4th Grade Frequently Asked Questions
How often will my child have homework? Your child should have homework Monday through Thursday nights. Homework includes reading at least 20 minutes each night, practicing math fact drills (multiplication/division), studying spelling words, and/or practicing handwriting.
What are the consequences for incomplete homework?
Early Dismissals/Tardiness/Absences
Is it important to be at school on-time? Yes! We begin our day before the tardy bell rings. We have so much material to cover in 4th grade that we make the most of every minute!
Will you be doing anything after lunch or can I just take them home now? I teach all day long! All parts of our day are important and your child is held accountable for all subjects!
Will the teacher be able to authorize absences for vacations? No, Mrs. Mullins will have to give authorization prior to the vacation. I will also need to be notified a week in advance so that I can gather all assignments that your child will be responsible for completing while on vacation. Assignments will be due on the day your child returns to school.
How many parent notes are allowed? Only eight parent notes are allowed this year. They must reference why your child was out and it must be an approved reason. Please see the attendance policy that was handed out on Meet the Teacher Day.
Snacks/Water/Restroom Breaks
Will my child have snack time in 4th grade? Snack time is a privilege that I allow on most days. We will have a “working snack” which means that we will be completing some other task while eating. I usually read to my students during snack time. One, easy to eat, healthy snack is allowed.
Will my child be allowed to have water at his/her desk? Yes, as long as they are able to not overuse the restroom. Only clear water is allowed! No flavored or colored water please! They may have something else with snack or lunch, but only clear water is allowed out on their desk for the remainder of the day!
Is my child allowed to use the restroom when needed? We go to the restroom twice a day as a class. I try to teach the children not to use the restroom as an escape because the work is hard or they are feeling bored at the moment. I do make special accommodations for medical emergencies if a note is sent in by the parent or doctor.
Will you send home a weekly newsletter on copy paper? Yes. I will also have your child copy all important information in their planner and I will be utilizing Remind101, email, and my webpage to keep you informed. Subscribe to Remind101 by sending a text message including the code @d55dbto (256) 400-2111.
When will you let my child know when they will have a test? If your child needs to study for a test, they will know on Monday what tests they will have that week. I will also let them know ahead of time if I feel they need extra time to study. They will be asked to write all tests in their planners.
Does my child need their planner every day? Yes. The planner is our main source of communication. They will record their homework, upcoming tests, and any announcements daily. I will record tests scores, behavior problems, conference requests, and other important information that you need to see.
Do I need to sign the planner daily? Planners will need to be checked daily. Please check to make sure that your child has copied down their assignments, upcoming tests, announcements and a conduct grade. I will record any conduct grades lower than S. I will also record tests grades and notes on behavior. Please initial each test grade, behavior grades lower than S, and any notes on behavior.
What is the best way to reach Ms. Jackson? Email is the fastest way to communicate with me. My email address is . You can also write notes in your child’s planner. Please make sure that you tell your child to show me the note. In 4th grade, I don’t go looking for notes. It is your child’s responsibility to place all notes in the Mail Box.
Textbooks/Library Books
Will my child be allowed to bring home their textbooks? Yes, they can bring home any textbook that is assigned to them as often as needed. They are responsible for having their textbooks in class every day. If they don’t have their textbook, then they are considered to be unprepared for class.
Are they required to keep their textbooks covered? They are required to keep their Math textbooks covered at all times.
Are they allowed to bring home their library books? Yes.
Are they allowed to bring books from Ms. Jackson’s library books? No, not usually. I do make exceptions if they are really enjoying a book and want to continue reading it at home. However, they must ask for permission first.