The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) update service launched on 17 June 2013. This new system means that individuals are able to apply to have their criminal record check kept up-to-date and that employers are able to go online to see if the information released is still current and valid.

The new Update Service will change the way that individuals use their criminal record check and how employers check their suitability. Individuals will be able to apply to update their criminal record check, and employers will be able to go online to see if the information that is being published is still current and valid.

Anyone who applies for a DBS check will be able to choose to subscribe to the DBS update service for £13 per year (free of charge for volunteers). Their criminal record certificate will be kept up-to-date, so they will be able to take it with them from role to role, as long as the role is within the same field.

The cylch Committee, as the employer, can check the individual's certificate online to establish whether the information is up-to-date. This service is free of charge. The individual’s consent must be obtained to be able to do this. There would be no need to carry out a new DBS check unless the online check indicates that something has changed since the individual has received the certificate.

At the same time, the DBS introduced the single issue certificate. This means that the DBS certificate will be sent to the individual only. The Committee, as employer, will no longer receive a certificate copy and will need to ask to see the DBS certificate of any staff member or volunteer before they begin work at the cylch.

These are the steps to follow when appointing new staff to the cylch:
* When appointing a member of staff, and before they start work at the cylch, they should be asked whether they have registered with the Update Service.

* If they have, with the consent of the individual (form GDG C), a copy of their DBS certificate should be requested
* A member of the Management Committee of the cylch will need to check the information entered on the certificate about the individual online using the electronic update system and check information (form GDG GD). We recommend that the Registered Person, who is a member of the Management Committee should do this, as the person checking must be legally entitled to the same level of DBS Certificate.

* If they haven’t, they should contact the Development Officer to arrange a DBS check for the individual. We hope that the Development Officers will be able to conduct the checks electronically by next term. Further information will be available soon.

guidelines for an employer when checking a DBS certificate

This is the address to check the certificate information of an individual who has subscribed to a DBS update service: www.gov.uk / DBS-update-service.

This process must be followed before a member of staff begins work at the cylch.

In order the check the DBS certificate, you will need the following:
• DBS certificate number
• Surname of the individual, as stated on the DBS certificate
• Date of birth of the individual - as stated on the DBS certificate

• The results will be published immediately
• The individual will be able to see who has checked their DBS certificate and the date it was checked
• The information will need to be printed and kept with the GDG C form in the personnel file of the member of staff
• If the check indicates that a change has been made to the DBS certificate, the individual should be informed of this and should be asked to undergo the process of getting a new DBS check. A copy of the certificate will need to be obtained from the individual in accordance with the procedure set out in the guidelines, using the GDG C form. The certificate will need to be checked and any confidential information that appears on it will have to be processed. For further advice about any information which appears on a DBS certificate and the suitability of the individual to work in the field, contact the local Development Officer or discuss with the WCVA CRB Department on 0800 0197 391
• It’s possible to make a request to the DBS for a copy of the DBS certificate if some or all of the following apply:
- The individual has registered with the Update Service, and
- The employer has checked the certificate and has received information that a change has been made to the DBS certificate; and as a result
- The individual has requested a new DBS check due to a change to the current DBS certificate; and
- The DBS has issued a new certificate to the individual more than 28 days ago; and
- The individual hasn’t shown a copy of the certificate to the new employer
The individual can challenge the information on the new certificate received by the DBS and as a result, the DBS will not release a copy until after 28 days after the dispute is resolved.


Name of Cylch: ______

Name of Individual:______

Date Appointed:______

Has the individual registered with the DBS update service



If Yes

I give permission for the Management Committee of Cylch ______to conduct an online status check to make sure that the information on my current DBS certificate is up-to-date.

I give permission for the Management Committee of Cylch ______to take a copy of my DBS certificate and keep it confidential in my personnel file.

If No

Date the DBS check was conducted::______

Name of the Development Officer that conducted the DBS check:


Date the DBS certificate was reviewed:______

Name and role of the individual who checked the certificate:


I give permission for the Management Committee of Cylch ______to take a copy of my DBS certificate and keep it confidential in my personnel file.

Name of Individual: ______

Signature of Individual: ______

Date: ______