5.1 Kinematics of Uniform Circular Motion
5.2 Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion
5.3 Highway Curves, Banked and Unbanked
1. Students will identify the variables and formulas associated to uniform circular motion.
2. Students will explain the relationships of concepts for objects moving in horizontal and vertical circles.
3. Students will demonstrate an understanding of how object move through a curve and why some curves are banked.
Homework: 1-16 pp130-131
Formula Search –Find all formulas state the units and purpose for making calculations.
Vocabulary to Know:
Centripetal acceleration Weight
Radial acceleration Mass
Radius Tension
Velocity Centrifugal Force
Acceleration Coefficient of friction
Frequency Banked curve
Centripetal force
5.1 Kinematics of Uniform Circular Motion:
1. List some basic principles of uniform circular motion.
2. Why is centripetal acceleration, “center pointing” acceleration?
3. How does acceleration exist for an object moving in a circle if the velocity is constant?
4. Explain the relationship of acceleration to velocity in uniform circular motion.
5. Why is circular motion described in terms of frequency and period?
6. How will the doubling of the radius affect the centripetal acceleration?
5.2 Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion:
1. Describe the direction of force for an object in uniform circular motion.
2. Describe some concerns involved with explaining centripetal force.
3. Why does centrifugal force not exist?
4. Describe the motion of an object as it is released from its circular path.
5. What difference must you consider when calculating horizontal and vertical uniform circular motion?
6. Review exercise a or b on page 111 and create a statement that show application and connection to the concept of uniform circular motion.
5.3 Highway Curves, Banked and Unbanked:
1. Describe why centrifugal does not exist using a car as an example.
2. Describe the interaction of forces for a rider in a car moving through a curve.
3. Discuss the static and kinetic friction as it applies to a car moving through a curve.
4. Explain the application and connection of antilock brakes to uniform circular motion.