4th Quarter Final Study Guide – Energy Balance

List some factors that alter the number of Calories used for an activity. Age, weight, gender

  1. What type of activities lead to the most Calories burned? Heavy Activities
  2. Fill in the chart

Activity Level / Calories burned per Hour / Example of Activities (at least 2)
Resting / 60 / Sleeping, resting
Very Light / 85 / Eating, reading, watching tv
Light / 140 / Walking, completing homework
Moderate / 285 / Bicycling, dancing
Heavy / 400 / Playing soccer, running
  1. What is the energy balance equation for adults? Ein = Eout
  1. What is the energy balance equation for children, adolescents, and teenagers?

Ein = Eout + Egrowth + Estored

  1. Carbohydrates are the major source of energy for the body.
  1. Fats are important for energy storage.
  1. Proteins are used to build new body tissues and as an energy source.
  1. What is the amount of Calories per Gram for each of the following food groups?

Carbohydrates: 4 Cal/gram Fats: 9 Cal/gram Proteins: 4 Cal/gram

  1. Eout is energy used for BMR + Physical Activity Ein is energy from food consumed
  1. Egrowth is energy used to produce new body tissues
  1. Estored is energy stored as fat
  1. Why should adolescents experience normal weight gain? Adolescence is a time of rapid growth and development.
  1. Mary ate a meal that had 25 g of Carbs, 17 g of Fat, and 16 g of Protein, how many Calories did she eat? (show your work!)

Carbs > 25 g X 4 Cal/g = 100 Cal Fat > 17 g X 9 Cal/g = 153 Cal Protein > 16g X 4 Cal/g = 64 Cal

Total 100 Cal + 153 Cal + 64 Cal = 317 Cal

  1. Use the following Nutrition Facts for Frosted Flakes to answer this question. Be sure to show all work.

/ a. How many Calories are in one serving? 114 Cal
b. What is a serving size? ¾ Cup (31 g)
c. Mark ate 4 ½ cups of cereal, how many servings did he eat? (show work)
4.5 cups / .75 = 6 cups
d. How many Calories are in 2.75 servings of frosted flakes? (show work)
2.75 X 114 Cal = 313.5 Calories
  1. Use the Frosted Flakes nutrition facts and the milk nutrition facts to answer #16. Show all work.

Serving size = 1 cup (8 fluid oz.)
Calories per serving:
Nonfat = 85 calories
1% = 118 calories
2% = 137 calories
Whole = 156 calories / Andy ate 3 cups of Frosted Flakes with 1 cup of whole milk for breakfast. How many Calories did he consume?
3 cups / .75 = 4 servings
4 servings X 114 Cal = 456 Calories
Milk – 156 Calories
456 Cal + 156 Cal = 612 Calories
  1. What is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)? BMR is the energy used to carry out necessary body activities such as breathing, regulating body temperature, and maintaining heart beat.

  1. How many grams are in 1 serving? 28 g How many ounces? 1 oz
  1. Zoe ate 2 servings how many Calories did she get from each food source? (show work)

2 servings X 4 Cal/g X 1 g = 8 Calories / Fat
2 servings X 9 Cal/g X 10 g = 180 Calories / Protein
2 servings X 4 Cal/g X 7 g = 56 Calories

  1. Jon ate a 12 ounce hamburger. How many Calories did it have in it? (show all work)

12 oz / 4 oz = 3 servings

3 servings X 240 Cal per serving = 720 Calories

  1. Which food source did the most Calories come from? (show work)

Fat 17g X 9 Cal/g = 153 Calories Carbs 0g X 4 Cal/g = 0 Calories Protein 22g X 4 Cal/g = 88 Cal

Physical Activity Diary for Chloe on 4/6/12

Resting / Sleeping - 7 Hours

Very Light - 9 Hours

Light - 4 Hours

Moderate - 2.5 Hours

Heavy - 1.5 Hours

21.  How many Calories did Chloe use for Moderate Activity on 4/6/12? (show all work)

2.5 Hours X 285 Cal/Hour = 712.5 Calories

Physical Activity Diary for Chad on 5/6/12

Resting / Sleeping – 9.5 Hours

Very Light – 7.5 Hours

Light - 3 Hours

Moderate - 1 Hour

Heavy - 3 Hours

22. How many Calories did Chad use for physical activity on 5/6/12? (show all work)

9.5 Hours X 60 Cal/hr = 570 Calories

7.5 Hours X 85 Cal/hr = 637.5 Calories

3 Hours X 140 Cal/hr = 420 Calories

1 Hour X 285 Cal/hr = 285 Calories

3 Hours X 400 Cal/hr = 1200 Calories


3112.5 Calories

Physical Activity Diary for Mark on 3/2/12

Resting / Sleeping - 8 Hours

Very Light - 8 Hours

Light - 2 Hours

Moderate - 2 Hours

Heavy - 4 Hours

23. How many Calories did Mark use for physical activity on 3/2/12? (show all work)

8 Hours X 60 Cal/hr = 480 Calories

8 Hours X 85 Cal/hr = 680 Calories

2 Hours X 140 Cal/hr = 280 Calories

2 Hour X 285 Cal/hr = 570 Calories

4 Hours X 400 Cal/hr = 1600 Calories


3610 Calories