or a room in the school building;
Vocabulary: grammar structure there is/there are; words that are the names of the rooms in the school building
Materials: strips of paper with the names of the rooms in English; big sheets of paper with some kind of a map for the ground, first and second floors of the school building.
Lesson outline – some preliminary work should be done: 1. To ask a geography teacher to develop 3 big maps of the floors of the school building; 2 To stick the English names of the classrooms and other rooms of the school building to the corresponding rooms.
National/ State/ Local Standards- Secondary Comprehensive school
Teaching Phase Sequence
Warm-Up Activity: The lesson begins in the hall of the school. Teacher says that a foreign guest is waited to arrive at school and if he/she doesn’t know where to go. Let’s practice how to tell the way. And students practice the phrases-“Go straight on,” “ Turn right/turn left”, “Go upstairs/ go downstairs”
Transition- Teacher takes students round the school building and shows them that all the rooms and classrooms have English signs. Teacher tells students that today they will practice how to help a foreigner to reach any destination inside the school building .
Activity1- Groups/Reading/Writing- Students are divided into 3 groups and are given maps of the ground floor, 1st floor and the 2nd floor correspondingly. They have to go and draw the English names of the rooms on the map.
Activity2- Entire Class/ Checking Comprehension/Reading- When the activity is done, teacher asks the questions such as- “where is the library situated?” “What floor is the computer technology room?” to check if the students did well.
Activity3- Role play/ Speaking – Students are in pairs- one is a foreigner, another- a student. A foreigner asks a question-“Excuse me, where is the library (an English classroom, a cafeteria…)?” and the student answers- “It is on the … floor. Go straight on, then turn left (right)…etc”
Differentiated Instruction
Starting Up- It’s better for them to play a role of a foreigner; there is the same structure to be repeated.
Beginning- To concentrate on Polite Language, and linking words such as ‘’first, then, you are welcome…”
Assessment: ( student-centered, learning how to use the dictionaries) Students are given stripes of paper with the names of the rooms inside the school building- for example- “a library”, “ a computer lab”, “ a gym”,etc… Students have to use the English- English dictionaries to write the description of these rooms, but do not give it’s name. The number of the words that are to be described has to be equal for all the students. Students write the definitions , for example: “ a big room, where there are a lot of books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, that can be read there or borrowed” Then they give their descriptions to other students in the class, and they have to write the word for the definition. The more correct the students write the words- the better is the work of the students, who wrote the definitions, is assessed.
Review of the lesson: Help students realize that knowledge of English can be really very helpful.
Preview of the next lesson- How students can use their knowledge of English-make a plan, about what things they can speak.
Homework- Draw a picture of inside school and sign the things in English
Lesson Plan 5 “The best city in Kazakhstan”
(English as a second language)
Teacher: Natalya Bazaliiskaya
Grades: 5th Proficiency Level: Starting-Up/ Beginning Program Model: Comprehensive Schools/ Sheltered Instruction
Content: “Which city is the best to live in?” ( The study of the capital of Kazakhstan-Astana and the largest city- Almaty)
Content and/or language objectives:
As a result of this lesson students will be able to:
1._- collect, analyze and synthesize the information for specific purpose;
2._- organize speaking to be able to prove their point of view ;
3.-- learn to cooperate productively in a group;
Vocabulary: words that describe the sights of the city and the names of official enterprises; verb “can”
Materials: slide show about Astana and Almaty, lists of words with the names of the sights and enterprises
Lesson outline
National/ State/ Local Standards_- Secondary Comprehensive Schools / Sheltered Instruction
Teaching Phase Sequence
Warm-Up Activity: Essential Question- If you had a chance what city in Kazakhstan would you choose to live in and why?
Transition Teacher practices such words as skating-rink, park, aqua-park, leisure centre, University, museum, cinema, opera and ballet theatre, café, show, etc.