Ann M. Tarrant

45 Water Street MS-32, Woods Hole MA 02543

phone: (508) 289-3398 fax: (508) 457-2134



2002Ph.D., Oceanography, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dissertation Title: “Estrogen Action

in Scleractinian Corals: Uptake, Metabolism and Physiological Effects.” Advisor: Dr. Marlin Atkinson

1998M.S., Oceanography, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Thesis Title: “Measurement of Estradiol and Estrone in Tissue of the Scleractinian Coral, Montipora verrucosa, Analytical Developments and Indications of Seasonality.” Advisor: Dr. Marlin Atkinson

1995B.S., Biology and Marine Science, University of Miami. Magna cum Laude


CurrentlyPostdoctoral Investigator/Fellow, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Mark Hahn, Supervisor. Continuing to investigate mechanisms of steroid hormone action in corals. Characterizing nuclear receptor (ERR) action in fishes.

2002-4 Postdoctoral Scholar, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Drs. Mark Hahn and John Stegeman, supervisors. Investigating the distribution and role of nuclear receptors in marine organisms, including corals.

1995-2002 Graduate Student, Oceanography Department, University of Hawaii. Used GC-MS and

radioimmunoassay to investigate sources, metabolism and biological activity of estrogens in reef-building corals. Used molecular techniques to identify a nuclear receptor in coral.

1998Intern, Center for Biomolecular Science and Engineering, Naval Research Laboratory

(Washington D.C.) Synthesized fluorescently-labeled estradiol conjugate, adapted to

microcapillary displacement-flow immunosensor.

1994Intern, Museum of Tropical Queensland (Townsville, Australia)

Field Assistant, James Cook University (Townsville, Australia)

1993Undergraduate research assistant, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami.


2001-2Software developer, Lightcone, Inc. Developed modules for interactive, electronic supplements to introductory genetics and biology textbooks using Flash software.

2001Instructor, The Princeton Review, Taught GRE and SAT preparation courses.

1996-8Field Instructor, San Francisco State University and Institute for Cultural Ecology.

1996-7Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Oceanography, University of Hawaii at Manoa.


Tarrant AM, Hahn ME. Evolution and expression of estrogen receptor-related receptors

(ERRs) in teleosts, Manuscript in preparation.

Blomquist C, Lima P, Tarrant AM, Atkinson MJ, Atkinson SK.17-hydroxysteroid

dehydrogenase (17-HSD) in scleractinian corals, Manuscript in preparation.

Handley Goldstone, HM, Goldstone JV, Morrison AM, Tarrant AM, Kern SE, Wilson JY,

Godard CA, Woodin BR, Stegeman JJ. Evolution and diversity of the cytochrome P450 1 (CYP1) family: CYP1 genes in urochordates, Manuscript in preparation.

Tarrant AM. Comparison of bioregulation of cnidarian physiology with the vertebrate

endocrine system. Integrative and Comparative Biology, Invited Review, Accepted, Publication expected February 2005.

Tarrant AM, Atkinson MJ, Atkinson S. 2004. Effects of steroidal estrogens on coral growth and

Reproduction. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 269: 121-129, 2004

Tarrant AM, Blomquist C, Lima P, Atkinson S, Atkinson MJ. Metabolism of androgens and

estrogens by reef building corals Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B. Biochemistry

136(3): 473-485, 2003.

Atkinson S, Atkinson MJ, Tarrant AM. Estrogens from sewage in the coastal marine

environment. Environmental Health Perspectives 111(4): 531-535, 2003.

Tarrant AM, Atkinson MJ, Atkinson S. Uptake of estrone from the water column by a coral

community. Marine Biology 139:321-325, 2001.

Tarrant AM, Atkinson S, Atkinson MJ. Estrone and estradiol-17 concentration in tissue of

the scleractinan coral, Montipora verrucosa. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 122A:85-92, 1999.


Tarrant AM, Atkinson MJ, Atkinson S. Effects of estrogens on growth and

reproduction of reef-building corals (featured poster presentation). Proceedings of E.hormone

conference, Tulane University, New Orleans, October 2001.

Tarrant AM, Atkinson MJ, Atkinson S. Uptake of estrogens by reef-building corals. Proceedings of the

9th International Coral Reef Symposium, October, 2000 Indonesia, p 109.

Tarrant AM, Chiang, T-C, McLachlan JA, Li S-F. Evidence of a nuclear receptor in two species of

scleractinian corals. Proceedings of E.hormone Conference, Tulane University, New Orleans,

October 2000.


2004-2007National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Research Service Award (NIEHS/NIH 1 F32 ES013642-01) Estrogen Receptor-Related Receptor Action in Zebrafish (Tarrant and Hahn, Estimated total award $148, 822)

2004Perry Institute for Marine Science/Caribbean Marine Research Center (NOAA’s

Undersea Research Program CMRC-03-NRAA-01-04A), Mechanisms of Steroid Action in Scleractinian Corals (Tarrant and Hahn, $32,894).

2002-3Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Postdoctoral Scholarship (Seward Johnson

Foundation, $45,000/year, $5000 expense allowance).

2000-2Environmental Protection Agency STAR Fellowship, stipend, tuition and fees, $5000/year expense allowance.

1999Oceanography Department Travel Award for outstanding presentation ($1000).

ARCS Award for Outstanding Oceanography Student ($5000).

1996-8National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, stipend, tuition and

and fees.

National Science Foundation Graduate Student Fellowship, declined.

Environmental Protection Agency STAR Fellowship, declined.

1995Phi Beta Kappa, University of Miami Chapter.

1991-5Isaac B. Singer full-tuition academic scholarship, University of Miami.


August 2004. Love on the rocks? Hormonal signaling and signal disruption in coral reef ecosystems. Symposium entitled: “A Systems Biology Approach to Hormonally Active Agents in the Environment” Annual meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia.

January 2004. Effects of "environmental" estrogens on coral physiology. Symposium entitled:

“EcoPhysiology and Conservation: The Contribution of Endocrinology and Immunology,” Conference hosted by the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans.

October 2003. Raging hormones on the Reef? Estrogens in Scleractinian Corals. DIALOG (Dissertation

Initiative for the Advancement of Limnology and Oceanography) Conference, Bermuda Biological

Station for Research.

October 2002. From spawning to sewage: estrogens on a coral reef. E.hormone conference,

Tulane University, New Orleans.

February 2000. Developing applications of technology to biological oceanography. Oceanography:

the Making of a Science (colloquium) Scripps Institution of Oceanography.


2002. Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii. Faculty search committee.

2001. Division of Graduate Studies, University of Hawaii. Academic grievance committee.