1 July 2006
Share Your Stories –Montessori Memorabilia Wanted
“Tell us your tales of teaching or being taught at Montessori,” ask children from (insert school and region).
Students from … are compiling a time capsule/book/slice of history to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Montessori educational movement.
The Montessori movement is recognised to have begun on 6th January 1907 when Dr Maria Montessori began working with a group of disadvantaged children and opened the first Casa dei Bambini (Children’s House) in San Lorenzo in Rome. From these beginnings grew the worldwide Montessori educational movement for children that we know today.
As the celebrations draw nearer for the Centenary of Montessori, children from … want to hear your story.
“We are asking anyone who has an experience they would like to share or perhaps a photograph of their time at Montessori to let us know,” says principal …
“Please send your stories or mementoes to … We will make sure your contribution to our Centenary Capsule is acknowledged,” adds …
To mark this special anniversary a major centenary celebration is being held in Rome. This event and other worldwide Centenary efforts throughout 2007 will Champion the Cause of all Children and work to promote the interests of children by bringing to the attention of all cultures and societies the nature of children’s development – what Dr. Montessori called the secret of childhood.
Through her work Dr Montessori’s realisation was that: "...mankind can hope for a solution to its problems, among which the most urgent are those of peace and unity, only by turning its attention and energies to the discovery of the child and to the development of the great potentialities of the human personality in the course of its formation.”
The aim of Montessori and the Centenary celebration is to place all the children in our world at the centre of society and to assist them in becoming caring, self-motivated and fulfilled individuals, able to create a harmonious and peaceful future for humanity.
The Montessori worldwide movement works to assist children and their families in a variety of settings. Montessorians serve as advocates for all children – championing the rights of the child in society.
For further information visit:
Media contacts:
Insert name and schoolInsert email and phone number
Photo of Montessori child 1950’s
File photographs can be downloaded at