Fresh Ideas Fund:
£440,000 to identify key research challenges in Medical Device Manufacturing
At MeDe Innovation we are committed to growing a national research platform in innovative Class III, musculoskeletal medical device manufacturing. We want to fund new ideas and different approaches to broaden our current portfolio of research – to broaden questions; meet industry demands and satisfy the needs in clinic.
We’ve set up a ‘Fresh Ideas Fund’, to provide small grants to develop short or small projects that identify key challenges in medical device manufacturing (Class III, musculoskeletal). We’re optimistic that the Fresh Ideas that are funded could lead to larger projects being funded by national and global funding sources.
We can fund up to 9 projects that suitably meet our criteria.
About MeDe Innovation
The Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices researches and develops advanced design and manufacturing methods for the Class III, musculoskeletal medical device sector.
Growth of the medical devices sector looks set to remain at 10% for the foreseeable future and there is growing demand for increased reliability and lifetime performance of medical devices.
Our innovative design and manufacturing advances will focus in the first instance on Class III medical devices for musculoskeletal disease, where the cost of device failure and need for throughout life reliability are high.
Our research will answer these global demands, underpinning the development of musculoskeletal medical device manufacture to provide methods of producing cost-effective, reliable and effective devices; supporting the development of the sector and satisfying the health service’s requirement for new, innovative and cost effective treatment options. These devices – and manufacturing processes – will ensure that the patients of the future are provided with devices that offer enhanced standards of reliability and performance.
The Centre is a collaborative research project which brings together expertise from the universities of Leeds, Newcastle, Nottingham, Bradford and Sheffield as well as a range of expert clinicians from across the UK. Our 12 founding industry members are embedded within our research projects, with many more forming an industry-wide network.
Our Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and is part of a wider programme of support for innovative manufacturing research centres.
Who can apply?
Applications can only be submitted by academic and postdoctoral research staff at UK universities and associated research institutions.We welcome applications from early career researchers, with an expectation that leadership and supervision of delivery is provided by an identified academic.
Please note: there is no funding available to support directly allocated lead investigator costs.
What we want to fund
The Centre is looking to fund research at Technology Readiness Levels 1 to 3 - early stage, fresh ideas that will aid the fundamental understanding and development of innovation in medical device manufacturing.
Projects that interest us
The proposals should fall within MeDe Innovation’s two Innovation Challenges: Functionally stratified design and manufacture; and Manufacture at the point of need. Details on the Innovation Challenges can be found on our website.
The research in MeDe Innovation is driven by demand. All submissions are expected to have an identified and committed industry partner and a defined clinical need. If the research idea is too early-stage for an industry partner to be directly engaged, the market opportunity for the outcomes of the research should be clearly identified.
We want our fresh ideas to grow into big ideas. After completion of the project, winners are expected to attract significant new industrial and public sector investment that will form a strategic part of the Centre activities.
Funding on offer
Awards are limited to a maximum value of £50K at 80% FEC, and projects can be for a maximum duration of 6 months in length.
Short (less than six months) and small (less than £50K in total value) projects are also welcomed.
The total costs should include directly incurred staff to work on the projects and a small budget for consumables.
How to apply
1)It is essential that applicantsdiscuss and explore the development of projects with the MeDe Innovation Co-Investigator team to ensure fit and alignment with the focus of the centre, and avoid unnecessary time being spent on projects that are unlikely to be supported.
Fresh Ideas Fund Surgeries allow potential applicants to discuss their ideas in an informal setting. The surgeries form part of MeDe Innovation’s suite of outreach events in September, October and November 2014:
Date / Title / Venue / Further details & register18 September 2014 / Biological & Biomimetic Materials for Medical Devices & Health Technologies / Halifax Hall, Sheffield /
30 October 2014 / In-clinic Manufacture & Minimally Invasive Implantation of Materials / Centre for Life, Newcastle /
17 November 2014 / Functionally Stratified Design and Manufacture of Orthopaedic Devices / University of Leeds /
Alternatively, Co-Investigators can be reached by email:
Professor Kenny Dalgarno / Deputy Director /Dr Ceri Williams / Deputy Director /
Professor David Grant / Co-Investigator /
Professor Paul Hatton / Co-Investigator /
Professor Phil Coates / Co-Investigator /
All queries to be CC’d to /
2)Complete and submit the application pro-forma. Please see further instruction for completion within the form.
Assessment process
All submissions will be considered and reviewed by a panel of Centre and independent members (with academic and industry representation), on the basis of:
- Fit with MeDe Innovation research challenges and interests of the founding academic, industry and clinical partners who co-created MeDe Innovation
- Potential for development of a larger funded project
- Evidence of industrial interest and commitment to the Fresh Idea - especially in support for any follow on project.
- The likelihood of successful delivery
- Potential for attracting new industrial members to the Centre
- Track record of the applicants in the proposed area of study.
Key Dates
Call Launch / 18th September 2014Closing date for applications (5.30pm) / 19th December 2014
Evaluation of applications by / 23rd January 2015
Grants announced and feedback provided / 28th January 2015
Projects are expected to start between April and June 2015 and this will be a condition of the award.
Support for awardees
To ensure the maximum value from each grant awarded,MeDe Innovation will assign a member of the Centre Academic Team to support in management and delivery of the project; and in dissemination and transfer of knowledge created.
We are committed to ensuring the maximum successful outcomes from each Fresh Idea, and that the Centre provides support to secure new grant funding.
Further information
For background information on the Centre and its research challenges, visit the website:
For more details please contact the two Centre Deputy Directors, Dr Ceri Williams (01133430922 - ) or Professor Kenny Dalgarno (0191 222 8554 - ).
Applicants are asked to contact their respective Research Innovation Offices in advance of submitting proposals to this call, and to be clear as to their institutional requirements in relation to meeting the deadlines for this call.