5.5.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 86
5.5.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 88
5.5.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 88
5.5.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 88
5.5.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 89
5.5.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 89
5.6 Germany 90
5.6.1 Description of the MS 90
5.6.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 91
5.6.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 94
5.6.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 96
5.6.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 97
5.6.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 98
5.6.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 98
5.6.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 98
5.7 Denmark 99
5.7.1 Description of the MS 99
5.7.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 100
5.7.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 102
5.7.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 104
5.7.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 104
5.7.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 105
5.7.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 105
5.7.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 105
5.8 Estonia 106
5.8.1 Description of the MS 106
5.8.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 107
5.8.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 110
5.8.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 112
5.8.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 112
5.8.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 113
5.8.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 113
5.8.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 113
5.9 Greece 114
5.10 Spain 114
5.10.1 Description of the MS 114
5.10.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 115
5.10.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 118
5.10.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 120
5.10.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 120
5.10.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 121
5.10.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 122
5.10.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 122
5.11 Finland 123
5.11.1 Description of the MS 123
5.11.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 124
5.11.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 127
5.11.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 128
5.11.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 129
5.11.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 130
5.11.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 130
5.11.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 130
5.12 France 131
5.12.1 Description of the MS 131
5.12.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 132
5.12.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 135
5.12.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 138
5.12.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 138
5.12.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 139
5.12.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 139
5.12.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 139
5.13 Croatia 141
5.13.1 Description of the MS 141
5.13.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 142
5.13.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 145
5.13.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 146
5.13.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 147
5.13.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 147
5.13.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 147
5.13.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 148
5.14 Hungary 149
5.14.1 Description of the MS 149
5.14.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 150
5.14.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 152
5.14.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 153
5.14.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 154
5.14.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 154
5.14.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 154
5.14.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 154
5.15 Ireland 156
5.15.1 Description of the MS 156
5.15.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 156
5.15.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 159
5.15.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 161
5.15.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 161
5.15.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 162
5.15.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 163
5.15.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 163
5.16 Italy 165
5.16.1 Description of the MS 165
5.16.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 165
5.16.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 168
5.16.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 171
5.16.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 172
5.16.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 174
5.16.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 174
5.16.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 174
5.17 Lithuania 176
5.17.1 Description of the MS 176
5.17.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 177
5.17.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 179
5.17.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 180
5.17.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 180
5.17.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 181
5.17.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 181
5.17.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 181
5.18 Luxembourg 184
5.18.1 Description of the MS 184
5.18.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 184
5.18.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 187
5.18.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 189
5.18.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 189
5.18.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 190
5.18.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 190
5.18.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 190
5.19 Latvia 191
5.19.1 Description of the MS 191
5.19.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 192
5.19.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 194
5.19.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 197
5.19.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 197
5.19.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 197
5.19.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 198
5.19.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 198
5.20 Malta 199
5.21 Netherlands 199
5.21.1 Description of the MS 199
5.21.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 200
5.21.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 203
5.21.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 205
5.21.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 205
5.21.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 207
5.21.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 207
5.21.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 207
5.22 Poland 208
5.22.1 Description of the MS 208
5.22.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 209
5.22.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 212
5.22.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 214
5.22.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 214
5.22.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 215
5.22.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 215
5.22.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 215
5.23 Portugal 216
5.23.1 Description of the MS 216
5.23.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 217
5.23.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 219
5.23.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 221
5.23.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 222
5.23.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 222
5.23.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 222
5.23.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 222
5.24 Romania 224
5.25 Sweden 224
5.25.1 Description of the MS 224
5.25.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 225
5.25.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 226
5.25.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 228
5.25.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 228
5.25.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 229
5.25.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 229
5.25.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 229
5.26 Slovenia 231
5.27 Slovak Republic 231
5.27.1 Description of the MS 231
5.27.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 232
5.27.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 235
5.27.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 236
5.27.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 237
5.27.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 237
5.27.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other Member States 237
5.27.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 238
5.28 United Kingdom 239
5.28.1 Description of the MS: 239
5.28.2 Summary of the National Policy Framework submitted 240
5.28.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established 244
5.28.4 Deployment of alternative fuels vehicles and vessels 246
5.28.5 Assessment of the measures to implement Article 3 246
5.28.6 Assessment of the provided evidence whether the interests of regional and local authorities, as well as those of the stakeholders concerned has been considered 247
5.28.7 Assessment of MS cooperation and coordination with other member states 247
5.28.8 Conclusions and possible recommendations 247
5.5.3 Assessment of targets and objectives (infrastructure) established
Infrastructure sufficiency for recharging points (number and distance, 2020 and 2025)
Table 5.5-3. Index of AFI sufficiency
Fuel / Index of AFI sufficiency, ISCurrent / 2020 / 2025 / 2030
Electricity for vehicles / 3.07 / 13.08 / - / -
CNG for vehicles / 94.69 / 250 / 433 / 588
Legend: Index of AFI sufficiency, IS =Number of AFV / Number of AF Recharging/Refuelling points
Table 5.5-3 shows the values of the sufficiency index IS = Number of AFV / Number of AF Recharging/Refuelling points. Regarding the electric vehicles, for the current situation, with 3.07, the index passes the assessment threshold of 10 AFV per recharging point. For 2020, the value 13.08 of the index suggests that the targeted number of recharging points in the Czech NPF may be insufficient. The Czech NPF objectives for 2020 contain a backbone network of 500 fast recharging points and an additional backbone network of 800 normal recharging points.
According to the visual assessment of spatial distribution of recharging points presented in the provided map and checking the routes of the TEN-T Core Network, it seems that the distance requirement of one recharging point at least every 60 km is fulfilled, even starting from 2020. No clear numeric target is provided for the recharging network in 2025. The Czech NPF declares that recharging infrastructure development will depend on market needs with a further expansion being however expected.
Designation of the urban/suburban agglomerations selected to be equipped with electric recharging points
The planned recharging point network for 2020 is supposed to ensure coverage of major urban agglomerations (cities) with a population of over 100,000 inhabitants and a location map is attached. The Czech NPF states that the regional centres will also be covered and a share of 27% of population will have access to the infrastructure which constitutes a promising objective. In 2025, according to the NPF, a further expansion is expected and all towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants (131 towns) will be covered by the recharging infrastructure, allowing 52% of the Czech Republic's population to have access to public recharging points.
Electricity supply at airports for use by stationary airplanes
The situation at the three airports (Prague, Ostrava and Brno) that are part of the TEN-T Network is presented. For Prague airport, considered a “major airport” in the NPF, the future installation of electricity supply for all aprons is under consideration. For the other two airports, the Czech NPF does not consider advantageous to establish any objectives in terms of infrastructure for electricity supply for stationary airplanes at airports. No detailed justification is given for this decision.
Shore-side electricity supply for inland waterways vessels and seagoing ships in maritime and inland ports of the TEN-T Core Network and in other ports (2025)