4e: Let’s Go to Washington

P.36, Enjoy English in 4e

1.  Suzy is writing an email to her friend, Eva. Read the email and answer the question:

Is Suzy going to Washington D.C? (Yes or no?) …………………………………

Is she happy? (Yes or no?) ……………………………………….

2.  Read the email again and tick (cocher) the expressions that prove Suzy is happy:

You won’t believe this!

I’m going to D.C tomorrow.

And guess what?

So, we’re going to take the Red Line from Silver Spring to Chinatown.

Cool, huh?

I can’t wait!

I’m so excited!!!

I really hope we’ll take the Segway tour!

Oh my gosh! This is going to be the best day of my entire life!

3.  Read the email again and find (trouver) the expressions that prove Suzy has a crush on Mason (=Suzy likes Mason).

a.  ………………………………………………………………………………..

b.  ………………………………………………………………………………...

c.  ………………………………………………………………………………….

d.  …………………………………………………………………………………

4.  Now, think!

Suzy utilise deux façons différentes pour exprimer son enthousiasme:

a.  la structure: so + adjectif

exemple: I’m so excited!

Mason is sooooooo funny!

b.  le superlatif des adjectifs (c'est-à-dire la supériorité par rapport aux autres)

exemple: He’s the cutest guy ever!

This is going to be the best day of my entire life!

5.  Do the exercises from the workbook (page 3 of these documents).

6.  Now imagine a short telephone conversation between Jerry and Mason. Mason talks about Suzy and his enthusiasm for her and his excitement about the visit to Washington.

Use everything you know about telephone language and expressing enthusiasm (so + adjectif/le superlatif).

7.  Finally, research New York City and its famous monuments on the internet or in your book, p.40. Find two monuments that you’d like to visit and give your reasons.