4TH National advanced stroke care conference– (6 RCP Credits applied for)

23rd June 2017, Hilton Hotel, Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne,

“Recent advances in detection of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation’’: Practical Implications summit

Focus on evidence based practice for detection of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

09:00: Registration and coffee

09:30- 09:35

Opening remarks Dr A K Dixit, Lead stroke physician, Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust


‘’Summary of current guidelines in detection of paroxysmal AF in acute ischaemic stroke’’

Dr Dixit


‘’Cardiology perspective on diagnostic testing patients with unexplained Stroke’’

Prof Klaus Witte:

(Talks will cover- A Cardiology perspective on the use of ILR’s in Unexplained Stroke. Research rational and summary: ‘Cost-effectiveness Analysis of an Insertable Cardiac Monitor (ICM) to Detect Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Cryptogenic Stroke’)

10:20- 10:40- Coffee break


‘’Stroke physician perspective: establishing and delivering a comprehensive ILR service’’

Dr Paul Cotter: A Stroke Physician Lead ILR service

(Talk will cover Research rational and summary)


Panel discussion with a view to form consensus for use of ILR in detection of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in ischaemic stroke patients

‘’Thrombectomy in acute ischaemic strokes’’: Update and way forward to develop service


Neuroimaging in management of Hyperacute ischaemic stroke: How to read CTA: Useful tips for stroke physician- Davis Minks, Interventional neuroradiologist, Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Hospitals


Thrombectomy in acute ischaemic stroke: Update on procedure: What’s new? - Johannes Du Plessis, Interventional neuroradiologist, Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Hospitals


Thrombectomy in acute ischaemic stroke: Global, national and regional perspective in next 5 years- Prof Phil White, Interventional neuroradiologist,

(Member, National advisory committee, Neurosciences CRG & Thrombectomy Policy Working Group of NHS England)

“Recent advances in oral anticoagulation” focus on NVAF

13.00 -13.45 / Afternoon Registration : Lunch
13.45 – 13.50 / Welcome and introduction: Dr Anand Dixit
13:50 – 14.20 / Results of novel oral anticoagulant (NOAC) landmark trials for stroke prevention in AF, summary of relevant ESCA guidelines :
Dr Honey Thomas Consultant Cardiologist , Northumbria
14:20-14: 40 / Questions from the audience
14:40- 1520 / Stroke prevention in AF –from a Patient Perspective- Dr Annie Chakrabarti Consultant Stoke Physician,Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
15.20- 15.30 / Coffee & Comfort break
15:30- 16.35 / Case Study 1
Dose adjustment Mr Philip Rutherford
Cardiac Arrhythmia Nurse Specialist Freeman Hospital
  • Impaired renal function
  • Drug/drug interaction
  • Lower body weight
Case Study 2
Patients with previous stroke Dr Anand Dixit Senior Stoke Consultant RVI
Newcastle Hospitals Trust
Case Study 3
Elderly Prof Michael Norton
Falls and Syncope Service RVI
  • Frail
  • Falling risk

16:35-16:55 / Workshop review and panel discussion: Workshop chairs and expert speakers
16:55- 1700 / Summary and close of meeting