to join the Cornwall Crafts
M e m b e r s h i pis open to craftspeople living in Cornwall
Cornwall Crafts is committed to the promotion of excellence in contemporary craft and is keen to attract makers who set the highest standards for themselves and have achieved a high degree of skill with an imaginative and sympathetic approach to materials.
Full Membership is open tomakers who have achieved the high standards set by Cornwall Crafts and who meet all the criteria.
B e n e f i t s
- the prestige of being part of an association that has been promoting the best craft in Cornwall for over 30 years
- opportunity to sell work in Cornwall Crafts retail gallery outlets with 130,000 visitors a year
- entitled to submit work to Cornwall Crafts programme of members and themed exhibitions
- opportunity to participate in a member led association of craft people
- professional development through workshops, mentoring, and training programmes
- promotion of work through Cornwall Crafts website
- professional opportunities in education programme
- inclusion in the Cornwall Crafts makers index
Cost £ 85.00 a year
Administration fee £10.00
Applications should be returned to:
The Membership Secretary, Cornwall Crafts Association, Trelissick Gallery, Feock, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 6QL or contact
Student Membership
An opportunity for students of applied arts to participate in educational activities and networking, but not entitled to exhibit. This is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students of applied arts in Cornwall. The selection process does not apply to this category but applicants will be asked for details of their work.
Applications should be returned to the Membership Secretary, Cornwall Crafts, Trelowarren, Mawgan, Helston, TR12 6AF or contact
Associate Member of Cornwall Crafts is open to anyone and is an opportunity to support the promotion of contemporary craft in the county and beyond through the work of Cornwall Craft and offers opportunities to participate in activities through voluntary work and social events.
B e n e f i t s
- invitation to all exhibition previews
- opportunity to meet with makers
- preferential rates on craft workshops and talks
- mailing with details of all programmes and events
Cost £20 a year
Enquiries for Associate membership to the Administrator 01326-221567 or
C r i t e r i a
Membership is open to makers working in any craft. As a general rule, fine art paintings, reproduction work and scale models, and photography, however well crafted, are not accepted.
1. The maker should demonstrate skill and in depth knowledge of their chosen material.
2. They should demonstrate a mastery of the techniques used.
3. The work must be finished to an exceptional standard and prompt an interest into the techniques used.
4. The work must show an imaginative spark and be truly individual and not derivative of another.
5. The work must show a certain style unlike no other and be clearly identifiable of the maker.
6. The maker must show a willingness to challenge themselves in the use of materials and techniques.
Members are selected by a committee of elected craft practitioners and experts against the criteria and standards set by CCA. The selection process takes place four times a year and dates are set out in the current letter or can be obtained through the administrator.
P r o c e s s
Full Membership
Applications must be submitted on the forms provided and include a C.V. (no longer than 2 sides of A4) and up to 8 images of their work, these can be on disc, prints or slides. Images must be clearly labeled with the maker’s name and title of work. Slides must be clearly marked with Top and Right Side.
Application must be received by the dates specified in the letter. You may be contacted by the membership secretary to arrange for you to bring work for the committee to consider.
In this event you will be asked to submit 3 to 8 pieces of work. These should be representative of your current work and if appropriate include at least one major piece. All reasonable precautions are taken by Cornwall Crafts to ensure work is protected from loss or damage during the selection process, but work is NOT insured by Cornwall Crafts and makers are advised to organize appropriate insurance for their work during the selection process.
S u b m i s s i o n
Makers applying for Full membership should send their application forms with imagesto the Membership Secretary, Cornwall Crafts, Trelowarren Gallery, Mawgan in Meneage, Helston, TR12 6AF
R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s
If selected as a member of Cornwall Crafts, makers have the following responsibilities:
To ensure that all work submitted for inclusion in exhibitions or the shop are of a high standard
To attend the AGM and be willing to serve on a committee if appropriate
To maintain parity in price between work sold through Cornwall Crafts and work sold privately or in other galleries
To make work available for exhibitions.
To be prepared for work to be immediately included in current exhibitions.
To promote the Cornwall Crafts whenever possible by including our logo on any self publicity and displaying our publicity where possible
Provide images of work with the understanding that they will be used by Cornwall Crafts for promotional and publicity purposes
F e e s
Full membership cost £85.00
Applicants who are selected for full membership will be asked to pay the following fees before their membership begins. Failure to do so within 3 months of selection will invalidate the selection but will not preclude a future application. Fees are for a year’s membership renewable in the first month of every year.
Cornwall Crafts charges 40% commission plus vat on sales from its exhibitions and retail outlets
Student Membership cost £20
Associate membership cost £25